The 42 best spa hotels in Sendai (2024)

TAOYA Akiu is a 4-star hotel located in the Taihaku Ward district of Sendai, offering convenient access to popular attractions such as Shiogama Shrine, Site of Sendai Castle, and Sakuraoka Daijingu. The hotel features air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi and private bathrooms. Guests can enjoy dining at the on-site restaurant. The property also offers shared bathroom facilities equipped with a bidet, hairdryer, and slippers.

Great service.Brilliant amenities

Snooks W — Google review

(Translated by Google) I went to TAOYA Akiu because I wanted to experience an all-inclusive hotel.All travel sites charge around 30,000 yen per night even on weekdays.When I looked at the official website that I thought was the most expensive,The room is a Japanese style room + futon type (probably the cheapest room).I unexpectedly found a night and two meals for about 16,000 yen per person!(The official website is even cheaper if you become a free member of Oedo Group. Recommended)Check-in was at 3pm, but when we arrived around 2:30pm,We were able to get snacks, drinks, and juices at the free lounge next to the lobby. (Some groups were already waiting for check-in)The tour started about 15 minutes before 3pm.Only a limited number of parts of the building have been renovated,Will it remain the same as the previous building? I think.The room is a Japanese-style room that is larger than I expected, although it is old.There was no inconvenience.The main thing this time is definitely dinner!I watched it on YouTube beforehand, so I didn't know what would be on offer.I knew a little about it, but I was already very satisfied.In addition to beef tongue, fried oysters, and Sendai specialties,(However, the beef tongue was a thin type) Sushi and sashimiThere's Chinese food, there's Italian food...I don't feel like they cut corners on the taste either.It was quite satisfying.(The kamameshi I saw on YouTube was not available)The massage chairs in the building (there must have been 5) are also free.I used it about 3 times because it was available.We also have table tennis and karaoke, so let's go to karaoke at night! I thought,When I went to see what was going on, I found three rooms with transparent glass at the end of the hall.There's a karaoke room. There is also a table tennis corner in the hall.And, as expected, the sound was of the normal leaking type.I quit (lol) I could hear it all and see it all lolThe bath was very nice.Is the shower head miraculous? It had a head on it.The hair dryer was a Dyson as well, which was luxurious.There are plenty of bath towels and face towels in the bathroom, so there is no need to bring towels from your room.It was a shame that the bath wasn't open 24 hours a day and you couldn't use it during the night.(Because I'm the type of person who wants to come in again and again)There was a gender swap at 5am, so I used both.Both baths were of completely different types and were great.And the last breakfast. This is also a word of great satisfaction.There were many things that I thought were good and I would like to go again.I remembered it.The shop mainly sells souvenirs and women's clothing, and there are no snacks available.There is a convenience store right next to the hotel, so there is no inconvenience.What's more, drinks and snacks were free, so I didn't have to buy them.There was none.(However, drinks from the lounge should not have been allowed to be brought into the room.)All the staff members were very polite.100 points including consideration!(Original)オールインクルーシブを経験したくてTAOYA秋保さんへ。どの旅行サイトも平日でも1泊30,000円位でしたが、一番高いと思っていた公式サイトを見たら、部屋は和室+布団タイプ(おそらく一番お安いお部屋)で、まさかの1人約16,000円で1泊2食発見!(公式サイトは大江戸グループの無料会員になればさらに安くなります。おすすめです)15時チェックインでしたが、14時半ころ到着したところ、ロビー横にある、無料ラウンジで軽食やお酒・ジュースを頂くことが出来きました。(すでに何組かチェックイン待機組が利用されてました)15時の15分前ほどにご案内開始してくれました。建物全体はリニューアルされてる部分は限られていて、以前の建物のままかな?と思います。お部屋も想像以上に広い和室で、古さはありますが不便はありませんでした。今回の一番のメインはなんといっても夕食です!事前にyoutubeなど見ていたのでどんなものが出るかはある程度把握しておりましたが、もう大満足でした。牛タン・カキフライと仙台名物はもちろんの事、(ただし牛タンは薄めのタイプでした)お寿司やお刺身中華もありイタリアンもあり…味も手抜きは感じられず十分満足いく内容でした。(youtubeで見てた釜飯はありませんでした)館内にあるマッサージチェア(5台あったはず)も無料で利用出来るので3回ほど利用しました。卓球・カラオケもあり夜はカラオケ行こう!と思いましたが、どんな様子か見に行ったら、ホール内の端に3部屋透明ガラスのカラオケ室が。そのホール内は卓球コーナーもあります。そして、まさかの音は普通に漏れているタイプだったので辞めました(笑)丸聞こえ&丸見えでしたwwお風呂はとてもよかったです。シャワーヘッドはミラブル?のヘッドが付いていました。ドライヤーもダイソンだったりと豪華だったなぁ…バスタオルやフェイスタオルはお風呂場に大量に置いてあるので、部屋のタオル類の持ち込み不要です。24時間風呂ではなく、夜中は入れないので残念でした。(何度も入りたいタイプなので)朝5時に男女入れ替えでしたので両方利用しました。どちらのお風呂も全く違ったタイプでよかったです。そして、ラスト朝ごはん。こちらも大満足の一言。よかったと思える部分が多く、普通にまた行きたいとおもえました。売店はお土産や婦人服メインで、軽食等はありませんが、ホテルすぐ近くにコンビニもあるので不便はありません。それ以上に、飲むものや軽食は無料でしたので買うことも無かったです。(ただし、ラウンジでの飲料は部屋への持ち込みは禁止だったはずです)スタッフの方も、どの方も大変丁寧でした。気遣いも含めて100点です!

ああ — Google review

This is the worst hotel in my trip.The staff is not very polite to me and the service is not goodThe location of this hotel is very far away from Sendai Station and need to wait for the bus for one hour.Shuttle bus is not provided to and away from the hotel and the public transport is very crowded.I won't go to this hotel again.

Yuki L — Google review

(Translated by Google) [Overview]I think it's a great place to enjoy with family, friends, or a large group! However, it can be a bit noisy if you are a married couple or just a couple, so we recommend it for people who want to enjoy an all-inclusive stay.【room】As for the room, I chose a Japanese-Western style room with a bed. The bed, room size, and equipment are sufficient and satisfactory.However, as others have said, the only thing that wasn't good was the air conditioner. You can choose between weak, medium and strong airflow, but the low is not as weak as you would expect, but closer to strong. So I couldn't use it for things like wanting to get a little bit warmer, so that was my only regret. However, the room was basically satisfactory with no problems at all.【meal】[dinner]I think many people come for the food, but it's certainly delicious! However, not all of them were perfect, and there was quite a difference between the delicious ones and the not-so-tasty ones.Even though the grilled beef tongue was freshly grilled, it wasn't piping hot and the meat was tough, which was a bit disappointing. The fried oysters were large, fluffy, piping hot, and delicious. I ended up eating three.There wasn't a lot of variety of sake or wine, but I think people who like beer and want to drink a lot will be happy.[breakfast]I couldn't eat much because I ate too much at dinner the night before, but breakfast was more satisfying. As with the variety, the flavor was mild and perfect for the morning.[Night snack]It was curry udon. The curry soup had a delicious taste. The taste of this curry is completely different from the curry served for dinner or breakfast, so be sure to give it a try. As for the noodles, they were frozen noodles.【bath】I think the bath was very nice. Both the indoor bath and the open-air bath are spacious and you can relax.The temperature of the sauna is about 82 degrees Celsius, and you can soak it slowly. There was a time when I had to take a cold bath, but it's nice because it's perfect.There were two types of sharheads, Rifa and Mirable. It's fun to use a different one in the morning and at night. There are several types of shampoo, etc., and I thought they were very particular about lathering.As for hair dryers, you can choose from high-end models from Dyson and Panasonic. However, it gets crowded at night, so you may not be able to use it easily.One thing, when entering the bathroom from the changing room in one of the baths, for some reason it felt like I had to go outside once, so it was extremely cold in here. It was scary because going out completely naked with an unwarmed body could result in heat shock.[Inside the building]It's nice that you can drink alcohol and tea in various places until 11pm. In this respect, I think it's really fun if you want to have fun with a large number of people.There were also 5 of the latest weightless massage chairs. I was able to heal my daily fatigue.【souvenir】I think the souvenirs were available from 16:30 to 18:30? If you purchase over 2000 yen, you will get a 10% discount. We recommend purchasing early!(Original)【総評】家族や友達、大人数で楽しむには最高に楽しい場所だと思います!ただし、夫婦だけやカップルとなると、少し騒がしい感じもあるのでオールインクルーシブを楽しみたい人にはおすすめできます。【部屋】部屋に関しては和洋室ベッドの部屋にしました。ベッドや、部屋の広さ、備品に関しては十分かつ、満足できます。ただし、他の方も言っているようにエアコンだけです良くなかったのは。弱中強の風量が選べるのですが、弱が期待している弱さではなく、強近くあります。なので少しだけ暖かくしたいみたいな使い方ができないのでそこだけが残念でした。ただ、基本的には全く問題なく満足したお部屋でした。【食事】[夕食]多くの方が食事目的で来られると思いますが、たしかにおいしいです!ただ、全てが満点というわけではなく、美味しいものとそうでもないのが結構差がありました。牛タン炙りなんかは焼き立てでもアツアツではなく、身も固くて少し残念でした。客にカキフライは大粒で、身もふわふわアツアツで最高に美味しかったです。3つも食べちゃいました。お酒も日本酒やワインは種類はそんなにありませんでしたが、ビール好きでたくさん飲みたい人には結構嬉しいと思います。[朝食]前日の夕食で食べすぎててあまり多く食べられませんでしたが、朝食のほうが満足度は高いです。種類もそうですが、味も優しい味付けで朝にはちょうどよかったです。[夜食]カレーうどんでした。カレーのスープは美味しい味でした。夕食、朝食のカレーとは全く違うカレーのテイストなので是非ご賞味を。麺に関しては、冷凍の麺でしたが。【お風呂】お風呂はすごく良かったと思います。内湯、露天風呂ともに広く、のんびりすることができます。サウナは82℃くらいで、ゆっくり入れます。水風呂は時期もありましたが、キンキンなので良いですね。シャーヘッドは2種類あり、リファとミラブルでした。朝夜で違うの使う楽しみはあります。シャンプー等はいくつか種類があり、泡立ちもよくこだわっているなと思いました。ドライヤーは、ダイソンとパナソニックの上位機種が選べます。ただ、夜の時間は混むのでなかなか使えなくなる可能性はありますね。1点、片方のお風呂で脱衣所から浴室に入る時何故か一回外に出る感じになっていてここがめちゃくちゃ寒かったです。温まってない体で真っ裸で外に出るとヒートショックになりかねないので恐ろしかったです。【館内】やはり23時までいろいろなところでお酒やお茶など飲めるのはいいですね。こういった点では大人数でワイワイ楽しみたいとかだとほんとに楽しいと思います。マッサージチェアも無重力の最新型で5台ありました。日頃の疲れを癒やすことができました。【お土産】お土産は16:30〜18:30だったかな?2000円以上買うと10%割引になるようです。早めに買っておくのがオススメです!

Snowman K — Google review

(Translated by Google) Like other TAOYA, the entrance is wide and the parking lot is nearby and convenient.Furthermore, I personally felt that the flow line from the entrance to the front desk to the hot springs to the elevator room was better than others, and it felt very smooth.The dining venue is also right next to the elevator on the second floor, making it very easy and comfortable to move around the building.Although the room was not a newly built room, I had no complaints at all, probably because the quality of the original hotel was high.There is also a separate hot spring with a lukewarm temperature, so it is safe for families with children.Personally, I have a much better impression of the front desk and staff response than other TAOYAs (Akiu's is high, not that the others are low).It was an inn that I would definitely want to visit again when visiting Miyagi.(Original)他のTAOYAと同様エントランスが広く、駐車場が近く便利です。更に個人的に他より入口ーフロントー温泉ーエレベーター客室の動線がよく、非常にスムーズに感じました。食事会場も2階エレベーターより直ぐで館内の動きが非常にしやすく快適です。部屋も新設部屋ではありませんでしたが、もともとのホテルのグレードが高いためか、全く不満はありません。温泉もぬるめの温度が別に設けており、子供連れには安心です。フロントの対応、職員の対応は個人的にですが他TAOYAよりもかなり好印象です(他が低いのではなく秋保が高い)宮城を訪問する際には必ず再訪したくなる宿でした。

Tetsu T — Google review

(Translated by Google) Our family of 4 stayed in 2 rooms each. The room was large and the corner of the sofa that could be used as a bed was very comfortable.There are skin care products from Sekkisei and Pola in the public bath, but not in the room. I wish they would have had single-use items instead of bottles. Since the toilet door opens into the toilet from the narrow washroom, the place to store toilet slippers is far away, which is inconvenient.The air conditioning only had off, weak, and strong, and I went back and forth to the next room, but the weak level in the next room was higher than the strong level in my room. In the next room, the air conditioning was too strong, and in the morning, condensation on the window would collect on the wood of the window frame, making it wet and discolored.I was looking forward to the meal, but it was disappointing. The sushi for dinner was limited in variety, and the sashimi was about the size of a fingernail. I thought the dessert was a 100 yen cake. I was looking forward to the seafood bowl I made for breakfast, but it was filled with small, watery scallops, chopped salmon, and cod roe, a piece of crap that had almost torn pieces of skin connected to each other. All of the dressings were too sour, and there was nothing that made me think that this was mapo tofu.I only tasted the soft drinks in the lounge and did not refill them.But curry udon for dinner. I had no expectations, but it was the most delicious meal I had.It was nice that towels were piled up in front of the public bath and you could use them as much as you wanted. The containers of shampoo and body soap in the public bath are all different, so what color is the shampoo? I was confused because even though I answered that question, it didn't make sense.Whether you stay at a hotel with meals again or not depends on whether you are satisfied with the meal.(Original)家族4人で2人ずつ2部屋で宿泊しました。部屋は広くて、ベッドにもなるソファーの角が居心地良かったです。大浴場は雪肌精やポーラのスキンケアが置いてありますが部屋にはありません。ボトルでなくても使いきりのものだけでも置いてほしかったです。狭い洗面所からトイレの扉をトイレ内に開けるのでトイレスリッパの置き場が遠くになり不便です。空調は切・弱・強しかなく、隣の部屋と行き来しましたが隣室の弱が自室の強以上レベルです。隣室は空調が効きすぎ朝は窓の結露が窓枠の木にたまって濡れて変色していました。食事を一番楽しみにしていたのですが期待はずれ。夕飯のお寿司は種類が少なく、お刺身は爪ほどの大きさ。デザートは100円ケーキかと思いました。朝食の自分で作る海鮮丼も楽しみでしたが水っぽい小さいホタテ、刻んだサーモン?たらこは千切れかけた皮が延々と繋がってるクズ?。ドレッシングはどれも酸っぱすぎるし、これが麻婆豆腐??おいしいと思えるものがなかったです。ラウンジのソフトドリンクも味見だけしておかわりはしませんでした。でも、お夜食のカレーうどん。なんの期待もしなかったのに今回の食事の中で一番おいしかったです。大浴場の前にタオルが積まれていて使い放題なのは良かったです。大浴場の中のシャンプーやボディソープが容器がマチマチで、シャンプー何色?って聞かれて答えても話が合わなくて戸惑いました。食事付きホテルでリピートするかどうかは食事に満足するかどうかにかかっていますね。

70 — Google review

(Translated by Google) Former Hotel Iwanumaya. This was my first visit since becoming TAOYA.I had no complaints about the facilities in the hotel, the food was very delicious even though it was a buffet, and I had an all-inclusive drink at the bar after the meal, so it was a very satisfying night.Breakfast the next morning was off to a great start as I was able to make a seafood bowl.Just one thing.When I was soaking in the open-air bath at night, it suddenly became pitch black.Apparently it was because it was past 24:00, the bathing time, but I was very surprised as there was no clock in the bathhouse and the staff did not call out to me.I hurried inside, but the staff cleaning inside didn't even talk to me, which was a bit disappointing.Everything else was very good, so I wish they would at least take measures such as installing a clock.(Original)旧ホテル岩沼屋さん。TAOYAになって初めてお伺いしました。館内施設に不満はなく、料理もビュッフェながらとても美味しく、食後にバーで飲むお酒もインクルーシブなど大満足の一夜でした。翌朝の朝食も海鮮丼を作れたりと最高のスタートが切れました。ただ一点だけ。夜露天風呂に浸かっていたところ、突然真っ暗闇に。どうやら入浴可能時間の24時を回ったからということらしいんですが、浴場内に時計はなく、またスタッフから声がかかるわけでもなくだったので大変驚きました。慌てて中に入るも、中で清掃していたスタッフも声をかけてくるわけでもなくなんだか残念でした。その他はとても良かっただけに、せめて時計を取り付けるなど対策をお願いしたいなと思いました。

菅野大樹 — Google review

(Translated by Google) The clean and sophisticatedly designed rooms are nice and relaxing.Having bath towels and face towels in the bathroom was convenient because it reduced the amount of luggage I had to carry when I went to take a bath. Also, it's fun to eat at the buffet and freely drink draft beer, lemon sour, highball, coffee, and soft drinks in the lounge.This time I went with him for the first time, and it was so good that he said he would like to go again. When you walk through the building and meet the staff, they always stop and bow to welcome you, giving it a luxurious feel.I was also impressed by the high level of staff at the store, as they spoke fluent English to help overseas customers. This is a ryokan that I definitely recommend.(Original)きれいで洗練されたデザインのお部屋が素敵で落ち着きます。お風呂にバスタオル、フェイスタオルを置いているところがお風呂に入りに行く時荷物が減るし便利でした。あとはビュッフェの食事の時と、ラウンジで自由に生ビール、レモンサワー、ハイボール、コーヒー、ソフトドリンクが飲めて何だか楽しいです。今回、彼と初めて行きましたが、とても良かったのでまた行きたいねと話しています。館内を歩いていてスタッフさんと会うと皆さん必ず立ち止まりいらっしゃいませと一礼して頂き高級感もあります。また、海外のお客様に売店のスタッフも流暢な英語で対応されていたのでスタッフのレベルの高さも好感が持てました。是非おすすめしたい旅館です。

yuki — Google review

(Translated by Google) All the services, including the employees, were excellent.The dinner buffet has a wide variety of items, and there are many types of all-you-can-drink alcohol, which is great that it's free.Curry udon for dinner is also free.There are two relaxing lounges, and drinks, ice cream, alcohol, and small snacks are all free.Massage chairs are also free.And parking is free.There are several types of yukata, and it's fun because you can choose the one you like.The public bath is large and the open-air bath has a nice atmosphere.The force of the shower is strong and feels good.The dryer is a Dyson.The room is clean and spacious, and the view is great.Unlike other hotels where you have to pay for everything, I was able to enjoy hotel life wherever I went without having to worry about anything.I wish all hotels had this kind of service.I would definitely like to stay again.(Original)全てのサービス、従業員さん達も含め、最高でした。夕食のビュッフェも品数が多く、飲み放題のお酒も種類が多くて、これが無料だなんて最高。夜食のカレーうどんも無料。ゆったりしてるラウンジも2ヶ所あって、ドリンクもアイスも、お酒も、ちょっとしたおつまみも、全て無料。マッサージチェアーも無料。駐車場も無料。浴衣は何種類かあって、自分で好きなのを選べるので楽しいです。大浴場は広くて、露天風呂も雰囲気いいです。シャワーのの勢いも強くて気持ちいいです。ドライヤーはダイソン。部屋は清潔で広くて、景色も最高。いちいちお金がかかる他のホテルと違って、何も気にすることなく、どこに行ってもホテルライフを楽しめました。全てのホテルがこんなサービスをしてくれるといいのになぁ〜絶対、また宿泊したいです。

Nana M — Google review

(Translated by Google) After checking in, you can relax while enjoying a welcome drink (vinegar drink, vitamin drink, tea, coffee, beer, lemon sour, highball server available), mixed nuts, dried fruits, ice cream, etc. It was good up to that point, but even though the room had been renovated, it was old and the toilet was a bit smelly. The walls are thin and I can hear laughter from the next room, making it hard to sleep at night...And the buffet food. The beef tongue is so hard that it's almost inedible, and it doesn't taste like beef tongue. The rib steak was tough...the sashimi was cut so small that it looked freshly cut, and the sweet shrimp had a medicinal taste that made it inedible. Desserts are cheap cakes and fruit, and there aren't many varieties. The Haagen-Dazs ice cream and pizza were delicious. Breakfast was rarely freshly prepared, and mostly cold. I guess I expected too much after seeing the advertisem*nt, but I was so disappointed. It might be the best for alcohol lovers. I guess I don't have to go now.(Original)チェックインの後、ウェルカムドリンク(ビネガードリンク、ビタミンドリンク、紅茶、コーヒー、ビール、レモンサワー、ハイボールのサーバーもあり)&ミックスナッツ、ドライフルーツ、アイスなどをいただきながら、ゆっくり出来る。そこまでは良かったが、部屋は改装したといっても古く、トイレも少し臭っていた。壁が薄いのか隣の部屋の笑い声が聞こえて、夜もなかなか眠れず…そして、ビュッフェの料理。牛タンは固くてほとんど食べられないし、牛タンの味がしない。リブステーキも固い…刺身も切れっぱしのようにカットが小さいし、甘エビは薬くささがあって食べられない。デザートも安っぽいケーキ、フルーツで種類も少ない。ハーゲンダッツのアイスクリームとピッツァは美味しかった。朝食も出来立てとかほとんどなく、冷たい物がほとんど。宣伝等見て、期待し過ぎたかなー、思うくらい残念だった。お酒好きには最高かも。もう行かなくていいかな。

こくたん — Google review

(Translated by Google) I used it for one night from April 30th during Golden Week holidays. Stayed with my niece, her children ages 5 and 1, and myself.The room and bathroom were very clean and nice. You can choose your own yukata, so you can see people in various yukatas and enjoy taking photos.Both my niece and I are picky eaters, so buffet meals are a must when traveling, so this time we chose Taoya, but since we were traveling with two children and we were feeding them, the breakfast cost 60 yen. Minutes are too short. I had ramen for breakfast, but I don't have time to make it. I wanted ramen for dinner. There aren't many meals for children, so I would like to see some improvement.This was my first experience with the all-you-can-eat ice cream and all-you-can-drink system in the lounge, and the soft drinks were also suitable for adults. It would have been great if there was a drink from the drink bar, but in the end the child wanted to drink juice and went to the vending machine to buy it. The vending machine is also in a hard-to-find location in the annex, which is a bit inconvenient.There were no sweets for children in the souvenir shop, so I went outside to buy some.There were quite a few children staying there, but I felt like it was more for adults.It was very nice that towels were always provided in the public bath. When you take a bath many times, you don't have to use the cold towel you used once, and you don't have to take it from your room.A small basket was provided for use when moving around the facility, which was very convenient.I'm traveling from within the prefecture, but if I go to Akiu again, I would definitely check out Taoya first.(Original)GWの中休み4/30から1泊で利用しました。姪っ子とその子供5歳と1歳と私の4人で宿泊。お部屋もお風呂もとても綺麗で良かったです。浴衣を自分で選べるので、館内では色々な浴衣の人が居て写真も楽しめます。私も姪っ子も、食事の好き嫌いが激しいので旅行はバイキングが絶対条件なので、今回はTaoyaさんを選んだのですが子供2人を連れての食事は子供達に食べさせながらなので朝食の60分は短すぎます。朝食にラーメンがあったのですが、そんなの作ってる暇がありません。ラーメンは夕食にして欲しかったです。食事は子供向けの物が少なくもう少し工夫して欲しい。ラウンジにある、アイス食べ放題やお酒飲み放題システムは初体験でしたが、ソフトドリンクも大人向きでした。ドリンクバーの飲み物があれば最高でしたが、結局子供はジュースが飲みたいと行って自販機まで買いに行きました。その、自販機も別館の分かりにくい所にあり、ちょっと不便です。お土産売り場に子供向けお菓子も無く、外に買いに行きました。結構、子供も宿泊していたのですが何かと大人向けだった気がします。大浴場にタオルが常備されているのは、とても良かったです。何度もお風呂に入る時、1回使った冷たいタオルを使わずに済むし部屋から持って行く手間も省けます。館内を移動する時用に、小さなカゴが用意されていて、とても便利でした。県内からの旅行ですが、また秋保に行くならTaoyaさんを1番にチェックしたいと思います。

佐藤美由紀 — Google review

(Translated by Google) My first Taoya.I have stayed at Oedo Onsen several times, but this one has a high price range, and I had high expectations for it as it was all-inclusive.The entrance, front desk, and lounge had a nice and calm atmosphere.However, I was disappointed when I suddenly heard from the front desk that the open-air bath was cancelled.It seems that the bathtub got dirty due to the strong wind.I regained my composure and enjoyed vitamin drinks and walnut soup in the lounge.Thanks to the air purifier with humidification function in the room, I didn't have a sore throat.It was a blizzard night with snow falling, but it was very warm, probably because I was on the 9th floor, so I turned off the heating and took a rest.There is a very good massage machine, and I think the hardware is pretty good.This time, the most disappointing thing was the dinner.I chose this because I didn't like all-you-can-eat crab, but there was nothing I could say was delicious.I'm a local, so I don't think they should serve beef tongue like that, and if I say this is zunda mochi, it's disrespectful to other mochi shops who are working hard to make it.Shiratama with a little bit of zundaan.There are so many types of buffets. All sorts of things.Japanese style, Western style, Chinese style.No matter what you eat, it's half-baked. There are quite a few items that are considered frozen foods.I think it's good if you don't care about the taste and want to eat a lot of different things.My daughter seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.Some people may think that's what a buffet is, but there are also buffets where each item is made by hand, although the variety is small.As others have written, the thin crust of pizzas such as the Quattro Farmaggi was good.I also thought the breakfast seafood bowl, pancakes, smoothie, ochazuke, and mentaiko were delicious.The next day, even though the weather was nice, the open-air bath was closed in the morning.Being flexible, I wanted to take an open-air bath even just in the morning. Couldn't you clean it?I don't drink alcohol, so the only thing I look forward to is cooking.That's too bad.(Original)初めてのたおや。大江戸温泉に何度か泊まりましたがこちらはその中でも価格帯が高く、オールインクルーシブ、かなり期待して伺いました。入口、フロント、ラウンジと落ち着いたいい雰囲気でした。しかし、いきなりフロントで露天風呂が中止と聞きがっかり。強風のせいで湯船が汚れてしまったようです。気を取り直して、ラウンジでビタミンドリンク、くるみゆべしなど楽しみました。お部屋は加湿機能付き空気清浄機のおかげで喉が痛くならずに済みました。雪が舞う吹雪の夜でしたが9階のためかとても暖かく、暖房を切って休みました。とてもいいマッサージ機もありハード面はそれなりだと思います。今回、一番残念だったのは夕食です。カニ食べ放題が嫌でこちらを選んだのに、あー美味しかったと言えるものがありませんでした。私は地元なので、あんな牛タン出さないでと思うし、これがずんだ餅だと言ったら、他で一生懸命作っている餅屋さんに失礼です。ずんだあんを少し絡めた白玉です。ビュッフェの種類は本当にたくさんあります。ありとあらゆるもの。和風、洋風、中華。どれを食べても中途半端。冷凍食品だと思われるものも結構あります。味は気にせず、色々なものをたくさん食べたいならいいと思います。娘はそれなりに楽しめたようです。ビュッフェっなんてそんなものと言う方もいらっしゃると思いますが、種類は少ないけれど、一つ一つ手作りのビュッフェもあります。他の方も書かれていましたが、クワトロファルマッジなどのピザは薄い生地で良かったかな。また、朝食の海鮮丼やパンケーキ、スムージー、お茶漬け、それから明太子など美味しいと思いました。翌日、良い天気になったのに朝になっても露天風呂はクローズでした。臨機応変、朝だけでも露天風呂に入りたかった。お掃除できなかったのかな?私はアルコールを飲まないのでお料理だけが楽しみ。残念でした。

せーらちゃん — Google review

(Translated by Google) The lounge serves beer, lemon sour, juice, coffee, latte, several types of tea, snacks, and four types of choux (vanilla, strawberry, matcha, chocolate) until midnight.All you can eat and drinkA great place for beer lovers!It will be the best place for table tennis and karaoke lovers!There are several zero gravity massage machines.All cars are free and it will be a great place for people to relax!The service is perfect.Lastly, I really liked the massage parlor.I think I want to go again(Original)ラウンジは深夜24時までビール、レモンサワー、ジュース、コーヒー、ラテ、紅茶数種類、つまみ、4種類のシュー(バニラ、イチゴ、抹茶、チョコ)食べ放題飲み放題ビール好きには最高な場所となるでしょう!卓球、カラオケ好きには最高の場所となるでしょう!無重力マッサージ機が数台あります全台無料でリラックスでる人には最高な場所となるでしょう!兎に角サービス満点です。最後に、マッサージ店の方をとても気に入ってしまいました。また行きたいと思います

永沼圭一郎 — Google review

(Translated by Google) Hot springs are the best. The hot springs are made with plenty of natural stone, and both the indoor and outdoor baths are extremely comfortable.The inside of the hotel is also decorated with indirect lighting, creating a relaxing atmosphere. Also, since it's all-inclusive, there's no complicated accounting process. On the other hand, due to the lack of human service, the restaurant feels like Stamina Taro, which only serves good food, and the lounge feels more like a good karaoke drink bar.I had imagined a bar where you could order your favorite drinks, co*cktails, etc. from the pictures, but I felt a little disappointed when I was able to just drink beer or highballs poured by a server. Still, the hot springs are amazing, so I think the overall rating was good.I think it's good for people who eat a lot of restaurants.(Original)温泉は最高。自然石をふんだんに使った温泉は内湯と露天風呂ともに最高の気持ちよさ。館内も、間接照明がほどこされた雰囲気のあるつくりになっていて、落ち着ける。また、オールインクルーシブなので、面倒な会計がなくて楽。一方で、極限まで人のサービスを廃しているため、レストランは少しいいものが出るスタミナ太郎のようで、ラウンジも少しいいカラオケのドリンクバー的な感じがしてしまった。画像から好きな飲み物、カクテルなども頼めるバーを想像していたが、ビール、ハイボールをサーバーから注いで飲めるだけで、少し肩透かしをくらった気持ちになった。それでも、温泉がとにかく素晴らしいので、トータルの評価としては、よかったと思う。レストランもたくさん召し上がる方にとっては、いいと思う。

長岡太郎 — Google review

(Translated by Google) It was a great experience! !Akiu Onsen had been trying out accommodations around the area, but the tentative first choice was Taoya.Not only were everyone from the shuttle staff to the hotel staff very nice, but the rooms and in-house facilities were also great!There are not many types of baths, but they are clean, and towels are provided at the bathhouse, so it is very convenient. We use Sekkisei for lotion, and we use Panasonic's high-end line and Dyson for hair dryers.You can enjoy a variety of dishes at the buffet, as well as unlimited alcohol. I enjoyed it from beginning to end.Best of all, welcome drinks such as beer, highball, lemon sour, ice cream, and coffee are free in the lounge (until 11pm). This is good.At night, curry udon was served as night noodles. Free massage machines and more.I still want to use it!(Original)最高の体験でした!!秋保温泉は周辺の宿を試していましたが、暫定一位がtaoyaさんとなりました。送迎の方から館内スタッフの方々までとても感じが良かったことに加えて客室や館内設備も最高!お風呂は種類は少ないですが綺麗だし、タオルは浴場に完備なのでとても楽。化粧水関係も雪肌精がありドライヤーはパナソニックの高級ラインとDyson。ビュッフェもさまざまなお料理が楽しめるし、お酒も飲み放題。終始楽しめました。そしてなんといってもウェルカムドリンクでビール、ハイボール、レモンサワー、アイス、コーヒーなどがラウンジで無料(23時まで)。これがいい。夜にはカレーうどんが夜鳴きそばとして振舞われていました。マッサージ機無料などなど至れり尽くせり。また利用したいです!

Masa — Google review

(Translated by Google) When I went to the dining hall, the staff guiding me to seats both in the morning and evening would show me seats at the end of the aisle, and I would see people walking in front of me, which made me feel sick. The food, which had good reviews, was disappointing (first hard meat in my life, thin and hard pizza, scraps of sashimi, sushi with thin toppings, tasteless toppings on rice bowls).The room, public bath, and lounge were good. If you make a reservation for a shuttle bus over the phone, it's hard to get through (perhaps they're busy).Do they not deal with people who have a low price per customer?There will be no more Oedo Onsen Monogatari in the future.(Original)食事会場に行くと席を案内するスタッフが朝夕共に通路側の端っこの席を案内する眼の前に人が歩いて気分が悪かった。口コミが良かった食事は期待外れ(人生初の硬い肉 薄くて硬いピザ 切れ端の刺し身 ネタの薄い寿司 味のしないのっけ丼の具)部屋と大浴場とラウンジは良かった。送迎バスの予約を電話でしたらなかなか繋がらない(忙しいのかな)客単価の安い人は相手にしないのかな? 大江戸温泉物語はこの先無いです。

マウントヨシ — Google review

The 42 best spa hotels in Sendai (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.