Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (2024)

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Gale #1 fan
Hyper Sonic
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Age : 30
Location : Future City
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Registration date : 2008-09-01

Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (33)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (34)Subject: Sonic Chronicles 8th season Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (35)Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:23 pm

The scene opens up on the breezy beach near Soleanna. Blur and Swift were out on the beach, upon Blur’s orders, to begin training with the Fusion Dance. It took them three tries to perfect the stances. The first time, Blur took too many steps. The second time, Swift forgot to point But the third time, they perfected the technique and Leur was reborn. Leur spent the last half-hour performing new techniques until their time ran up.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad.” Blur grinned.
“It would be a whole lot better without those ridiculous dance moves.” Swift said embarrassingly.
“Aw, come on, Swift.” Blur happily jokingly. “You really need to lighten up, ya know.”
“Telling Swift to lighten up is like is like telling Rouge not to steal.”
Swift and Blur nearly jumped out of their fur when they realized that it was just Geisy and Aura. Now, Blur had no problem with Geisy being around. But Swift was a different case. Though he promised to be there for Aura whenever she needed him, he regularly found her presence irritating.
“How’d you find us?” Blur asked.
“With the tracker I planted on Swift.” Aura replied.
“She planted a tracker on you?” Blur questioned, looking through Swift's fur. "Where is it?"
“You don’t wanna know.” Swift grumbled.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Geisy said happily, gazing out to the ocean. “The sky is so clear and the water looks so perfect. This would be a great opportunity to go for a swim.”
“Geisy.” Blur said fearfully.
“One day someone will use that to their advantage to destroy you, you need to learn.” Geisy said.
“Hey, Swift.” Aura said pleasingly, clinging to Swift’s arm. “What do you say we join them? Like, maybe as a date?
“Not a chance.” Swift said coldly.
“But, Swift, I...”
“Listen!” Swift said rudely. “I promised I would protect you, but I never said anything about loving you.”
At once, Swift pulled his arm away from her grip and took off, leaving a trail of dust behind. Aura was devastated and fell to her knees, crying. Geisy, who was watching the scene, walked up to her and kneeled next to her.
“Are you ok?” Geisy asked softly.
“I don’t get it.” Aura sobbed. “I love him. Why doesn’t he feel the same way?”
“Because that’s just how Swift is.” Geisy said sadly. Suddenly, her face brightened with inspiration. “Hey, I’ve got an idea
As Geisy whispered her plans to Aura, neither female was aware that Blur was swimming.
“Hey I did it…no one cares.” Blur mumbled.
The scene alters to the dimension of Apocalypse. Apocalypse was sitting at his throne while a heartless was tending to his wounds. At that moment 3 Nobodies warped in front of their leader, using their own methods. An Unbirth ran in, panting, before fainting.
“What do you have to report?” Apocalypse growled, cringing slightly from the medicine.
“[][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][].” The nobodies said in their own language.
“Then perhaps I was sending the wrong people to do the job.” Apocalypse glared; the villains shivered slightly. “This job needs someone who is more qualified.”
Apocalypse snapped his fingers, transforming the walls into shelves of canisters. Apocalypse held out both his hands, calling down two canisters together. One contained a dog skeleton and the other contained a shining crystal. Apocalypse levitated the two canisters together as he summoned a black flame in his hand.
“Black Chaos: Dark Merge!” Apocalypse yelled.
The dark flames engulfed the canisters and faded away to reveal Apocalypse’s newest creation. At the sight of his creator, he kneeled.
“Present yourself.” Apocalypse commanded.
“I am Dark Thorn.” Dark Thorn announced. “I live only to serve Lord Apocalypse.”
“Perfect.” Apocalypse said pleasingly. “I have one simple assignment for you: hunt down Swift and kill him.”

The scene alters to the Blur Heroes base the next day. Swift was sitting in the living room, attempting to meditate, but was constantly interrupted by the cheers of Multis and Wing. They finally finished Divince.
Just then, to Swift’s relief, the doorbell rang. When did they get a door bell?
“At least it’ll put some distance between them and I.” Swift said, opening the base doors. “And who, may I ask, are you?”
It was unusual to have any visitors at the base, since it’s supposed to be secret, and this character defiantly fit that category. He was a half red half light blue hedgehog. He wore white gloves, and black boots with a red outline and a blue line going down the center. There was also an Ocean blue crab with him before it left.
“Hey, buddy.” The hedgehog said deviously. “The name’s Gemini. And the crab was Cancer, he just brought me here.”
“It’s about time you showed up.” Geisy said impatiently, shoving Swift aside. “We’ve been waiting an hour for you.”
“Sorry, I was a little preoccupied.” Gemini said sheepishly.
“With gambling?” Geisy questioned.
“Yep!” Gemini said happily. “So where is this lady you wanted me to meet?”
At the word ‘lady’, Leon was more interested at this hedgehog’s intentions. He followed the two while trying to think of who he was talking about. All the females in the base their own love lives: Blur and Geisy, Wing and Alexis, Rock and Jasmine, Flash and Delight, Rector and Kika, Jet and Wave, Selihpem and Rapid, Glee and Rain and Jac and Strawberry. So who was he talking about? He had unfortunately found out the hard way when they walked into the room that Aura and Geisy shared. Aura was sitting patiently on the bed, reading a book, until the trio of hedgehogs walked in.

Gale #1 fan
Hyper Sonic
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (40)
Number of posts : 404
Age : 30
Location : Future City
Despriction : I'm the #1 fan of whatever I am a fan of
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Registration date : 2008-09-01

Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (45)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (46)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (47)Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:27 pm

“The scene alters to the heart of Station Square. Gemini kept his word and decided to take Aura out to lunch. But what she expected was just a simple café, not a five-star extravagant restaurant. It must be fun to be a millionaire. Gemini reserved a whole area for themselves outside in the back of the restaurant. This was good news for Swift, who was spying with Divince and the Rogues from a building above them.
“Aw man, this place has the best food in town.” Rock stuttered.
“This guy is loaded!” Blur said excitedly.
Swift groaned, he tried his best to ignore the squabbling next to him and focused through the binoculars he brought. Aura looked like she was having a nice time with Gemini, which only served to make Swift even more angry.
“Who the hell does that guy think he is, making a move on my girl?” Swift thought, catching himself in mid-thought. “Wait a minute, she’s not my girl. I don’t care about her.” He watched the two hedgehogs. “But that guy, I just don’t like him”
As Swift continued to focus on the two below, despite the constant yelling next to him. Suddenly, the railing they were standing on collapsed. To make matters worse, all five of them dropped ten feet down, right between Aura and Gemini.
“Swift!” Aura screamed.
“Hiya.” Divince waved sheepishly.
“All of you!?” Aura yelled. “You were spying on me?!”
“Hey, it was all Swift’s idea.” Geisy stated.
“Thanks for the back up.” Swift said sarcastically. “Listen, I only came here to look out for you. I don’t trust this Gemini guy.”
“Is that a fact?” Aura growled. “I’ll have you know that Gemini has been the perfect gentleman, unlike someone.”
“Easy there, Aura.” Gemini interrupted. “Sounds to me like someone’s a little jealous.”
“I am not jealous!” Swift shouted.
While Gemini and Swift initiated a stare showdown, Divince was examining the broken railings. The metal bars were bent and cut at awkward angles. It wasn’t until Blur found a sharpened crystal shaped like a dagger did they make any progress.
“What’s this?” Blur asked.
“It seems to be an ionic crystal.” Divince examined. “This one seems to have been made by natural causes.”
“But crystals don’t normally form that way, do they?” Geisy asked.
“No, they don’t” Divince answered.
“So where did it come from?” Blur asked.
At that moment, something dived out of the sky and crashed near the groups. This directed Swift and Gemini’s attention away from each other. When the dust clear, Dark Thorn was seen on all fours, taking a deep breath at the air. Dark Thorn had two ways to see: his eyes and nose. He had been tracking the scent of Swift all day.
“Who’s that guy?” Rock mumbled, face still stuffed.
“My name is Dark Thorn.” Dark Thorn announced. “I am here under Lord Apocalypse’s orders to hunt down Swift.”
“Excuse me, but I’m kinda on a date here.” Gemini said bored. “Can just leave already.”
“I’m not going anywhere without Swift!” Dark Thorn yelled.
Dark Thorn transformed his hand into a crystallized sword and jumped at Gemini. Aura looked worried, Swift looked pleased, but Gemini looked confident. Just when he thought he had Gemini, Dark Thorn found his crystallized hand in the ground. Dark Thorn doesn’t know what happened next, but he suddenly found two fists in his face and fell back. When Dark Thorn jumped back to his feet, he found not one, but two Gemini’s, each one of his 2 colors.
“There’s two of him?” Rock asked in awe.
“Why do you think they call me Gemini? I’m one of the Zodiac 12” Gemini said proudly.
Dark Thorn crystallized both his hands and made a dive for both Gemini’s. As Dark Thorn flailed his hands around, the two Gemini’s were dodging circles around the hound. When Dark Thorn missed one, the other would have a free shot, but when he attacked both, they ended up kicking him in the face. Gemini seemed confident in his abilities. Dark Thorn swung his sword at one of the Gemini’s, missed, and gave the other a chance to attack from behind. But just as he was about to nail the beast, the sun reflected off his crystals and flared him in the eyes.
“Damn!” Gemini yelled. “I can’t see!”
“Me neither!” The other Gemini yelled.
“So, you both share the same sight.” Dark Thorn smirked. “I wonder if you feel the same pain.”
Dark Thorn formed a mace made of crystal and flung it at the Gemini in from of him. Being blinded, Gemini couldn’t see the mace and was knocked towards his double. The two Gemini’s collided with each other, merged, and tumbled backwards on the ground. Gemini was still blinded and completely unaware of the beast looming over him.
“We have to help him.” Aura said.
“Why should we?” Swift growled.
“Swift, you can be so selfish sometimes.” Aura glared, running to Gemini’s aid.
“So, what do we do?” Rock asked.
“Save the day?” Blur suggested.
“Fine with me.” Geisy nodded.
“Blur Team, attack!” Blur ordered.
On commanded, the trio charged at the crystal hound; Divince had cowardly vanished. Dark Thorn was just a few feet from Gemini and raised his crystal mace to finish the job. Just then, Aura jumped out of nowhere and shot the mace out of his hand. Dark Thorn growled and tried to create more crystal weapons, but was unable to do so when Rock grabbed his arms. Seeing the opportunity, Aura rebounded off the ground and aimed her foot for the crystal hound. Acting fast, Dark Thorn pushed all his weight into his arms and tossed the Rock over his shoulders, crushing Aura beneath him.
“Geez, you need pay attention, one eye.” Dark Thorn said.
There are three things you should never do: 1) Call Storm fat. 2) Touch Mach’s car. 3) Call Rock one eye.
“I’M DON’T HAVE ONE EYE, IT’S A SCAR!!” Rock roared.
“Dude, you should run.” Blur advised.
Dark Thorn ignored the advice and planted his feet firmly into the ground. As Rock came charging in like a mad bull, Dark Thorn thrust out his hands and stopped Rock in his tracks. With a simple twist if his wrists, Dark Thorn redirected Rock in the direction of the restaurant wall. Dark Thorn pulled his feet out of the ground, unaware of Blur. Blur jumped into the air and used his Chaos Tornado. As an added bonus, Geisy fired her Cosmic Wind.
“Can’t handle the best?” Blur smirked.
“Better stick with the rest.” Geisy taunted.
“Did you really think it would be that easy?” Dark Thorn questioned.
As the dust clear around the spot, they found a ball of crystal where Dark Thorn once stood. It didn’t take long for them to realize that Dark Thorn was the crystal ball. Suddenly, Dark Thorn’s started spinning in motion and shot out from its pit. Blur pushed Geisy out of the way, sending him flying through the wall. Geisy tried to exact revenge for him, but her attacks weren’t working on his ball form. Dark Thorn’s crystal ball came rolling like thunder and Geisy swung her fist with all her might. Unfortunately, Dark Thorn nailed her in the head, knocking her unconscious.
“Is that truly the best you have?” Dark Thorn sneered.
Dark Thorn curled back into his crystal ball form, reflecting the attack away. Swift was getting more irritated with this mutt every second. Suddenly, Dark Thorn shot upwards and nailed Swift in the chin. Dark Thorn uncurled and growled while Swift fell backwards on the floor. As Dark Thorn stamped forward, Aura jumped out of nowhere and side kicked the dog in the face.
“Don’t you ever stay down?” Dark Thorn growled.
“Not with your smell waking me up.” Aura taunted.
“You little...”
Dark Thorn dived at Aura, but the female hedgehog flipped over and kicked the hound in the back of the head. Swift was headed to join the fight when Gemini, finally able to see, pulled him inside the restaurant.
“What the hell are you doing?” Swift hissed. “We’ve got to help her kill that mutt.”
“No matter what we do, we can’t get him.” Gemini said seriously. “If I try to attack, he could use his crystals to blind me. And if you use you attacks, he’ll just use his ball form and reflect them back.”
“Then what do you suggest we do?” Swift questioned.
“I know you don’t like me, but we have to work together.” Gemini said. “It’s the only way we can take this guy down.”
Swift didn’t look too pleased with the idea and was all for rejecting it. Suddenly, they could hear Aura screaming and ran out to check on her. Aura was lying on the ground, her leg numb, as Dark Thorn trudged closer with his crystallized sword.
“Aura!” Swift exclaimed.
“We’ve got to work together!” Gemini stated.
With Aura in danger, Swift had no other choice. He agreed. Aura was on the ground, clutching her leg, as Dark Thorn overshadowed her. The crystal hound raised his sword to strike, but found his weapon discarded when Gemini kicked it away. As he turned towards one Gemini, the other came from behind and kicked him in the back of the head. Both Gemini’s stood beside each other as Dark Thorn pulled himself back up. Remembering the last bout, Dark Thorn elongated his crystals for the sun to reflect off of. He was in luck; the sun reflected of his largest crystal and blinded both Gemini’s in a single attempt.
“Can’t put up much of a fight being blind.” Dark Thorn snigg*red.
“We’re not the ones you have to worry about.” One Gemini smirked.
“He is.” The other Gemini said.
Dark Thorn stared with a confused expression at the doppelgangers until he felt something wrap around his waist. He looked back in horror as Swift grabbed him from behind. The black hedgehog was now red with an evil expression that traces back to Black Doom.
“Let me go!” Dark Thorn cried fearfully.
“You wanted me, now you got it!” Swift cackled wildly. “CHAOS FLARE Z!!”
Swift released all of his compressed energy, forming it into his signature attack. Somehow, Swift’s attack gave off enough energy to restore Gemini’s sight and allowed him to return to his singular shape. When the red blast faded, Dark Thorn was reduced to ashes and Swift collapsed to his knees. Swift began to fall forward, but Gemini caught him before he could reach the ground.
“Thanks.” Swift groaned.
“Are you ok?” Rock asked.
“No, I’m not ok.” Swift said sadly. He regained whatever composer he had and turned to Aura, who was still angry. “Aura, it was wrong for me to spy on you, no matter what the reason may be.”
“That’s right.” Aura huffed.
“But I couldn’t help myself.” Swift sighed. “When I heard that you were going on a date, I was worried. Worried that you had lost interest in me. I always say that I don’t love you, but I can’t imagine my life without you because Emily is art of you. But it’s your decision. If you want to be with Gemini, then I will not interfere.”
“Looks like the plan worked like a charm.” Gemini said brightly.
“Huh?” Blur repeated. “What plan?”
“It was Geisy’s idea.” Aura giggled. “See, I go out with a guy and Swift will get jealous. Geisy suggest Gemini and I had Swift hook, line, and sinker.”
“Thank you.” Geisy praised.
“So, you’re not interested in him?” Swift asked.
“You think I would be interested in the spoiled, stubborn, gambling-addicted idiot?” Aura said.
“Hey.” Gemini retorted.
“That was a dirty trick.” Swift grimaced.
“Hey, chill, Swift.” Gemini said, slinging his arm over the hedgehog’s shoulder. “It’s all water under the bridge now, right.”
The scene alters to the dimension of Apocalypse. Apocalypse was watching the fight through one of his viewing portals and was enraged by Dark Thorn’s failure. He pounded his fists in anger.
“What displeases you, my lord?”
“Those rats keep getting in the way.” Apocalypse sneered. “Blur, Swift, Mach, they always meddle into my affairs.”
“You do realize there is a way to get rid of them, don’t you?”
“I do know.” Apocalypse sighed. “And I’m afraid we must resort to that plan if we are to win this war.”
“Then we should begin right away, my lord.”
“Not yet.” Apocalypse said pleasingly. “Let us wait a while before we start. Soon, we can begin Project: Yggdrasil.”

Last edited by Gale #1 fan on Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Gale #1 fan
Hyper Sonic
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (52)
Number of posts : 404
Age : 30
Location : Future City
Despriction : I'm the #1 fan of whatever I am a fan of
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Registration date : 2008-09-01

Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (57)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (58)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (59)Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:30 pm

Aura was sitting in a small couch, reading a magazine. Enjoying the literature, her attention is turned to Jasmine and Alexis coming through the door, both taking part in a conversation that made sense to them only. Jasmine turned over to the pink girl and spoke.
“Hey Aura, me and Alexis are going over to the mall, do you want to come?” Jasmine offered. Aura looked up a bit and closed the magazine. Placing it softly on the table, she responded to Jasmine’s offer.
“Sure, I don’t really have anything to do today.” Aura said. She grasped her purse, picked herself up and followed her two friends to their destination.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
After about two hours of shopping for clothes, shoes, make-up and other feminine passions, the three had been heading down the main lobby of the shopping mall. Having conversations of the most current events, the three came to a stop. Aura spoke.
“Hey guys, I want to get back to the base before the night comes. There’s supposed to be a big storm heading over.” Aura warned. Jasmine and Alexis nodded.
“Okay, Alexis and I will get back our own way. We’ll see ya.” Alexis replied. She and the bat took off, leaving Aura to go back home. She turned around to head for the door but she stopped herself when she saw a large television screen. It showed Nega on the Channel 4 News. Aura watched as the newswomen gave her announcement.
“As you can see Dr. Nega is taking on his greatest rampage yet with a large, lizard-like robot. He’s destroying the buildings in flashes and demolishing roads in seconds!” Suddenly, a dark blue blur flashed across the screen and the next thing heard was the sound of a hard sneaker crashing against metallic skin. In the blink of an eye the machine was taken down, crashing into the ground. “Swift has come to save us.!” The hedgehog landed gallantly on his two feet, while the robotic monstrosity pulled itself to its four feet as the evil genius controlling it growled.
“You little pest! Bring on your best!” Nega challenged. The hedgehog took it gladly and jumped to continue the battle. Aura sighed as her eyes followed her dreamy hero. She turned away from the TV Screen, and started out the mall’s entrance. The door slammed in shut and Aura walked down the sidewalk. But, all of sudden, a thunderous crash boomed right behind her, causing her to jump and fall on the ground. He purse and bag both hit the ground in unison with her body. She looked up swiftly to see a large metallic machine buried into the ground, and standing on top of it…was none other then Swift the Hedgehog, with his long grin of confidence that matched his feeling of success. The people cheered and cried out joyful merriment for him. Aura simply stood up, dusted herself off, grabbed her bag from the mall, and walked away slowly.
“I think you forgot something.” Someone told the pink girl. She turned around and saw Swift, with her purse in his out-stretched hand. Aura smiled a little and took her handbag.
“Thanks, I would’ve been in some trouble if this disappeared.” She kidded taking her purse. She put the strap around her shoulder and continued. “How’s the hero business?” She asked with a slick look on her face. Swift took the joke and responded.
“Eh, kind of boring. Nothing to do but crack Noggy’s plans.” Swift said putting his hands on the back of his head. Aura nodded. She turned half-way to go, but then spoke.
“I haven’t seen you in a while. Hopefully you’ll spend at least one full day at the base. Remember, it’s yours.” Aura reminded Swift. He nodded.
“I’ll keep that in mind. I’m just the distant type.” Swift assured. With that Aura went down the sidewalk and into an alley for a shortcut to the base. Swift also turned around to leave but before his eyes could get back to the pile of metal scrap, he saw two figures jumping from a rooftop and onto the sidewalk. They then ran in Aura’s direction into the alley. Swift turned and watched them with a suspicious look. He took a safe pre-caution and followed the tow to see if they were going to do something that shouldn’t be done. He flew up to a rooftop and followed the two thugs. “If you 2 wanna hurt Aura, you’ll have to get by me.” Swift scowled.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Aura walked down the alley, stepping in small puddles from time to time. The black, metallic fire escapes and dumpsters all filled most of the alley’s mass. She knew that she wouldn’t have to stay here for long. Suddenly, a rain drop fell, then another, and another. Though it wasn’t completely raining, drops did hit the ground in little flurries. Aura walked a few more feet, until she sensed something. He ear twitched a little. She sensed movement and sounds from behind her. She turned around and saw two bulky animals, one a hedgehog and one an echidna. The hedgehog was less muscular than the echidna, had long black streaks running across his green fur. He wore a leather jacket with dark-blue pants and motorcycle boots, accompanied by a blood-red bandana. The echidna had similar attire only with the jacket’s sleeves torn off to show his bulging muscles. He had dark-red fur with light-gray streaks running down his dreadlocks. Aura’s eyes widened at the two gangsters crept at her. Aura was frightened but she stood her ground. The two thugs came closer and closer; doing catcalls and wolf whistles as they approached. Aura however, wasn’t tempted to run, for she knew that the two would easily catch her. The first one walked up with a sly look on his face.
“Hey cutie, let’s have some fun.” The hedgehog hissed. The echidna didn’t speak except for a small grunt through his smile. The hedgehog stepped once slowly and then bounded out towards the pink hedgehog like a cheetah after its prey. But his attack was halted by a gloved fist in his face. He flew back into a pile of trash with a loud clang following his impact. Aura’s closed hand pulled back to her, turning the echidna wide-eyed. The pink girl had a long smile on her face and turned to the echidna.
“Do you want some!?” She asked grinning. The echidna back away and ran, leaving his unconscious comrade behind in the trash. Aura got out of her defensive stance and stood upright, still smiling.
“That was impressive.” An unknown voice said behind Aura. She turned, startled, to find Swift, with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. She sighed.
“You saw that?” Aura asked, a little bit embarrassed. Swift nodded in response. Aura stroked her pink hair blushing. Swift then uncrossed his arms and walked over to her.
“You shouldn’t be here. The alley is always a dangerous place.” Swift lectured. Aura frowned.
“I know…I’m just taking a shortcut back to the house.” Aura informed the blue hedgehog. She turned her back to Swift and crossed her arms. Swift sighed and smiled.
“I know a faster and safer way.” Swift offered holding out his hand. Aura turned and sighed once again, taking the blue hero’s hand. But Swift looked behind the pink girl grasping his hand and he warned. “Aura…”
“What is it Swift?” She asked. Swift then raised his hand. “DUCK NOW!” He shouted out. Aura turned behind her mildly.
“Why…?” Before she could turn entirely, Swift had pulled her down with one hand and smashed his other hand into the throat of the gangster hedgehog, who tried to get a cheap attack at the distracted pink hedgehog from behind. But luckily Swift had noticed and prevented it. After his chop-strike to the hedgehog’s neck, Swift then took his elbow and smashed it in the hedgehog’s body, sending him back to the scrap heap. Aura shot up and looked at the scene and then at Swift.
“That’s why…” Swift said pointing to the downed felon. “That punch should keep him knocked until the police come.” Let’s go. Swift grabbed Aura’s hand
In two minutes, everything was a blur…and then two minutes later they were back at the base.
“All you had to do was ask.” He said with a chuckle. Aura let out a small laugh as well.
“Very funny Swift…” Aura informed the blue hedgehog. Suddenly a crash of lightning came down faster than the blue hedgehog or Aura could hear it. Aura jumped and fell forward…into Swift’s arms. The rain started to fall harder into the storm it was to become. Aura stood and looked up at Swift who had her in his arms. He had the same wide-eyed look the pink hedgehog had. Both were red with complete embarrassment and somewhat affection. But stopping the two’s locked gaze on each other, was the rain. Swift quickly acted and covered Aura.
“We need to get inside, before this storm blows us away.” Swift announced. Aura nodded and they ran quickly back to the house. Getting inside and shutting the door hard, Swift and Aura sat down on the couches in the living room. The two looked outside the glass windows of the door and saw nothing but lightning and rain. Aura looked down to the floor.
“I hope the others are okay. Wing is in his workshop and I left Jasmine and Alexis at the mall, and this is going to be one heck of a storm tonight.” Aura said. She stood up from the couch and walked over to the bathroom to dry herself off. She opened the closet and pulled out two towels one white and the other purple. “Here, dry yourself off.” Aura said tossing the purple towel to Swift. He caught and then started to rub it on his head, drying up the water on his quills. Taking the wet towel off his face, Swift stood up, picked up the universal remote, and turned on the television. The TV was left on the Channel 4 News, which was currently covering Swift’s latest quarrel against the doctor.
“Shortly after the destruction of the doctor’s robot, Swift was seen leaving with Aura Lily Moran. The one known as Scourge’s daughter. Maybe she’ll snatch the blue fish up this time.” The newswoman announced. Swift sighed at this and shut the TV off. Aura came out of the bathroom after she heard the announcer. She looked at Swift who had sat on the couch, frowning. Aura came down and sat next to him. She put a hand on the blue hedgehog’s shoulder and asked out of consideration.
“Swift, is there something you’re not telling me?” Aura asked in a suspicious voice. Swift shook his head and got off the couch, walking away to avoid Aura’s interrogation. “Does it have to do with me?” Aura asked again. Swift turned even more, still trying to evade conversation. Aura then stood up. “What is it?” Swift finally gave up and spilled the beans of his silence and elusive behavior for the pass few days.
“Aura…I…” Swift stuttered. Aura nodded which signified Swift to continue. Swift started to sweat, and mutter things under his mouth. Finally he spoke. “TheonlyreasonIavoidyouisbecauseIloveyou *gasp*” The hedgehog swiftly shouted. Aura had a questionable look on her face.
“Could you repeat that but slower mister ‘fast-talk’?” Aura asked with annoyance. Swift repeated his words but slowed his voice down enough for Aura to comprehend his message.
“The only reason I avoid you is because I love you.” The hedgehog repeated. Aura’s eyes widened and her ears perked up. She had never expected this to come out the blue hedgehog’s mouth. It seems he has had the same feelings about her that she has had about him.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (70)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (71)Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:11 pm

Blur and the gang arrived at the legendary Hero stadium that had finally been finished repaired from the last battle with Apocalypse. If the world was packed during the first 2 cups Cup, then it was stretched to its limits now for this one. There were so many unknown species coming from hundred of worlds, that you couldn’t walk without bumping into someone. Luckily, the heroes had Multis and his Giga Cannon to clear a path.
“Wow, I haven’t been here for a while.” Mach said pleasingly. “It’s a lot more crowded than the Hero Games.”
“This place is big.” Kumori said in awe. “I wonder if we’ll be able to see all the shops.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Blur grinned. “Just what till you seem me in the ring. You are looking at the 2 time champion!”
“Someone’s ego is inflated.” Selihpem said.
“What did you say?!” Blur growled, bearing his fist to him.
“Hey, hey, save the fighting for the ring!” Rapid shouted.
“She’s right.” Delight giggled. “We don’t want you to get knocked out before your match.”
Blur frowned, but grudgedly listened. They walked five miles past the expanding crowd before they finally found their way to the entrance of the arena. It was at the steps of the doors where they found two familiar characters talking.
“Mystic, Neon!” Blur called.
“Hey, Blur.” Mystic welcomed, giving the hedgehog a high-five.
“It’s pleasant to see you again, Blur.” Neon said.
“I’m glad we’re all together again.” Chaos interrupted. “But The Hero Championship starts in less than ten minutes and you still need to register your positions.”
“We’ll just go find our seats for we have to sit in the aisle.” Delight said.
“I’ll be cheering for you, Blur.” Geisy smiled.
The others left for the stands. After waving good bye, Blur, Swift, Hammer, Multis, Divince, Rosie, Tsunami and Mystic followed Neon through the doors. They arrived at the lobby, where they found the announcer.
“Ah, Neon, you found them!” The announcer shouted. “I was starting to worry they would make it.”
“They just showed up.” Neon informed.
--Blur vs. Multis--
The stands roared in a round of cheers as both contestants made their way to the arena. As Blur looked up to the stands, he could see the others cheering in the front row.
“We have colorful friends.” Multis commented.
“Yeah.” Blur agreed. “And we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Let the first round of the Hero Championship begin!” The announcer announced.
Here I come!” Multis yelled.
Multis jumped forward at incredible speeds and swung his arm down. Blur was quick on the reaction and raised his hand and used it to block Multis’s hand, halting the attack. Blur pushed Multis away and spun around to swing at him. But Multis was also had quick reflexes. He bent his back backwards to avoid the initial attack. He planted his hands on the ground before kicking Blur into the air. He flipped around and jumped up towards Blur. Multis pulled out his plasma cannons and shot them towards the hedgehog. Blur's Lightning Speed Attack took out all of the shots and hurt Multis with great power in the processs.
“Don’t mess with the Blue Blur successor!” Blur grinned.
“Go, Blur, Go!” Geisy cheered.
“Don’t get co*cky!” Multis chuckled.
In an unexpected result, Multis’s arm flew out of his body with Knuckles’ fist and Amy’s hammer.
“HOLY.” Blur screamed.
The hand grasped Blur by his ankle and flung him to the ground. As Blur’s body smacked against the ground, Multis’s arm returned to the main body. While Blur weakly tried to stand up, Multis then stamped his feet into Blur’s back, slamming him into the floor. The crowd winced at the sight.
“At least that wasn’t my spine.” Blur gasped.
“I don’t wish to take this any father than it has to.” Multis said. “There’s no shame in losing.”
Multis held his hand out to the hedgehog, but Blur spun around with his foot out. Multis jumped backwards to avoid the attack and marveled as Blur slowly pushed himself to his feet by his hands.
“Don’t count me out of this yet.” Blur stated.
“Very well then.” Multis said. “You’ve left me no choice. GIGA CANNON!”
A giant beam started to charge from Multis’ arms. The attack caught Blur by surprise, but he needed to move fast. When the attack was finally fired, no one saw what happened. As Multis’s attack faded, he and crowd were hushed with silence.
“I hope I didn’t kill him.” Multis thought.
“Looking for someone!” Multis skidded around, where he came face-to-face with Blur, his signature attack in hand. “Hope you enjoy your flight. CHAOS TORNADO!”
Blur thrusted his attack into Multis’s chest, leaving the robot without a single defense. The force of the compressed winds sent Multis flying out of the ring and into the stone wall of the stands. The moment Multis’s body made contact with the ground, the crowd erupted into a burst of jubilant screams.
“And the winner is Blur Journey Blazer!” The announcer announced.
Multis struggled to get back to his feet. Just then, Blur came up and offered his hand to him. Multis gratefully took it, lifting himself back to his feet.
“You were great.” Blur stated.
“But the best man won.” Multis returned.
--Blob vs. Mult--
“Come on ya, little bugger!” Mult tempted; Blob looked even more annoyed with him. “Aw, is the big bad protozoa scared? Don’t worry you’re ugly little head. I promise I’ll make it quick and painless.”
“Let the second match begin!” The announcer announced.
Mult jumped ahead at lightning speed and pounded his foot into Blob’s face. Just as Mult though he had the upper had, he realized Blob didn’t even flinch from his first attack. Mult jumped back momentarily before blowing into an all-out kicking assault. Mult kicked at every part of Blob’s body, but not a single blow seemed to affect the protozoa. With one last kick to the face, Mult back flipped to the other side of the ring. The entire fight, Blob had not moved a single muscle.
“So that’s the way you want to play it, eh?” Mult growled. “Looks like I’m gonna have to squash this bug hard. TRIPLE KICK!”
Mult triplicated and then got his soccer ball out and kicked it at extreme speed onto Blob. Silence fell over the stadium, even as the audience started to come up. The only thing left in the ring was Mult and a smoke cloud left from where Blob once stood.
“Hey, announcer. Call it out.” Mult ordered.
“Uh...ok.” The announcer whimpered. “It looks like the winner is...”
But before the announcer could finish his sentence, a red blast appeared at his feet, knocking the old man back. Mult and the crowd returned their attention to the fading smoke cloud. Blob was found, with not a single scratch on him.
“N-no way!” Mult stammered in fear.
Blob formed a blade into his hand and ran past Mult, taking only one swing. Blob landed on the other side of Mult, evaporating the crystal blade into nothingness. The audience blinked only once before Mult passed out.
“A-and the winner...” The announcer stammered. “By a KO, is Blob.”
There were no claps or cheers; Blob left to the lobby in empty silence.
--Tsunami vs. Dark Tsunami--

The crowd returned to it normal volume as the next fighters moved into the ring. The crowd recognized Tsunami as the son of Chaos, but where frightened by the sight of a similar being. Tsunami seemed very serious in fighting the look alike known as Dark Tsunami.
“So you’re Dark Tsunami, huh?” Tsunami asked; Dark Tsunami could not speak normally and spouted gibberish. “I never thought I would have a chance to fight my past self, my anger. My father told me many things about you, that you were a monster.” Dark Tsunami spoke more gibberish words. “But if I am to win, I must face my past.”
“Let the third round begin!” The announcer announced.
Dark Tsunami and Tsunami both charged simultaneously and thrust their fists at the same time. Both attacks nailed each other in the face, both putting out equal strength to each other. Tsunami back flipped and began firing an endless amount of energy blast from his hands. Dark Tsunami’s body, to the heroes’ surprise, stretched itself away from Tsunami’s attacks. Dark Tsunami pulled himself together and thrust his foot forward, sending it flying across the arena. Tsunami caught him by his ankle, but Dark Tsunami retracted himself back and kicked Tsunami in the face with his other foot.
“I have to admit,” Tsunami said. “He’s good.”
“Come on, Tsunami!” Electra yelled from the sideline. “Don’t let this monster beat you.” Dark Tsunami fired a pink beam from his eyes and aimed it at Electra’s feet, attempting to scare her. “Heh, sorry about the joke.”
“No one attacks my mother!” Tsunami growled.
Tsunami kicked himself up off the ground and speed glided at his monster counterpart. Tsunami nailed a direct blow at Dark Tsunami’s face, sending his head flying at the stands. Dark Tsunami’s head made a comical face at the audience before retracting itself towards his body. The moment Dark Tsunami’s head returned, he headbutted Tsunami square in the face. Tsunami grasped his face in pain, not realizing that Dark Tsunami’s arms were wrapping themselves around his body. Dark Tsunami constricted his counterpart and slammed his face into the floor. Dark Tsunami’s antenna came to life and shot a pink beam at the man below him. Luckily, Tsunami freed himself from Dark Tsunami’s grip just before the beam hit.
“Take this!” Tsunami roared. “TSUNAMI GEYSER!”
Tsunami thrust his palm directly at Dark Tsunami’s face, ejecting a tremendous blue blast from them. When the blast disappeared, Dark Tsunami’s body was left without a head. Now for a normal person, that would be an instant death. But Dark Tsunami was beyond normal. Dark Tsunami’s wild body started jumping crazily around in the air before Dark Tsunami’s head popped from his shoulder; the creature laughing crazily.
“You can’t die, can you?” Tsunami asked. “But you can’t beat me either.” Dark Tsunami’s made a confused look, scratching his pink head. “Face it, you can’t beat yourself. No matter how many times you try and attack me, you can’t beat someone who is a part of you.”
Jets of steam erupted from the eyes of Dark Tsunami, signifying that Tsunami made him angry. The steam continued to fly until Dark Tsunami’s expression changed. He started chuckling like he had already won the match. Tsunami began pondering what he was thinking before Dark Tsunami made it clear to the world. Dark Tsunami reverted to a giant black blob and covered itself around Tsunami’s body. Tsunami struggled for a moment before he completely stopped. Tsunami’s body disappeared and Dark Tsunami appeared in his place.
“Oh no, what happened?” Electra said worried.
“It look’s like Dark Tsunami absorbed him.” Chaos said seriously.
“I wouldn’t count on it.” Blue said cheerfully.
“Huh?” The others questioned.
Dark Tsunami was dancing victoriously in the air just as the announcer was about to announce the winner. Suddenly, Dark Tsunami stopped. He looked like he was in pain and clutched his head. The monster started screaming in a high-pitched voice.
“Hey, everyone.” Tsunami said nonchalantly.
“And the winner is Tsunami!” The announcer announced.
--Swift vs. Behemoth--

The crowd booed their lungs out as Behemoth walked out to the ring. Swift received cheers from everyone that knew him.
"GO Swift!" Aura screamed.
“[][][] [] [] [][][][] [][][].” Behemoth grinned.
“Hope you’re ready to die heartless.” Swift returned.
“Let the fourth match begin!”
Behemoth jumped forward and sent a right hook for Swift’s head. But Swift easily caught the monster’s fist and held him out in the air. Behemoth tried to punch and kick to break free, but Swift was out of his reach. Swift held out his free hand to the side and formed a Chaos Burst. And in one swift strike, Swift mercilessly thrust it through Behemoth’s chest, ejecting a stream of energy through the monster’s back. Behemoth stopped kicked and his body went limp before it disappeared.
“The sad fate of a heartless.” Swift said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (81)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (82)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (83)Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:18 pm

--Claw vs. Neon--
The audience went into a fit of cheers when the next fighters made their way into the ring. Claw took the applause with gratitude, but whom the audience was really anxious to see was Neon, lord of the underworld.
“Neon, Neon, bring the pain!” Mystic cheered. “Go along and beat this game!”
“Let the fifth match of the Hero Championship begin!” The announcer announced.
AT once, Claw bounced off the tiled floor and thrust his claws at Neon’s head. But the underworld lord counteracted by dropping to the ground on his back and kicked his foot upwards, slamming it into Claw’s face. Claw felt a slight sting at first, but was not overall affected by the feeble attack. But the attack was far from feeble. Claw grasped the lord’s leg away from his face and tossed him aside to the side of the arena. Neon tumbled slightly, but managed to regain his poise.
“Was that supposed to do something?” Claw chuckled, rubbing the red spot where Neon kicked him. “If that was really the best you’ve got, then you might as well surrender now.”
“I have no intention of stopping now.” Neon stated.
Neon was quickly brought back to his senses just in time to avoid Claw’s claws. The underworld lord jumped on top of Claw’s fist and flipped over his head. But before landing, Neon executed a perfect chop to Claw’s head. All of a sudden, the spikes extended from the ground and pinned the lord; the spikes stabbing into his body.
“What is this?” Neon grunted, struggling to break loose.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Claw grinned. “struggling will only make it worse. But don’t worry; it will all be over in a moment. SHOOTING STAR!”
Suddenly, a giant star crashed into Neon’ body. Despite the crowds erupting cheers, nothing was louder than Neon’ piercing screams. In a last ditch attempt, Neon planted his hand into the floor and redirected the star. The arena exploded, sending a cloud of dust covering the view.
“What’s happening?” Delight asked.
“Is Neon ok?” Geisy asked worried.
“Thermal scanners show Neon and Claw still fighting.” Multis stated. “But something is different.”
“Different?” Kumori repeated. “What do you mean?”
After a long wait, the cloud of dust finally began to settle around the middle. Claw was seen standing in the center of the ring. But the biggest surprise came from Neon. He had made a gigantic, monster snake with demonic red eyes and a pair of jagged teeth.
“What attack is that?” Delight questioned.
“That’s the Serpent’s tail.” Multis stated.
In a last desperate attempt, Claw launched a sphere of red energy. The snake scoffed and opened his mouth to release a massive beam of white energy. Claw was struck by both attacks and knocked into the ground.
“The winner is Neon!” The announcer announced.
--Hammer vs. Violent--
The crowd was still hyped from the last battle and eagerly welcomed the next fighters. Hammer gratefully waved back to his fanbase. As Hammer stepped into the arena, Violent rudely shoved him aside and took his position opposite of him.
“Let the sixth match begin!” The announcer announced.
Violent decided to start things off by pointing fingers. Now usually, this sort of tactic would be considered ridiculous, but Violent was far beyond usual. Suddenly, a thin red beam shot from the tip of Violent’s finger and pierced Hammer in the shoulder. Hammer cringed and clutched his shoulder, but Violent was not done yet. He started sending out a barrage of red beams, all aimed for Hammer. Hammer reacted swiftly and held out both his hands to create a barrier. Despite Violent’s immense attack capabilities, the red beams didn’t even seem to fazed the barrier.
Violent rushes forward and swings his foot around to Hammer’s head, but the echidna blocked it with his forearm. Hammer charged up his fist and released a current of pain into Violent’s chest. The alien warlord cringed for a moment, but decided to repay Hammer by wrapping his tail around his throat. Hammer gasped for breath, his vision slightly blacking out. In a last ditch effort, Hammer stamped his foot to the ground and formed a spike of stone between them. The earth spike cut through Violent’s tail, chopping it clean off and allowing Hammer to regain his breath. But cutting off Violent’s tail was the last thing anyone would want to do.
“You filthy rodent!” Violent screamed. “Look what you have done with my tail!”
“Aw, don’t worry, it will grow back.” Hammer joked.
“Laugh while you can, but this is the final straw.” Violent sheathed. “I wasn’t planning on using this until I faced Blur. But I think you at least deserve a treat for making it this far.”
“Why don’t I like the looks of this?” Hammer asked himself.
With a fearful look present on Hammer’s face, Violent grinned evilly as he floated up into the air. The alien warlord raised his hands to the sky and began to gathered an enormous amount of energy into his open palms. At first, it started out as a small orange ball the size golf ball, but after continuing to gather energy, it reached the size of a small moon.
“Is that attack what I think it is?” Kumori questioned fearfully.
“Yes, it is the Death Ball.” Mach stated.
“He’s going to blow up the world?” Tikal questioned. “Just to defeat Hammer?”
“They always said he was merciless.” Multis said. "They never said he was INSANE!"
“Get ready for your last moments!” Violent yelled. “DEATH BALL!!”
Violent thrust his hands forward and the Death Ball followed in his presence. Though the Death Ball was slow, there was no escaping the destructive force it presented. Well, Hammer would have to disagree with that.
How predictable." Hammer thought. “I only have one shot, but I’ve never used it before. Well, it’s now or never.” Hammer held out his clenched fist and began to collect a huge amount of energy. The more energy that went into the fist, the stronger the aura around it. “EARTHQUAKE!!!!!”
Hammer opened his palm and 100 giant pillars rose from the ground outside the stadium into the planet destroyer. But the power of the Death Ball overwhelmed the pillars and consumed them within the fiery depths.
“Hahaha!” Violent cackled. “Did you really hope for such a pathetic attack to defeat me! You are truly – what’s happening?!”
Much to Violent’s unexpected surprise, the Death Ball stopped in its tracks. Violent continually thrust his hands, attempting to push the Death Ball closer to the planet’s surface, but was unsuccessful. All of a sudden, the orange ball of destruction transformed into a giant rock ball. That’s when Violent realized Hammer’s intention. He wasn’t trying to stop the Death Ball, he was attempting to make it his own attack. And judging by the looks of it, the technique had worked.
“NOW YOU’RE FINISHED!” Hammer shouted.
The Rock Ball pushed itself backwards towards Violent. No matter how much Violent tried, the Rock Ball would not obey him. The battle was brought to a flashing end when the Death Ball consumed its creator and exploded in a magnificent hail of silver light.
“And the winner is Hammer!”

--Dyne vs. Scourge--
“So who do you think is going to win?” Blur asked seriously.
“I have known Scourge since his first death, he came back a few days ago wanting more revenge on your team.” Neon stated. “There is no doubt in my mind that Scourge will win if he came back on his own, or by Apocalypse.”
“I know right now Apocalypse is planning for something big.” Blur said.
Back in the arena, Dyne looked confidently down on his opponent.
“Get ready to blow up.” Dyne said menacingly. “If you want, I could have someone else help you fight.”
“Oh, believe me.” Scourge muttered lowly. “You will be the one who will be in need of help.”
“Let the seventh match begin!” The announcer announced.
Dyne was the first to go on the assault and flew forward at blinding speed. He was within reach of Scourge and bombed his face. But the moment Dyne’s bombs collided with his face; the bombs rebounded on himself.
“I believe you were saying something.” Scourge taunted.
“You think you’re so tough, huh?” Dyne glared. “Well then, let’s see how you handle this! BOMBS AWAY!”
Dyne thrust hundreds of bombs at Scourge. Scourge remained cool and collected. He merely held out her claw and, shockingly, stopped the attack like it was nothing.
“Wha?” Dyne gasped in surprise.
“If this is the true extent of your power, then losing is the proper course for you.” Scourge said evilly.
Using the power coursing through his body, Scourge transformed bombs into a sphere of black fire. Dyne was too much in shock to notice Scourge plunged the fireball into his chest until it was too late. The heat from the flames caused an explosion on Dyne.
“And the winner is Scourge!” The announcer announced.
--Divince vs. Rosie--
The crowd returned to its usual volume of sound when Rosie and her opponent, Divince, made there way to the arena. Rosie was sucking up all the cheers and waving back with excited looks of her own. Divince, on the other hand, was a timid and shy little robot and the deafening yells seemed to scare him. That fact was obvious when he tripped on his own two feet and stumbled into the arena. While the audience laughed, Multis looked worried for the little robot.
“Poor little guy.” Kika said thoughtfully. “He looks so scared.”
“Do you think he’ll be all right to fight?” Geisy asked concerned.
Back in the ring, Divince was pushing himself to his feet, when Rosie offered her hand.
“You need to be careful.” Rosie said kindly, helping Divince back up. “Don’t get so upset, you’ll do just fine.”
“You think?” Divince asked.
“I know.” Rosie smiled.
“Let the eighth match begin!” The announcer announced.
Divince and Rosie jumped back from each other, both looking quite serious. Rosie started off with a flying kick, which Divince blocked with a spinning kick. Rosie planted her hand to the floor to regain her balance and shot another kick at Divince’s head. Divince crossed his arms to block the impact of the kick, but was still pushed back. Divince dropped down to the floor and spun his foot around to knock Rosie off her balance. Luckily, Rosie back flipped in the air and regained her composure; Divince followed her movements.
“Hey, not bad.” Rosie complimented.
“I could say the same to you.”
“Wow, they’re amazing.” Kumori said.
“I can barely keep up with their movements.” Kika said.
Back in the arena, things between Rosie and Divince were starting to heat up. Both opponents were not letting up on each other. Rosie tried to trip Divince, but the tiny robot grasped her ankle and tossed her outside the arena. Luckily, Rosie obtained her ability of flight and floated amusingly over the outside of the ring.
“Nice try.” Rosie said playfully. “But it’s going to take a lot more than that to beat me.”
“Good.” Divince said. “I was starting to worry things would get too easy.”
Rosie dived at Divince and started rapidly kicking at the small robot. While holding up his arms to block the barrage of attacks, Divince was secretly scanning Rosie inside his mind. Rosie finished off her assault with a mighty fist that broke the arena floor. The reason for that is because Divince was no longer there. Rosie could hear the crowd gasping and pointing up into the sky. Rosie followed the trail of signs and turned around for an unexpected surprised. Divince was somehow flying in the air similar to Rosie.
“Since when could you fly?” Rosie questioned.
“I’m a robot.” Divince said nonchalantly.
It seemed Rosie was at a real disadvantage to the small robot. It seemed that no matter how powerful her attacks were, Divince was always one step ahead. Rosie went all out with a full frontal assault with her magic, but was doing nothing against Divince’s defenses. All the while, everything was going exactly as Divince had planned. With Rosie’s temper, she would most likely continue fighting until she wore herself out. Once she was too tired to move, then he would have his opportunity. Divince’s plan worked effectively. After three minutes of endless attacking, Rosie was quickly growing tired and her attacks were getting sloppy. This was Divince’s chance. Grabbing Rosie by her wrist, Divince dived down to the outside of the ring, slamming Rosie to the ground. Luckily, Divince didn't slam too hard and Rosie wasn't in any danger.
“And the winner is Divince!” The announcer announced.
“Ugh, that’s gonna hurt in the morning.” Rosie groaned. “Nice match, anyway.”
“Same to you.” Divince returned.
“And that concludes the preliminary matches!” The announcer said into the microphone. “Will all the winning contestants meet in the lobby for further instructions?”
It was five minutes that everyone who had won their matches were found waiting in the lobby. All the losers were waiting for the meeting to be over outside. Blur, Tsunami, Hammer, Neon, Swift, and Divince stood on one side; Blob and Scourge stood on the other.
“To all those who have won, congratulations.” The announcer said to the group. “You will all be headed to the quarterfinals.”

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (93)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (94)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (95)Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:28 pm

--Blur vs. Blob--
The roaring crowds erupted in jubilant cheers when the next match was announced to start. Blur bounced his way to the center ring while Blob walked slowly behind.
“Geez, are you part snail or something?” Blur said impatiently.
“...” Blob glared.
“Ok, still creepy.” Blur commented.
“Let the ninth match begin!” The announcer announced.
At once, Blur bounded from his spot and dived towards the protozoa. Blob pulled out his sword, Blob was not only quick on the draw, but he was also sufficiently strong. Blur really wished he had paid attention to Blob’s first match. Blob delivered a powerful punch. Blur tumbled across the arena, nearly falling over the edge. The crowd gasped in anticipation; Geisy looked scared.
“Is he all right?” Geisy asked worried.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Kika said.
“Yeah, that hurt.” Blur commented.
Blur barely had time to register Blob’s presence until the protozoa loomed over him with his sword in hand. Blob swung his sword down vertically, but Blur rolled to the side to avoid the attack. Blur jumped back to his feet and swiped at Blob from the side, but the protzoa blocked it with his blade. Blob whipped his arm around Blur’s arm tightly. Seeking the opportunity, Blob swung around his sword to Blur’s head. At the last minute, Blur released a Spin Dash on Blob’s arm. The protozoa screamed in pain, unintentionally releasing Blur from his grip. In one fast motion, Blur knocked Blob’s sword out of the ring, and back flipped away at a safe distance.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Blur cheered, followed by the crowd.
“Blur, Blur, he won’t fail!” Geisy cheered. “He’ll beat that monster and whip his tail!”
“Not bad.” Tsunami commented.
“But this is only the beginning.” Swift added. “Blob is not out of this game yet.”
Back in the ring, Blob was regaining his senses from Blur’s surprise attack. The protozoa quickly realized his blade was thrown outside the ring, making it impossible for him to be able to use it again.
“So, you ready to give up?” Blur asked.
But Blob didn’t look ready to give up. On the contrary, he looked victorious. Blob held out his hand and formed a thin Hammer line in the air. Blur didn’t like the looks of it, and with good reason. Once Blob made the line, it shattered into hundreds of rock shards. Blur panicked as Blob released the storm of shards. Blur seemed to be doing well to dodge the attack until a shard hit his arm. Blur temporarily dropped his guard in pain, which allowed the other shards to pass by. The rock shards attacked consecutively in one place, forming a cloud of dust. The attack ended. As the dust cloud faded, Blur was seen lying on the ground.
“Blur!” Geisy cried.
“That monster!” Tsunami growled.
Blob took in the moment of Blur's defeat before turning his eyes on the announcer. The old man trembled, realizing what the demon was trying to say.
“A-and the w-winner is...”The announcer said shakily.
“Hold it!” Blob and the crowd returned to Blur, who was getting back to his feet. “This match ain’t over yet!”
“Blur, don’t give up!” Geisy yelled. “I believe in you!”
Blur grinned at the trust and loyalty he received from his friends and the crowd. Blob looked disgusted. Blob waved his hand across the air, forming another Hammer line. Blur recalled the last attack and realized it took time for Blob to perform the attack. As a last ditch effort, Blur threw a Chaos Tornado. His Lightning Spark, catching Blob by surprise. The attack shot through Blob’s chest, relinquishing all the darkness formed in it. With all the darkness gone, Blob faded from existence, taking all of his exploits with him.
“And the winner is Blur!” The announcer announced.
“I knew he could do it.” Geisy said softly.
Blur thrust his hand in the air, earning another round of cheers.
--Tsunami vs. Swift--
“Let the tenth match begin!” The announcer announced.
Before the words were even said, the fighters were already at each other. Swift had one advantage for being fist, which made him nearly impossible for Tsunami to knock down. But Tsunami had an advantage for being liquid, which made him difficult for Swift to hurt. Swift tried to grab Tsunami, but he slid under Swift and kicked him hard in the back. While his back was still turned, Tsunami flipped into the air and unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. Swift didn’t even have time to avoid them as they exploded on contact with his body. But Tsunami knew Swift was too strong to go down that easily. Tsunami cupped his hands together, gathering a large amount of blue energy.
“TSUNAMI GEYSER!” Tsunami yelled.
Tsunami unleashed his attack, creating a devastating blast. The force of the attack ripped the floor of the arena to pieces and nearly sent the audience flying out of their seats. Tsunami let his attack down and cautiously waited for the cloud of smoke to disappear. As it slowly faded, Tsunami noticed a feint trace of golden light in the smoke. Tsunami was filled with nothing but shock when the golden light showed the shrouded figure. Swift was now gold.
“What is that?” Kika asked curiously.
“I just remembered.” Tsunami stammered fearfully. “You can go super.”
Swift said nothing, only taking in the pleasure of Tsunami’s shock. Before anyone could even blink, Swift vanished from sight. Tsunami reacted to this and searched the area left and right. Unfortunately, the only place he never looked was behind, which was where Swift was. The powerful warrior grasped Tsunami by his head and smashed him into the ground outside the ring.
“The winner is Swift!” The announcer announced.
--Hammer vs. Neon--

“This could be a problem.” Kika said.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Kumori asked worried.
“With Hammer and Neon both fighting, I don’t know who to cheer for.” Kika explained.
Back in the ring, Hammer and Neon bowed to each other in respect.
“I hope for a good match.” Neon stated.
“Just promise that you won’t hold back.” Hammer grinned.
“Oh, you are going to wish you never said that.” Neon chuckled.
“Let the eleventh match begin!” The announcer announced.
Neon bounded off the ground immediately and turned his hands into sharp claws. In reaction, Hammer pulled a wall of rock from the ground. Neon’ claw bounced off the wall, giving Hammer the opportunity to strike. Hammer released a torrent of rocks that swept Neon towards the outer ring. Acting fast, Neon slammed his claw into the ground, stopping himself from flying out of the arena.
“Hey, not bad.” Neon complimented.
“I do my best.” Hammer smirked.
“But it seems your best isn’t enough.” Neon stated.
Neon waved his arms, forming the rocks that surrounded him into a ball in midair. Neon burst the ball and unleashed a jet of boulders. Hammer quickly reacted by slamming his hands to the ground, summoning a wall of earth to protect him. Neon looked displeased, but was a bit preoccupied when he saw something form beneath the wall. Suddenly, several needles of stone erupted from the ground and were sent flying in Neon’ direction. Neon back flipped to avoid the assault and even swatted a few away for safety. Realizing that standing still was not getting anywhere, Neon swerved past the fleeting stalagmites and slammed his fist down on the stone wall. But once the pile of rocks crumbled, Hammer had already disappeared, leaving nothing but a large hole in the ground.
“He went underground.” Neon thought. “That just leaves one question: Where is he?”
Neon was on the lookout for anything that might give a sign of Hammer’s whereabouts; the crowd followed his example. No one made a sound, not even the tiniest of insects. Suddenly, the unexpected happened. Neon heard something crumbling under his feet and slammed his fist into the ground. When he pulled his hand back up, he realized it was only Hammer’s glove. It was a trap and he fell for it. Hammer popped out of the ground behind Neon and trapped the underworld lord with a rock cage. Hammer flung Neon over his shoulders and out of the ring, he then put his glove back on.
“And the winner is Neon!” The announcer announced.
“Say what?!” Everyone exclaimed in confusion.
“But that doesn’t make sense.” Neon defended. “I was the one who fell out of the ring.”
“Technically, it was Hammer who exited the ring first.” The announcer explained. “When he dug under the ring, he touched the ground, which is part of the outside. It was an automatic ring out once he started digging.”
“That wasn't in the rules!” Hammer yelled furiously.
--Scourge vs. Divince--

It was the twelfth out of the 15 matches, which disappointed most, but the tense was still thick with danger. It was the last match with Scourge and he was going up against the wandering mech, Divince. Divince, though strong, was still intimidated by his lethal opponent. He stared out into the audience and caught his father’s gaze. Though it may look like nothing to others, Divince could see love and respect brimming from them. Divince felt invincible with his father’s praise.
“Come on, Divince!” Multis cheered. “Mop up that freak show!”
“Think you really stand against a warrior such as myself.” Scourge chuckled.
“I don’t know if I can win.” Divince said. “But I will give it all I got.”
“Let the twelfth match begin!” The announcer announced.
Scourge took a deep, calming breath, giving him the presence of relaxation. Suddenly, six tentacles formed from Scourge’s back, lashing at everything within their reach. Unknown to Scourge, Divince was preparing himself by scanning all of Scourge’s tactics. It was only three seconds after that Divince realized Scourge went on the attack. He wrapped two of the tentacles around the small robot’s legs and tossed him into the air. Two more tentacles grasped Divince around his body, strapping his arms to his sides, and slammed him into the ground. The remaining two tentacles started whipping Divince mercilessly. The audience would flinch every time Scourge used his tentacles on Divince’s small body.
“Get out of there, Divince!” Kika cried.
“I don’t see any way for him to escape.” Multis stated. “But there is one thing you should never do. And that is to never underestimate my son.”
Back in the ring, Scourge continued his brutal assault until he started to get bored. Scourge took his four remaining tentacles and merged them together into a vicious snake. Just as the snake lunged at Divince, it was suddenly destroyed by a flash of silver.
“What?!” Scourge exclaimed in surprise.
Divince had somehow broken free from Scourge’s grip and destroyed the snake with the use of his newest power. By copying the data of Scourge’s biological structure and powers, Divince had gained the ability to create six tentacles from his back. The tentacles were absorbed back into Divince’s backside and resumed his stance.
“A bit surprised, aren’t you?” Divince snigg*red. “I must admit, I was surprised that I could even borrow this technique at all.”
“Enjoy the sensation while you still can.” Scourge said darkly. “Because this battle is about to end.”
Scourge dived forward after Divince, who followed in his steps. Scourge extended his tentacles, but Divince was also following the same technique. Scourge swiped across Divince’s head, but the small robot repelled the attack and fought back with his own. Scourge flipped backwards, only to realize that Divince had stretched his arm beyond its normal extent. Scourge was sent flying by the hand, but quickly reacted by throwing out his own tentacles. His claws handed on each side of the robot, intentionally missing his target, which Divince figured out.
“What’s he up to?” Divince murmured.
“Have a nice flight!” Scourge screamed.
By the time Divince realized Scourge’s unusual tactic, it was already too late. Scourge brought out 2 guns and kept firing until the recoil of the bullets caused Divince to trip over the stadium ledge.
“The winner is Scourge!” The announcer announced; earning several boos from the audience.
“Now that everyone is here, we can begin.” The announcer said. “To those of you remaining, you are all headed for the semi-finals. The next match will begin tomorrow. The next matches will be the following: Blur vs. Neon, Swift vs. Scourge.”
The day turned to night and the coliseum was found empty. The only exception was Neon, who was entering the arena with a serious expression held on his face. This was the final showdown that would determine the fate of his heart. It was here he would face his destiny. The wind suddenly picked up, but Neon paid no attention. As the wind died down, Scourge appeared opposite of him.
“After all that’s happened, it finally comes to this.” Neon said.
“Tell me, how much do you hate me?” Scourge said humorlessly.
“I never thought you would be capable of doing such a thing.” Neon said. “I must kill you.”
Scourge’s eyes widened in shock as an aura of white light surrounded Neon’ body.
“What is that?” Scourge questioned
“This is my future!” Neon yelled
Neon tossed Scourge to the other side of the ring, but Scourge jumped back to his feet. As Neon came charging, a massive aura of darkness surrounded Scourge as the two clashed. The two forces clashed with one another, creating an explosion of pressurized power. But when the two forces subsided, Scourge were nowhere to be seen. “Your crimes have been sentenced.” Neon said disappearing into the ground.

Gale #1 fan
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Registration date : 2008-09-01

Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (105)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (106)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (107)Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:42 pm

“Where’s Neon and Scourge.” Kika asked worried.
“They left.” The announcer said.
“What do you mean they left?” Divince questioned.
“They just disappeared.” Mystic explained. “They must have had a big fight; the arena was torn up when someone came to check on it. They both left a note saying they forfeited the match. Since both of them are gone, we have no choice but to move on to the finals.”
“Looks like I’ll become champion sooner then I expected.” Swift said.
--Blur vs. Swift--

There has never been a bigger turnout in the history of the Hero Stadium than today. Word of Neon and Scourge’s resignation had spread and millions of species from across the universe have culminated for this single event. The others were lucky to beat the rush and found perfect seats in the front row.
“Are you ready for the match of the Century?!” The announcer yelled. The crowd roared in applause. And as a special condition for this match, the winner wont be decided until one opponent can battle no more. Let the final match of the Hero Championships begin!” The announcer announced.
The 2 started off by going Super. Blur was barely able to react once Swift bounded off the ground at the end of the sentence. Swift swung his fist around, but Blur dropped to the floor on his back. Once Swift was over him, he kicked upwards, sending Swift hurtling into the air. Swift caught himself and hovered for a moment to watch Blur flip back to his feet.
Swift shot his hand forward, unleashing an green burst of energy. Acting fast, Blur used his Spin Dash to counter it. Just when Blur thought he was safe, Swift appeared out of nowhere and kicked the hedgehog to the chin, sending him straight into the air. Swift sped to the air and grasped Blur by his head before throwing him back into the ring. Blur landed hard, but it only got worse once Swift pile-drived him into the floor with his feet.
“Is that truly the best you can do?” Swift chuckled. “It’s a wonder how you beat me last time.”
Suddenly, Blur flipped over on his back and clasped his hands together; flames of determination in his eyes. Those flames were ejected as Blur used a Homing Attack that sht out a wave in its wake. Swift barely acknowledge the attack before he was engulfed in it. The shockwave flew across the arena, through the lobby doors. With the lobby entrance completely incinerated, this gave people a better way to see the match.
“Whoops, look’s like I overdid it.” Blur said sheepishly.
“Now that’s some serious firepower.” Divince commented.
“So, is it over?” Alexis asked.
“My thermal sensors prove otherwise.” Multis stated.
Blur charged in headlong and swung his fist around Swift as he passed by. Blur grinned at himself, believing that he had won. But his celebration was quickly ended when he felt a powerful hands grasp his head and lifted him to the air
Swift reeled back his fist and launched it into Blur’s lower torso. The force of the hit could be felt all around the coliseum and even out in the town. Blur curled around his stomach and started coughing loudly. Swift reeled back his fist and struck the hedgehog in the same place, receiving the same result. Swift released Blur, only to kick him back into the air with his knee. Blur was tossed high into the air, in clear view of the audience, and slowly descended back to the ground. Unfortunately, Swift wouldn’t let him hit.
Using whatever strength he had, Blur pointed two fingers down at Swift. Suddenly, an electric surge escaped his fingers and zapped Swift. Swift lowered his grip momentarily, allowing the Blur to break free. Blur kicked at Swift’s face, who staggered back in pain.
Swift lightly stepped off the floor and floated aimlessly in the air above. He held out his open palm and gathered an enormous amount of green energy into it for another blast. The air in the coliseum became thicker as Swift continually culminated the intense energy into the size of a small sphere.
Swift released the small sphere of energy and tossed in down at Blur. Suddenly, with a wave of Swift’s hand, the small sphere expanded to gargantuan proportions. Swift held out his hand toattack, but his actions were halted. Blur zipped up to Swift and retained a firm grasp on his wrist. Blur swung his fist across Swift’s chest so many times that it was amazing he didn’t pass out. Blur released Swift, but came around with a surprise kick to the face. Swift stumbled backwards slight, but ultimately managed to crawl to his feet. He tried to form an attack again, but Blur zoomed in close and slammed his fist into Swift’s chest. Swift dived at the hedgehog; the ground collapsed beneath his feet. Swift slammed his arm across Blur and sent him flying across the coliseum. Before the Blur even had a chance to touch ground, Swift grabbed him by the shoulders and kicked him upwards. While still in midair, Swift somehow teleported and grabbed Blur by the head. Swift launched downward to the ground and slammed the hedgehog hard.
Swift finished off with a powerful uppercut. Blur could only be seen hovering over the ground and crashing without a sign of recognition. Blur flipped over and delivered a piercing blow to Swift’s back. When Blur thought he would attack, he was surprised when Swift floated high over the coliseum.
“Is he retreating?” Multis asked curiously.
“No.” Aura said. “He’s building up for his most powerful attack. The Chaos Burst.”
Swift tossed a blast, which Blur saw and dodged. Swift was not pleased that his attack missed, but decided to fix the problem. He hurled another small sphere, which added to the other blast and made it twice as large. Blur was starting to collapse through the ground under the pressure of the attack.
“I believe in you, Blur!” Geisy cheered.
“Go Swift!” Aura cheered.
Soon Blur started spinning and green chaos energy surrounded him, which showed he was preparing for his Chaos Tornado, soon the whole arena was covered with a energy, showing Swift was about to use a Chaos Burst. “CHAOS TORNADO!” Blur shouted as the green tornado appeared and almost caused everyone to fly out of their seats. “CHAOS BURST!” Swift shouted as the explosion took out the entire arena in the process. When everyone could see again they saw both Swift and Blur still standing, but soon they both fell back exhausted.
“THE WINNER, BLUR AND SWIFT!” The announcer shouted declaring the tie. The crowd went wild in uproar as they saw the ending of the greatest match in the Hero Stadium ever. The grumbled as they got up. “Good game bro.” Blur said putting his hand out. Swift accepted it. “Likewise.” Swift replied.

Gale #1 fan
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Registration date : 2008-09-01

Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (117)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (118)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (119)Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:57 am

The scene alters to the hidden base of the Blur Team. The sky was dark and gloomy, which reflected the atmosphere inside the base. Everyone was gathered in the living room to see the arrival of Rain and Glee, grieving over the loss of their friends Vec and Esper, Vec had died when fighting the Blob, and Esper died taking a shot to save Rain and Glee.
“How they doing?” Swift asked monotone.
“They refuse to leave the room.” Aura said sadly.
“It can be understood.” Divince said solemnly.
“The two just had their hearts broken!” Jasmine said.
“I have already lost too much to go through anymore pain.” Swift sighed.
“Swift...” Aura murmured.
Of anyone in the base, Aura was the only one who could truly understand Swift. Aura sympathized with Swift and embraced him comfortably. The others were silent for the moment, allowing Swift’s words to sink in. But the peace didn’t last long before the alarms blared.
“Why am I not surprise?” Blur joked.
The television screen turned on and the G.U.N. Commander appeared on the other end.
“Commander.” Swift nodded.
“Heroes, we have another emergency.” The Commander stated.
“There’s a surprise.” Knuckles said sarcastically.
“What is it, sir?” Espio asked, elbowing Knuckles. “Is it one of Nega’s robots or Apocalypse’s monsters?”
“Neither.” The Commander stated. “It’s Apocalypse himself and he’s currently destroying all of Westopolis. My troops are trying to evacuate the city while trying to hold him off. We need you to intercept him so we can get everyone to safety.”
“You can count on us, chief!” Rev saluted.
“We’ll take care of that creep!” Rector proclaimed.
“Don’t worry, Commander.” Swift said seriously. “I’ll make sure that this is the last time we have to deal with him.” The commander nodded and the screen went black. Swift turned to his team “Our target is at Westopolis. We know our mission and we must execute a firm strike.” Blur looked to Divince. “Divince, stay behind and watch out for any more disturbances. Light, Ashura, Lightrion, help him out.”
"Roger." They all said. With Light tripping on his feet.
“Fall back! Fall back!”
“We can’t take much more of this!”
Chaos reigned over the capital city of Westopolis. While the city was still recovering from the incident with the Black Arms, Apocalypse was only making things worse. He went on a senseless rampage, eliminating anything and everything in sight. The G.U.N. soldiers were using every weapon in their arsenal, but nothing truly affected him. Apocalypse held out his hands, creating a barrage of Black Chaos Spears. Many of the soldiers were slaughtered, but those who survived were crawling away from the monster.
“This is getting boring.” Apocalypse sighed, killing yet another soldier. “I guess destruction has really lost its amusem*nt.”
“Maybe you try finding something nicer to do.” Rev said.
Apocalypse turned slowly around and watched as Blur and his allies appeared in a flash of green light.
“Ah, I was wondering if you would make it.” Apocalypse said amusingly.
“You think you’re so funny.” Rock glared.
“Is that supposed to intimidate me?” Apocalypse questioned coolly.
“There’s no way we’re going to let you get away with what you’ve done!” Rector roared.
“Unless you value your own life, I must suggest you leave at once.” Rave stated coldly.
“No, he’s not going to get away.” Swift said venomously. “He’s going to pay for his sins. I will make sure of that.”
“And you believe you have the strength to beat me?” Apocalypse laughed. “That’s a laugh!”
“You won’t be laughing much longer.” Aura seethed.
“Then might I suggest you give it your best shot.” Apocalypse grinned.
“Already on it.”
Before Apocalypse realized what hit him, something slammed into the side of his face from behind. Apocalypse stumbled back a few feet before jumping back up. He looked skyward and found Jasmine hovering over him. Any normal hedgehog would be at a disadvantage to a flying opponent. But that rule didn’t apply to Apocalypse. The God of Darkness kicked off the ground and shot in the direction of the purple hedgehog. Jasmine barely moved out of the way to avoid Apocalypse’s direct assault. She reached into the pouch she brought and threw a handful of miniature bombs. The bombs exploded on contact with Apocalypse’s back, filling the sky with a display of brilliant flashes.
“Once again, the beast is beaten by the beauty.” Rouge sighed.
“Someone’s a little conceited.”
Rouge gasped and turned sharply around to find Apocalypse floating behind her. Before she could even blink, Apocalypse slammed his fist into Jasmine’s stomach. The impact knocked her unconscious and started to fall. She was about to make contact with the ground, but Rock dived in and saved her. Rock gently placed her on the ground before directing his anger towards the God of Darkness.
“You monster!” Rock yelled.
“Flattery will get you nowhere in this battle, hot head.” Apocalypse smirked, landing on the ground.
“Don’t call me that.” Rock glared; his fists suddenly alit with fire. “DON’T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT!”
“So this is the living fire.” Apocalypse thought. “I’ve heard about it. According to Pachahamec, the echidna’s strongest warriors were able to forge flames from their own bodies and give them minds of their own. This should be interesting.”
“Better watch your step.” Rock grinned. “Things are about to heat up.”
“Leave the puns to the professionals.” Apocalypse said coolly.
Rock once again ignited his fists and tossed a column of flames. Apocalypse easily avoided the heated fires by jumping in the air and remained idle. Just as he suspected, the flames twisted themselves around like a serpent and followed Apocalypse’s movements. Apocalypse swerved past the number of buildings, hoping the flames extinguish. He was amazed that the flames actually flashed through the buildings. There was only one option left. Apocalypse dived down towards Rock, the flames following his lead. Rock raised his fist to fight, but was surprised when Apocalypse used his super speed to fly around him. Before he couldn’t even figure out why, the flames he conjured engulfed his body. Rock wasn't effected by his own flames and allowed them to burn him before the exstinguished on their own.
“I must admit, that was a fancy trick.” Apocalypse commented, touching ground. “You truly are worthy of your echidna lineage.”

Ebon dived at Apocalypse with his swords out, but this didn’t concern the dark hedgehog. Without even looking, Apocalypse reached behind and grabbed his swords. Apocalypse pulled him forward and held him upside down.
“If you plan to surprise someone, might I suggest you do it silently.” Apocalypse commented humorously.
“Good work, Ebon.” Rave’s voice echoed. “Now leave it to me.”
All of a sudden, the manhole in front of him popped open and Rave prepared to throw his explosion potion. Unfortunately, everything below his shoulders was still caught in the sewers. Rave tried to squirm his way out, but nothing happened. Apocalypse and Ebon sweat-dropped.
“Uh...a little help here?” Rave asked meekly.
“How did you get down there, anyway.” Ebon asked curiously.
“I don’t know.” Rave replied.
Apocalypse sweat-dropped again. Apocalypse slammed Ebon’s body over Vectors head and sent them to the sewer. Just as he kicked the manhole cover back in its place, an enlarged fist was seen flying towards him. Apocalypse leaned his head slowly and directed his attention to Rector.
“You’ve got some nerve to strike me.” Apocalypse grimaced.
“But I wasn’t trying to strike you.” Rector smirked superiorly. “Just capture you.”
“Capture?” Apocalypse repeated curiously.
“DOUBLE KNOCKOUT!” Rector shouted.
Suddenly Apocalypse was struck with 2 enlarged fists, after the attack the only thing left was a crumpled heap.
“I didn’t think it would be that easily.” Rector said suspiciously.
“That’s because it isn’t.”
Rector turned to the side, only to find himself being lifted to the air by his throat. Looking down, Rector could see a hedgehog that looked like Apocalypse, only his fur was red. A moment later, the fur turned to Apocalypse’s natural black color.
“” Rector gasped.
“I shed my skin.” Apocalypse smirked. “You feeble opponents are becoming boring.” Apocalypse sighed.
“Then why not try me on for size!”
Apocalypse didn’t even have to look to know that Aura was behind him; only she could be that loud during battle. While in midair, Aura flipped around and stretched her leg outwards. Apocalypse carelessly raised his forearm, easily blocking the attack. Irritated by Apocalypse’s lack of effort, Aura flipped backwards in midair and landed on her feet. She ducked down in an attempt to trip him, but the he merely jumped over her. Apocalypse sent his fist forward, but Aura grabbed it in her palm and threw one of her own punches. Apocalypse replied in the same reaction, bring them to a stalemate.
“I must say, you’ve proved to be more of a challenge.” Apocalypse complimented.
“You shouldn’t underestimate me because I am a girl.” Aura returned.
Aura brought her knee up and separated her hands with Apocalypse. Before Apocalypse could counter, Aura swung around and kicked his chest with her other foot. Apocalypse could see her charging ahead and summoned a horde of Black Chaos Spears. Aura dived down and slid across the ground to avoid the energy assault. Apocalypse tried to grab her, but the she slid between his legs and kicked him from behind. Apocalypse only staggered slightly, but it was enough to get him mad. While Aura flipped backward, Apocalypse started to gather a tremendous amount of red chaos energy. Aura saw this and was already starting to panic.
“This could be bad.” Aura shuddered.
“Oh, it is.” Apocalypse said maliciously before yelling. “CHAOS BLAST!!”
Apocalypse unleashed the red energy from his body in the form of a red nuclear explosion. Rector, though injured, regained enough strength to collect Jasmine’s unconscious form and duck into the sewers. But in all the confusion, he had overlooked Aura. As close as the blast was, the only way to survive was with Chaos Control. But she was unable to use the technique. Aura closed her eye in anticipation with the blast, but it never came. When Aura opened her eyes again, the blast was gone and Swift stood in front of her in a defensive position.
“Swift!” Aura praised. “I knew you would protect me.”
“I shouldn’t have to protect you.” Swift said seriously, holding his hand to her. “But I made a promise to always be there for you.” Aura smiled and gratefully took his hand. “Now we only have to worry about Apocalypse.”
“What can we do?” Aura said worried. “If we attack, he’ll heal himself. If we don’t fight him, he’ll kill us.”
“We have to find a way to fight him without allowing him the chance to heal.” Swift said tactically. “And I think I know a way how.”
“Really?” Aura said hopefully.
“It’s our one shot, but I need something first.” Swift said solemnly. “I need you to give it to me.”
“Anything.” Aura said.
It was all a blur to Aura, but it was the happiest moment of her life. Swift suddenly grasped Aura by the head and forced her closer to him, locking his lips with hers. Aura felt as if her heart had exploded from her chest. Swift, her one true love, was kissing her. Just as quickly as they came together, they were now apart.
“Goodbye.” Swift whispered
Aura was still dazed from the kiss, but ultimately felt Swift’s fist lodged in her stomach. She dropped to her knees and fell over, grasping her stomach. She wasn’t unconscious, but she had lost all moving capabilties. From the corner of her eyes, she could Swift; he was crying.
“Why?” Aura gasped.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Swift shuddered. “Please, live on.”
Leaving behind the injured Aura, Swift stepped up to Apocalypse with a look of fear and confidence.
“So this is it then.” Apocalypse snigg*red.
“I’m taking you down forever.” Swift said seriously.
“Then show me what you got!”
At once, Swift freely summoned a powerful burst from his open palm. Apocalypse mimicked his tactic and performed an equally powerful Black Chaos Lance. The two attacks collided, destroying all nearby buildings in the street. Once Apocalypse regained his senses, he quickly reacted as Swift made an attempt to attack him. Swift threw out his foot, but the he swatted him away. Swift quickly touched the ground with his palm and countered with another kick. Apocalypse blocked it with his forearm and released a single Black Chaos Spear from his hand. Swift pushed himself off the ground and flipped over Apocalypse’s head, successfully avoiding the attack. Once behind Apocalypse, Swift trapped the hedgehog’s arms behind his back.
“What is it that up plan on doing now?” Apocalypse questioned.
“Since you heal after every attack, I’ll have to destroy you in a way you can never heal.” Swift stated.
“Try your best.” Apocalypse snigg*red. “I can recover from even the smallest particle.”
“That’s why I won’t leave a single trace now.” Swift said seriously. Apocalypse had his eyes open wide after he realized what he just said.
Suddenly, a giant sphere of energy wrapped around them. Apocalypse then he realized that the energy wasn’t headed for his body, but for his heart. Apocalypse’s eyes shot wide with fear.
“You’re insane!” Apocalypse yelled madly. “You’ll kill us both!”
“Better to get rid of you.” Swift grunted. His eyes wandered and made contact with Aura, who stared back. “Aura, I’m sorry I won’t be able to keep my promise. I am only doing this to protect you.”
“” Aura murmured.
“I’ll miss you.” Swift said sadly. Once the energy was gathered, Swift released it. “CHAOS IMPLOSION!!”
“Swift!!” Aura screamed.
The charged energy exploded, when the blast died down, there was nothing left but a gaping crater. At that moment, one of the manholes blew open, revealing the rest of the team, who were properly healed again.
“Hey, what happened here?” Rock questioned.
“Where’s Swift?” Jasmine asked.
“Swift...” Aura sobbed. “He’s...he’s...”
“I’m over here.” Everyone looked to see Swift who was seriously injured, but alive.
‘But how?’ Aura thought. “Like I say, I can't be killed that easily, I managed to repel some of the energy from me and I manage to stay alive.” Swift explained. “Now Apocalypse is officialy gone for good.”
“So he’s finally been destroyed, but yet Heartless, Nobodies and Unbirths continue to rome the earth, and no Heartfull, Somebodies, and Rebirths have changed back into who they once were, funny, that should have happened when he was killed.”
“That’s because I’m not dead.” The person turned to see a person who matched his silhouette, Apocalypse.
“Swift may have thought he killed me, but I only became een stronger, that fool doesn't know I don't have a heart. And this time I have the best source of power. And that’s you, Eclipse, or should I say, my brother.” Apocalypse said before charging at him.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (130)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (131)Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:02 am

The scene opens to the castle dimension of Apocalypse. Three days had passed since the final confrontation between Apocalypse and Swift in Westopolis. (That’s what they think, Apocalypse still hasn’t perished).
“I never thought I would see the day that Lord Apocalypse dies.”
“I always figured he was the strongest in the world. Maybe in the whole universe.”
“He was. And still is, as long as we follow accordance to the plan.”
“How long do we have?”
“I did some research." “The source won’t arrive for another two weeks.”
“That means we’ll have plenty of time for fun.”
“We have completed preparations 1-8 for Project: Yggdrasil, as commanded by Lord Apocalypse. But we are missing one essential piece if this plan is to succeed.”
“Should would retrieve it?”
“No, let’s leave it to our special agent.”
At the Blur Team base Blur was sleeping in his bed though he was tossing and turning in his sleep saying random things out loud like he was in a battle. Which also kept Mach and Swoft awake all night.
“Watch out!” Geisy shouted.
Just as Geisy cried out, Apocalypse crawled on all four legs and released a storm of crystals from his spine. Geisy quickly dived on Blur, pulling him down from the range of fire. Blur was about to thank her, but never had the chance when Apocalypse ran up and kicked her across the ruined streets into a brick wall. Apocalypse raised his upper legs and started threw them down on his eternal enemy. Acting by instinct, Blur threw up a barrier with his Poseidon Wave.
“Blur, are you all right?” Geisy asked concern.
“I’ve...been better.” Blur wheezed, weakly pushing himself up. “This is insane. Apocalypse’ attacks are more uncoordinated like they usually are. It’s as if he loses all control of himself when he goes into battle.”
At Blur’s distraction, Apocalypse thrust his tail forward at the blue hedgehog. A crystal tip formed at the end, creating the same effect as a dagger. It was only until the tail was right in front of him did Blur realize that Apocalypse attacked. Apocalypse struck. Blur gasped in horror, but not for himself. At his moment of weakness, Geisy wrapped her body protectively around Blur and allowed the crystal to strike her back. Apocalypse growled that his target wasn’t hit, but was satisfied when he noticed blood leaking onto his tail. Apocalypse recalled his tail and began to lick the blood off pleasurably. Geisy dropped, but Blur caught her and held her comfortingly in his arms.
“Geisy...” Blur whispered sadly.
“Looks like it’s up to you again, Blur.” Geisy grinned weakly.
“No, I can help you.” Blur shook. “There has to be something I can do.”
“We both know there’s nothing you can do to help.” Geisy said. “All you can do is protect this world.”
“But I can’t do it alone.” Blur moaned. “I can’t lose you.”
“You’ll never lose me, Blur.” Geisy stated.
He moaned over Geisy’s body and held her close, wanting to saver the warmth she had. Unfortunately, Apocalypse had finished his meal and was looking for desert.
“I’m still hungry.” Apocalypse growled. “Come satisfy me, Blur.
Blur glared at the beast that killed his love; anger flowing through every vein in his body. The blue hedgehog gently set the body of Geisy to the ground and moved closer to face his enemy. Sensing a chance to strike, Apocalypse once again attacked with his pointed tail. But Blur, fueled by anger, grasped the crystallized end before it could ever pierce him. Apocalypse tried to tug his tail back, but the blue hedgehog wouldn’t release. Suddenly, Blur enclosed his hand, crushing the crystal and dispersing the ooze from its place. Apocalypse roared in pain and recalled the remains of his tail.
“What have you done?!” Apocalypse yelled.
Apocalypse started swinging his upper legs in such random motions that it couldn’t be seen where they were going. But as Apocalypse made his way to Blur, the blue hedgehog was suddenly surrounded but a visible light-blue aura. Apocalypse was already over him and swung his powerful legs down, but Blur had already beat him to the punch.
“CHAOS CONTROL!!” Blur exclaimed.
“Where could he have gone?” Geisy asked.
Ebon and Geisy were searching the streets of Casinopolis, looking for the blue hedgehog that disappeared momentarily.
“It’s odd.” Ebon said seriously. “After that burst of light appeared, I’ve completely lost his scent. But now it seems his scent has returned, but it’s much weaker than before.”
“Does that mean he’s far away?” Geisy asked hopefully.
“I think that...”
All of a sudden, Blur dropped down from the sky and slammed to the roof of a car. The duo gasped in fright and looked up to find Apocalypse standing over a building above them. Geisy, enraged at the pain they caused her love, launched a Chaos Tornado from her palms at the two. Unfortunately, Apocalypse disappeared before the attack hit.
“Grr, when I get my hands on them.” Geisy seethed.
“I think we have worse matters to attend to.” Ebon said solemnly.
We better take him back to the base to heal his injuries.” Geisy stated.
“Unfortunately, we cannot.” Ebon said softly; Geisy stared. “I wondered why Blur’s scent seemed so weak, even after being so close. Then I realized it was being decay.”
“Decay?” Geisy repeated. “What does that mean?”
“Blur, has joined Neon’s world.” Ebon said bluntly.
Geisy’s heart went cold at that statement. She shook her head, refusing to believe a word coming from the swordsman’s mouth and ran to help Blur. But the moment she touched him, she knew something was wrong. Slowly, she turned the Purple hedgehog around and gasped in fright. Blur’s eyes were blank and a small hole pierced his skull.
“Blur.” Geisy whispered softly. “Blur, wake up, this isn’t funny. Blur? Blur? Blur!!”
Geisy finally broke down and Ebon bowed in respect. This was the cold truth.
Swift and Mach had finally gotten some sleep for a while until. “AH!” The 2 moaned as they were woken up. “Guys, we have a problem.” Blur explained. “You keeping us up?” The 2 answered. “No, Apocalypse is still alive.” Blur said. The two only stared at each other after hearing this. "Sound the alarm." Mach said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (142)Subject: Final Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (143)Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:27 am

“Please, leave our homes in peace.” The old chief begged at the cranes feet. “Of course. We do appreciate your generous donation for the continued protection of your village. The Babylon Rogues are always pleased to help.” The falcon snickered. “You are not the Rogues, they are!” the woman exclaimed as she pointed to the statues of Jet and his team. “I suggest you watch your mouth missy, there are the Solar Babylon Rogues, and the Lunars which we are. After all, this forest can be a very dangerous place.” The falcon said as he forcefully ripped of her silver necklace. “All right, boys, time to move out!” the falcon ordered. The six birds grabbed their Extreme Gear and rode off out of the village, leaving it people in despair. “Haha, that was the easiest job ever boss.” A small pigeon said. “Trust me, boy. As long as you are apart of the Babylon Rogues, everyday is going to be payday.” The falcon laughed. All of a sudden, a vine snapped from up off the ground and tripped the Rogues off their Gear. “What was that!” the falcon screeched. “So you're the lunar trash Jet always talks about!” A mysterious voice echoed. “Ugh, come out where I can see ya!” the falcon yelled.
The four bandits scattered around the area looking for the mysterious voice. One of the bandits looked over a fallen tree, but was suddenly pulled over and the sound of a fist hitting could be heard. “What was that?” The crane questioned. The second bandit went over to look, but was then pulled up by his feet into the tree above him. “Who are you? Show yourself!” The falcon ordered. “It the spirits, they have come to haunt us.” The pigeon squeaked. “You don’t believe such nonsense?” The falcon questioned. Just then, both missing bandits fell from the trees. “Uh...I just remembered. I left the stove on.” The pigeon screamed and ran away. “Get back here, you coward!” The falcon yelled. “You call him a coward. Attacking someone weaker then yourself, now that is cowardice.” The voice said again. The falcon turned around and he could finally see who was responsible for all this. “You? You’re just a brown hedgehog.” The falcon stated. “I am no ordinary hedgehog.” The hedgehog commented. “I’ll teach you to mess with me!” the falcon yelled and charged recklessly at the mysterious hedgehog. But 2 seconds later the sound of a fist breaking bones was heard.
Back in the village, all the people were in the center of the village, praying to the heroes. “Please, O brave spirits. Please, give us a sign that things will be alright.” The chief pleaded to the statue of Blur. Just then, all the bags that carried their possessions landed in the center of the circle of statues. The villagers clamored around the bags, praising the spirits for this wonderful gift. “It’s a miracle.” The chief’s daughter said. A young boy found the women’s silver necklace tossed on the ground, intending to return it to her, when something caught his eyes. In one of the high trees stood a lone figure, watching as the villagers reclaimed their lost possessions. “The spirit’s.” the boy said in a fascinated manner. Having believed his job was done, the figure jumped back and blended in with the forest of the night.
“There. That’s where a saw the spirit before he left.” The boy said as he pointed to the tree where he last saw the shrouded figure. The reason he was pointing to the tree was because he was guiding none other then Tsunami. “Thank you. That was all I needed to know.” Tsunami said. “Do you know the spirit?” the boy asked. “Maybe I do, maybe I don't, until I found him, answer I won't.” Tsunami commented. Tsunami turned away from the boy and made his way into the dense forest.
Tsunami trudged through the forest, hoping he knew where he was going, until he came across the battle sight from when the bandits came. What surprised him was that the place was clean. All except for a recent footprint on the ground. Tsunami crouched down to inspect the footprint. “Hello?” Tsunami called. Suddenly, random bushes around him started moving. Tsunami quickly jumped, hopefully to find the person. “Are you there?” Tsunami questioned. Without receiving a response, Tsunami pushed through the bushes until he fell through the ground. Tsunami fell unconscious as he fell through a series of random vines and felt himself being caught safely in someone’s arms. “Long way from the city just to drop in.”
“I don’t care who these people are, I swear the next time I see that guy, I’ll bury his face in my fists!” Hammer shouted. Blur, sighed at this comment.
“Oh Hammer, you’re just speaking out of anger because you finally got beat in a fight.” Blur kidded, swatting his hand into the air. The red echidna growled even louder at this comment. “What I’m interested in is Swift’s past with Apocalypse.” Blur questioned.
“The reason Apocalypse isn’t dead is because he had no heart for me to target, plus his regeneration powers are superior to Nazo's.” Swift explained. Blur’s eyes widened.
“Wait just a minute. Are you telling me that you didn't kill actually him." Blur asked.
“Well Apocalypse is marked as the universe’s first villain, it doesn’t surprise me, he could have been regenerating to quickly for Swift to kill.” Wing explained.
“I don’t specialize in all this technical blabber that you are talking about Wing. I don’t know how he’s managed to survive, but the point is that he did survived. Isn’t that enough for you! Don’t try and take out your anguish on me just because you’re mother was r@p#d by Scourge!” Wing shot up from his seat and stomped over to Swift in an aggressive rage.
“No one talks about my mother like that!” Wing was ready to strike Swift, but Blur held him back. Swift also took a few steps and but was stopped by Geisy.
“Calm down, Wing. I’m sure Swift just chose the wrong words to use for this kind of conversation.” Blur said. Swift grunted. Wing did the same but then back away, knowing he was biting for more than he could chew. “Phew.” Blur said, relieved. Aura gave Swift a disappointing look.
“I never knew you got so cold Swift. What happened to you?” Swift glared at Aura with a combination of depression and aggravation. Then he responded with that dark tone that everyone was familiar with.
“I saw the world for what it really was.” Swift sneered. He then turned away and walked up the stairs. Leaving the Blur Team down at the bottom floor to argue about the strange happenings, and Aura to mope.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Inside The Egg Carrier, Nega was inside a small training room, testing out his latest invention. The doctor stood in the center of the corridor with his hand outstretched in-front of him, and latched around it was some kind of metallic armor like limb. This entirely covered his right arm. The limb had many metallic attachments attached onto it, as well as a small portal-like hole at the palm, which emitted a sky blue glow. This “generator” powered that one limb and was the most powerful part of the weapon. The doctor stretched and moved his limb around to see if his calculations in the making of the arm were accurate. Seeming to be controllable, Nega pulled his hand back and flexed his fingers. Then he shot his palm out into the open, which caused the hole in his hand armor to unleash a blast of light-blue laser-like energy. The attack was aimed straight at some scrap of metal that Nega had placed there for practice, and then energy clashed with it, vaporizing the metal into nothing but ashes and bright red pieces of burning metal. Sizzling smoke rose from the incinerated steel and the doctor grunted triumphantly.
“Excellent, my Energy Gamma Generation Armor Prototype is complete, time to test it out on the field of battle.” Nega complimented on his own genius. He pulled his hand back and admired the metal attachment that covered it.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Swift was lying in his bed inside his room, thinking of the events that took place over the course of the day. The dark blue hedgehog stared at the ceiling, thinking about his past and everything that happened to him in his lifetime.
Those dark events flashed and replayed in Swift’s mind, nearly driving him to madness. He sat upright and walked up to a wall and put his hand on it, to support him as he looked down on the horrible events of his life. He shed out one small tear and then looked at himself at the mirror that lay in-front of him, studying what his emotional self has become. Bottling it up all those years and now something has nearly shattered that seal. His visual of himself started as a sympathetic gaze, but then turned into an angered stare at himself, which then turned to a growling hatred. The dark blue hedgehog bashed the mirror in-front of him, then he stomped out of his room, and passing it was Wing, who caught the dark blue hedgehog walking angrily downstairs. The black hedgehog wanted to say something, but knowing Swift’s current delicate condition, he couldn’t risk it, so he walked away into his own room, acting as if he never crossed Swift’s path. Downstairs, Geisy was talking to Aura. As the two talked, they both noticed Swift, walking down in a furious fashion, and then opening the door and leaving the base. Aura looked at him through the window and gave him a sentimental gaze. She then got up from her seat and walked over to the door.
“Geisy, I’ll be back. I just have something I need to discuss with Swift.” Aura then opened the door, walked out, and then let the door close behind her. The pink hedgehog walked over to Swift, who was standing where the ocean met the sand looking down to the water. She calmly marched over to him slowly, letting her skirt flow in the sea’s wind. Finally she reached Swift, standing right behind him, ready to say something. But before she could blurt it out, Swift suddenly spoke.
“Don’t try to say something that’s going to make me feel better. It’s not going to work.” The hedgehog cautioned, Aura noticed his fur turned slightly daker when he said that. Aura then had to think of something else to say. She then walked over to Swift’s side and talked.
“Swift…I know that you’ve endured some hard times in this life…and I’m sorry you’ve lost most of your sympathy for anyone. But Blur’s told me a lot about you. Like how you helped him destroy Virus Infinity. You’ve seem to have done many things for this world, and I am proud of you for that.” Aura then continued. “But…I know that I should say something to help you. But all I can think is something that is supposed to make you feel better and…” Aura paused, trying to ponder for another sentence. Swift then interrupted her again.
“That was nowhere near true, I have no memory of my entire life, but I do know I was responsible for much destruction of the planet.” Swift scolded coldly. Aura shrunk back at the comment at first but then proceeded to defend herself.
“Swift you can’t be serious!” Aura shouted out. Swift then turned over.
“I AM SERIOUS, I’M ALMOST JUST LIKE MACH, ONLY I WORSE AS I ONLY HAVE EXPERIENCED A WHOLE YEAR OF LIFE, IF NONE OF THAT HAD HAPPENED I WOULDN’T BE REDUCED INTO AN MONSTER!” Swift got right in Aura’s face as his skin kept getting darker until it was full black and his eyes wre red, shouting numerous things Aura got angrier and she gritted her teeth and then shouted out in the middle of Swift’s rant.
“AT LEAST I DIDN’T DO THOSE THINGS! IT’S NOT MY FAULT THIS ALL HAPPENED TO YOU!” Aura then shed out anger-filled tears, which then turned to cries of remorse. She then fell to her knees, crying out her rage towards Swift and his comments. “It’s not my fault, it’s not my fault, it’s not my fault.” Aura repeatedly cried to herself. Swift, realizing what he had done, looked at her in pity as he fur returned to it's original color along with his eyes. He kneeled down to her level, looked at her in regret, and then she fell into his arms, still shedding tears. She embraced him and cried in his black shirt. “I-I’m so sorry, Swift. I never wanted you to become this. I love you so much.” Aura fell to sadness and Swift kept her in his arms, making sure that she was not alone.
“It’s okay Aura. It’s okay. I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.” Swift ensured. The two embraced, watched by the sunrise that descended upon the red horizon of the meet between the sea and the sky, making the event one to remember for the two. As the two embraced longer, a small light shined behind them, out of nowhere. The light started as a little small dot, and then it got larger, and larger, until it was the size of volleyball. The two hedgehogs noticed the shining lights emitting from the orb and looked behind them. Then the light expanded to form the shape of a hedgehog, but no physical features were visible. Finally the shining stranger ceased to glow and the whiteness dissipated from him. The dispersing light blinding the two hedgehogs that stared for only a minute, then the light dimmed and they could see again. What stood in-front of them was a tall brown hedgehog with many quills. He wore a black shirt with a Golden and Silver dragon on it, while it was shown a white undershirt was worn under it. He also wore Grey pants that had the Yin-Yang symbol on each side and Sky Blue shoes with golden designs and black jewels on the sides. The most notable feature was he wasn’t wearing gloves. This hedgehog’s eyes were also a violent brown. And on his shoulder was the unconscious Tsunami
“Who are you?” Swift asked in a defensive voice.
“My name is…Ryan Charles Diulus.”

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (154)Subject: Sonic Chronicles 9th season Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (155)Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:13 am

(Note: The events in this chapter are things that have happened to me in real life. {Excluding the death of my parents cause they're still alive, this is only for the series.})
“Who are you?” Blur shouted out in both question and fury. Ryan smirked, and then spoke.
“I’ll tell you who I am if you and your friends will not fight.” Ryan requested. Blur shook his head violently in disagreement.
“How do we not know you’ll pull some kind of trick on us?” The blue hedgehog growled. Ryan chuckled, thinking of the simplest way to prove his truthfulness. He pulled out cuffs and handcupped himself. “Fine, we’ll stop fighting you if you tell us who you are and why you are here.” Ryan nodded in response.
“Very well then.” Ryan said. "My name is Ryan Charles Diulus, now forced with the name Ryan Dark Emerald; A title I've been forced to live with for 2 years, I was once a great story maker, I called myself after the 3 legendary hedgehogs; Sonic, Shadow and Silver, until a rival of mine stole everything from me by using my handwriting and making a copy of my friend's story, everyone thought I became a plaguerist of my friend named crystal because I had no proof, ever since I've been forced to live in shame knowing no one would ever believe me, I just wish Crystal would believe me, ever since then, my life has been going downward spiral, I lost the job I had from writing stories, my parents died, I'm the only one who can take care of my sister now, this was all do to that rival being Apocalypse himself. Apocalypse is one of 29 legendary beings, each given the power over one of the elements, and the 2 elements of balance, some people digest that there are only four: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. But this is incorrect as you know. The entire contemplation of these natural powers is: Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Ice, Grass, Sound, Poison, Energy, Psychic and Gravity plus the balancing elements of Infinity and Silence and the semi-elements; Metal, Wood, Fear, Magic, Blood and Force. Each of these powers, except the balancing elements resides as the good energies. But that’s not the main point. There’s also the Sins. These seven corrupted forces are known as Elemevils are the very existence of the seven deadly sins: Greed, Sloth, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony, the bad energies. Mostly I need to find Apocalypse because I want my revenge from what he did, so I’ve traveled learning the elements. I came to your domain just incase any of you were harmed during an unknown strike of Apocalypse, since his powers are at their greatest.” Ryan explaining.”
“Wait, wait. Who’s Apocalypse anyways? That’s the one thing we’ve never learned.” Hammer disrupted abruptly. Ryan looked at him mildly and then answered his question.
“Apocalypse is the god the represents all the is is evil and tainted, and the brother of Eclipse. He is a being of nearly limitless power, able to crush down the tallest mountain with a single pinkie. He is a mystery, he fought in the last war against his brother, merely as one of the commanders, now, he is the leader. He wants to take revenge for the last loss at ultimate power. I was went the key and inform him before Apocalypse found him first and destroyed him ahead of time. I don’t know if I succeeded or if I failed.”
“What do you mean?” Geisy asked, now intrigued.
“I was told to search for the purple hedgehog named Blur. They said you knew something about Apocalypse, so I came down here hoping you’d provide some answers, but all I found was nothing. It’s only a wonder how you managed to get pass Darkrion and The Master, let alone an army of heartless, nobodies and unbirth.” Ryan said disappointingly.
“Well, the only thing that I surely know about Apocalypse is that during our first fight, He said exactly: ‘Two billion years ago, I was part of a group tyrants that controlled the villainy and obscurity that shrouded this world. We proceeded to conquer this pathetic universe and have ultimate power. The Chaos Emeralds were the power that we needed to achieve this dark dream. But unfortunately, our plans were bashed and foiled by the chosen ones. These heroes were the ones that took my power away for many years and ended our tyranny, the guardians. For then the world lived in peace while we wished to shatter it to pieces and rule over. But sadly, this was not so. I have no idea who the new chosen heroes shall be or the key, but I do know this. If you interfere with our plans for this, we will burn you and anyone that aids you to the ground.” Blur finished repeating Apocalypse’s monologue.
“Do you not wonder why they threatened you and only you?” Ryan questioned. Blur was stumped. He never really thought of why they had come in the first place.
“Come to think of it, I am a little concerned about why they came.” The purple hedgehog stated. Ryan uncrossed his arms and pointed to the blue hedgehog.
“Maybe it’s because you are an essential part of this war, maybe it’s because you have power that sleeps within you at this very moment, maybe it’s because…you are the chosen heroes, and Blur is the key!” Ryan shouted.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You think that I and all of my friends are a bunch of super-powered fighters, who are destined to save the universe?” Blur exclaimed. Ryan nodded slowly. “Oh my God.” Everyone was skeptical, making wild accusations and claims.
“It’s not possible.” Geisy said. Geisy walked over to the house and sat next to it, thinking this over. Blur saw her confused self and walked over to her, while Wing marched to Ryan demanding answers to his questions. Blur paced towards Geisy and sat down next to her.
“Hey, Geisy. Are you okay?” Blur asked considerably. Geisy, holding her legs and facing down, sighed in disappointment.
“Blur, why are we always hit with the hardest challenges? We do we always have to fight the villains of this world and more. I don’t want to have the burden of defending this city from every threat that comes our way.” Geisy sunk her face in her hands and sniffled a little. “I just want to live a normal life, with you and our friends.”
“It’s okay Geisy, I understand. I’m tired of this too. I figured that Egghog would be our only enemy for the rest of our lives, and he’s always easy to defeat. I had hoped that one day he would give up, and then we could live our lives together. But it seems that fate just doesn’t give us a break. But I’m sure that this is the final challenge for the hard stuff. It’s okay Geisy.” Blur looked at his girlfriend with full sympathy.
“Ryan, all of this stuff is just a bunch of nonsense. Why should we even believe you?” Wing shouted. Ryan chuckled.
“He almost killed you, but I didn’t even harm you.” Ryan replied with a cool tone. Wing was puzzled, trapped between choosing to belief this hedgehog and risk his team, or to ignore him and risk the team even more if Ryan’s stories were true. Wing turned away and pondered his decision, stroking his chin and scratching his head a little. Ryan monitored the baffled hedgehog with humor. “You don’t make the choice whether the Blur Team fight or not Wing.” Wing turned around and glared at Ryan. Then Ryan walked passed him, still locking his eyes on Wing. “Fate will decide your destiny.”
“Ryan, what is this? If this war is so important to the existence of the universe, then why don’t you fight them? I’m sure you will be enough to kick their butts.” Blur asked the brown hedgehog.
“What’s your story Blur? Why are you so famous around this city? What have you done for this notoriety?” Ryan asked. Blur smiled and ran his thumb under his nose, another signature tease, and then he started to talk about himself.
“Well, I was born here in Future City back in 2063 along with my brothers, Mach and Swift who I met late in my life and eventually Flash and Rapid. Then one day, I was running around the Green Hill area, and I met Eggman who was kidnapping a purple hedgehog, I saved him and learned he was named Wing, and Wing and I have stuck together forever since. On one of our adventures, Dr. Robotnik created the Destructer.” As Blur continued his back-story of how he and his friends met and all their adventures up to this point, Ryan looked over the purple hedgehog’s soldier, to Swift He glared at the hedgehog with a combined feeling of suspicion, detestation, and somewhat distrust. Ryan disliked him to an extreme level.
“Hey! Everyone! Take a look up in the sky!” Mach announced pointing to the white cloud-filled skies. Everyone turned around or turned their heads toward the direction Mach pointed to, and their eyes all widened. Inside the blue, drifting in the skies was some kind of foreign aircraft. The jet-like vehicle was mostly jet-pitch black. Two sharp demon-like wings spread out from the structure, evening the craft out and giving it the shape of some kind of airplane. Some windows on the front of the plane were heavily tinted with crimson red, and on the rear of the ship was a jet-propulsion system, emitting a large dark-blue aura-like flame that propelled the aircraft in the skies. But everyone’s attention was moved then a small ball-like object rose out of the wreckage and some type of hologram appeared, donning a light-blue, static-covered visual form. On the hologram was Apocalypse…staring at the Blur Team with disappointment.
“So this is what the heroes are…a bunch of powerless characters that need someone else to fight their battles…Pathetic.” Everyone came in closer to watch the dark god speak further. “Though you all seem like a bunch of weaklings, I will not show any mercy nor will I show any special treatment. I will be merciless in my rise to power, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. If any of you maggots attempts to be a hero, I will assure you a gruesome death, not only to you, but to all that you care about and everyone you have feelings for. The last few battles wre merely tests, and you failed.” Apocalypse said. "SHUT UP!" Ryan said punching the hologram. "Look, it's the famous author who's life I ruined. Is the little guy upset?" Apocalypse said. "As for you Blur, just because you're the key doesn't mean you can stop me."
"For the last time, why do you call me that?" Blur asked. "You mean Eclipse didn't tell you? You're the one that's destined to destroy my taint and free me from this prison. To bad I'll kll you before that." Apocalypse explained. "What do you mean?" Blur aked. "Haven't you wondered why you, Eclipse and I look alke when we aren't even related. That's why you're the key, you're the one created almost exactly in our image. Well this chat was nice, but I've gotta destroy my brother." Apocalypse said before the hologram disappeared.

Gale #1 fan
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Registration date : 2008-09-01

Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (165)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (166)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (167)Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:18 pm

The scene opens to a far-off region in the central parts of Japan. Hidden beneath the wide forest was a winding dirt road that only very few people could find. It is here that we find Ebon dashing across the treetops.
“How is this possible?” Ebon thought. “Such a thing has never happened before.”
A few days ago, after returning from a mission, Ebon received a letter from his master. But when he read the paper, he had fled the country immediately. Even now, Ebon stared at the letter he brought with him.
Dear, Ebon.
I am glad that we will have a chance to speak,
But this is not the time for such things.
Many of the elders have felt a disturbing presence coming from the central statue.
The elders fear that the Masamune may be reacting to an unknown entity that has entered our realm.
You are the only one who has been able to wield the Masamune without being eaten by its darkness.
Ebon, please return to our land and fix this crisis.
Master Blade
“How could the Masamune become active?” Ebon thought, jumping from one branch to another. “Whoever touches the Masamune would be consumed by the darkness; just like Yin and he was the chosen wielder.”
Not far away, he could see the hidden path coming to an end and sighted his former training grounds. Unfortunately, what he found was not what he hoped. Mounds of smoke arose around the crumpled walls that once stood around the temple, but the temple itself remained intact.
Ebon had to cover his nose to prevent the intoxicating scent of blood from knocking him out. Everywhere he looked, dead bodies of fellow swordsman was torn or slashed across the ground.
“Hello!” Ebon called. “Is anyone still here?!”
“A little help here!” A voice called from a pile of rubble.
“Hold on.” Ebon said.
Ebon ran over towards the rubble and unsheathed his sword in assistance. Kicking off the ground, Ebon flipped into the air and started spinning in a whirlwind. Ebon’s attack easily cut through the mass of rocks, landing back on his feet, and returned his blade back to its sheath. He turned back to his ally as he started to rise from the rubble.
“About time someone came.” The figure groaned. “Man, I’m gonna need a chiropractor after this.”
“You can worry about that later.” Ebon stated. “By the way, nice to see you again, Yin.”
The one called Yin turned to Ebon as the wolf addressed him. Absolutely no part of his identity could be seen, which added to the mystery of this character. He wore a black battle suit that covered his entire body and several red markings on the sides. He also wore white boots, gloves, and a black helmet with white marks across the sides.
“Well, well, well.” Yin shook his head. “If it isn’t Ebon. Long time, no punch.”
“Still as arrogant as ever, Yin.” Ebon said, rolling his eyes.
“Arrogance and pride are two different things.” Yin stated. “What are you doing back here? I thought you left to the west to hone in on your skills”
“I did and I have.” Ebon replied. “I’m now using my abilities to aid those in needs as a member of the Blur Team.”
“Oh yeah, I heard of them.” Yin commented. “Some freak named Cancer Aqua Crab accidentally wandered in here and told us about you guys.”
“I think we’re getting a bit off track.” Ebon said seriously. “I received a letter from Master Blade saying that the Masamune was reacting again?”
“It’s all kind of a blur, but I’ll do my best to remember.” Yin muttered. “I remember the feeling the Masamune beginning to react. It’s very hard to ignore something like that after you’ve experienced.”
“Did anyone else know about this?” Ebon asked.
“Only me.” Yin shook. “I informed Master Blade at once and he informed the rest of the elders.”
“Where is Master Blade?” Ebon said worried.
“He left a few hours ago.” Yin answered. “And just a few moments after he left, the temple came under attack.”
“What was he doing here?” Ebon questioned.
“He said he was here to reclaim something that belonged to him.” Yin stated. “We figured he was the reason the Masamune was reacting so wildly.”
“Where is he now?” Ebon asked.
“I didn’t hear anyone leave, so he’s probably still inside the temple.” Yin said.
“Then we better hurry.” Ebon said, running past Yin.
“Hurry to where?” Yin asked, racing alongside Ebon.
“To the central statue.” Ebon said seriously. “The Masamune is in danger.”
The two swordsmen dashed and swerved past the trails of dead bodies left behind; Ebon still covered his nose, towards the center of the temple. As they reached the chamber of the central statue, they edge around the corner and stared into the room. It was a large room with red wall held up by eight massive columns. At the end of the room, there was gold statue of a human with angel wings that reached to the ceiling. Surprisingly enough, this was the only room in the whole temple that wasn’t damaged.
“Do you see anything?” Yin questioned.
“No, not a single person in sight.” Ebon replied.
“Maybe you can sniff him out.” Yin suggested.
“There is too much blood in the air.” Ebon said disgustedly. “If I try to catch his scent, the blood will knock me out.”
“Well, that’s great.” Yin said sarcastically. “Now what do we do?”
“Perhaps you should come out of hiding.”
At the sound of the voice, the duo looked back towards the chamber. “Are you done hiding yet?” The man questioned. “I have some questions to ask.”
“And so do we.” Ebon replied as he and Yin moved out into the open. “For starters, who are you?”
“My name is Xabled.” Xabled answered.
“Why did you come here?” Yin demanded. “What did you hope to gain by attacking our temple?”
“As I said before, I am here to reclaim something that I’ve lost.” Xabled said.
“Masamune.” Ebon glared.
“Preciously.” Xabled said darkly. “A weapon that was long ago forged by the seeds of darkness. Only those who hold a strong heart and will shall be able to wield such a weapon.” He smirks as he looks to Yin. “Similar to a fate as his.”
“You won’t find the Masamune.” Ebon stated confidently. “You’ve already killed the elders and they were the only ones who knew of its location. You quest has come to an end.”
“Has it?” Xabled said menacingly. “Or is it truly the start of a new test?”
“What do you mean?” Yin questioned.
“I can feel the Masamune calling out to me.” Xabled explained. “I can feel its desire to return to its true master. But I could also feel that another master was attempting to take place for Excalibur.”
“Then that means...” Ebon said horrifically.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Ebon.” Xabled said sinister.
Xabled holds his arm out to the golden statue and opens his palm as to call something. Suddenly, the started began to shake and crack until something burst forth from the head. It lunged at Xabled, who caught the item in question without even looking. He now wielded a six-foot katana that exhibited a dark aura around the steel of the blade.
“Ok, that’s bad.” Yin commented casually.
“Show me what power you possess.” Xabled smirked.
As Xabled stepped forward, Ebon unsheathed his sword and held the blade in reverse; his usual way of fighting. It looked as if Yin was about to draw his weapon, but before he could make his move, Xabled appeared in front of them.
The scene alters to the outside of the temple, where a large explosion could be seen from the side wall. From that explosion, Ebon and Yin were thrown out of the temple and tumbled across the training grounds.
“Man, what is this guy?” Yin panted.
“I haven’t seen such power since Apocalypse.” Ebon said tired. “And I doubt he even put any effort into that attack.”
“You are more intelligent than I expected.” Xabled said humorously. “Of course, that was without the Masamune.” He slowly reached for his reacquired sword and drew it out. “Now the true horror begins.”
Xabled drew the Masamune to his level and swiftly dashed across the field. If not for the extensive training sessions with Rector, Ebon would have never been able to spot the silver-haired man. Ebon quickly raised his blade and started swing it around at blinding speeds. Apparently, Xabled threw more than one swing as he passed by, but Ebon blocked everyone of them. The noble wolf thrust back his foot, which Xabled blocked, but spun around and swung his blade backwards. Xabled held out his palm and effortlessly caught the sword in his grip. Xabled grinned and slowly pushed the blade backwards, forcing Ebon to fall back along with him.
“Is that truly the best you can do? Xabled questioned. “I would have expected the Masamune to choose a stronger wielder than this.”
“I’m...not give in.” Ebon grunted.
“And for what reason would that be?” Xabled questioned.
“Here’s one for starters!” Yin shouted.
As the powerful swordsman looked over, he suddenly stepped back as a black rope-dart lashed past his face. This distraction allowed Ebon the opportunity to escape. After he avoided the assault, Xabled cut across the rope-dart with the Masamune. Xabled looked over and saw Yin, who was holding the other half of the rope-dart. As he stepped closer, Xabled suddenly realized that the rope-dart dissolved into spores of darkness and vanished.
“So, the Masamune did leave you with some gifts after all.” Xabled commented.
“When I failed to wield, I was turned into living darkness.” Yin explained. “I was unable to exist in the light and was forced to shield myself in this suit. I’ve lost the ability to truly live, but I've gained others as well.”
“I must admit, you’re power is formidable.” Xabled complimented. “But that’s only for a short while.”
“Evil madman says what?!” Yin said frantically.
All of sudden, Xabled’s piercing green eyes begin to glow. At that moment, Xabled began push Yin so far back that he slammed the masked swordsman into the wall of the temple. Yin slumped to the ground; his weapon vanishing from weakness. Xabled held out his palm to deliver the finishing blow, but Ebon jumped in and cut his across the wrist. While Xabled winced in pain, Ebon grabbed Yin and jumped to the other side of the training grounds. Once he knew that his friend was safe, Ebon stood up and glared at the silver-haired swordsman.
“You are a persistent one.” Xabled stated. “I am beginning to see why the Masamune doubted itself.”
“My heart is strong because of my friends.” Ebon stated. “I know they provided the power I need to fight on.”
“Is that your secret?” Xabled smirked. “Funny, you sound a lot like that guy with the Keyblade.”
“Eclipse?” Ebon said confused.
“Farewell.” Xabled said darkly.
Before Ebon could even react, Xabled suddenly appeared a few feet in front of Ebon. The noble wolf raised his blade in defense, but it proved to be in vein. Xabled slashed the Masamune upwards, cutting across Ebon’s chest and shattering his blade in half. Ebon fell backwards into the ground; his makeshift mask flying off. As Ebon staggered to stand up, a sudden rush of blood scent entered into his sensitive nose. The overwhelming smells caused Ebon to fall to his knees and hold his head in pain. Ebon’s vision also suffered as everything he saw doubled.
“I see, your weakness is your senses.” Xabled said intriguingly, holding the Masamune to Ebon’s shoulder. "But such weaknesses are the reasons why the Masamune chose me." Xabled raised the Masamune over Ebon’s head, but, for some reason, did not bring it down. “Might I ask who you are?”
“No one.” A voice said. “Just innocent bystander.”
“That voice...” Ebon thought surprisingly. “Could that be...?”
Though his senses were adjusting, Ebon forced his vision to return to normal to see a figure standing near the destroyed doors. When Ebon saw the blindfolded eyes and the unused arm, he knew who it was.
“Master Blade.” Ebon moaned.
“Hello, Ebon.” Blade greeted happily. “It’s a pleasure to see you again since the 7 Powers battle.”
“So, you’re the master I’ve heard so much about.” Xabled said. “Funny, but I expected you to be older from what the others have told me.”
“Age is merely an illusion.” Blade said wisely. “When one defies the illusion, they can transcend to greater possibilities.”
“Then you shall quench my thirst for a challenge?” Xabled requested.
“It that’s what satisfies you.” Blade bowed.
“It does.” Xabled nodded.
For a moment, Xabled actually bowed to the master in respect. When both stood back up, Xabled skipped off the ground towards Blade. He swung the Masamune down on the aged man, but it was suddenly halted. Light particles surrounded Blade’s hand and formed into the shape of a golden sword, Excalibur. With one hand behind his back, Blade knocked Xabled’s hand away and swung around for a direct kick to the chest. None of Ebon or Yin’s attacks affected him, but Xabled clutched his chest from that one kick. Clearly, Blade was a master for a reason.
“Your defiance has made your truly gifted.” Xabled stated. “Then it would appear I no longer have a need to hold back.”
“I merely seek to ensure my successor’s safety.” Blade said. “There is no need to continue this fight.”
“But there is.” Xabled grimaced. “I must be stronger to complete my destiny. DARK SLASH!”
“SPLITTTNG SPIRIT SWORD!” Blade used his signature attack which reflected Xabled’s attack back at him. For the first time, Xabled appeared frightened and held his arms in defense. The attack made contact and exploded with mass effect.
“You did it, master!” Yin cheered. “You truly are the greatest!
“Now what, Master Blade?” Ebon asked.
“I do not believe another warrior will be back for a while.” Blade stated. “But we cannot take any chances. Yin and I will begin our travels and hope to become stronger. I never hoped this would happen, but I must fight to protect my loved ones.”
“But master!” Yin shouted. “Your condition is...”
“There is nothing that can change my fate, Yin.” Blade said earnestly. “My heart is slowly giving out. One day, I will no longer be able to continue.” He turns to Yin. “By that time, I hope I will be able to find a cure for you, Yin.”
“Master...” Yin whispered.
“It’s been an honor fight alongside you, Master Blade.” Ebon said respectively, bowing to the master. “I hope that one day I will be able to teach my child your level of prowess as you have with me.”
“I’m sure you will, Ebon.” Blade said. “But it would seem that your last blade was destroyed in the fight. You will require a replacement. You know wield Excalibur in my place.” Ebon looked stunned at the gift he had received and hesitated to accept it. But once Ebon touched the katana, it felt as it had belonged to him.
“This is amazing.” Ebon said amazingly.
“I will hope it serves you well.” Blade smiled.
“Good luck, Ebon.” Yin said.
“Same to you.” Ebon grinned.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (177)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (178)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (179)Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:56 pm

“Stealth mode complete.” Space whispered. “Now engaging primary mission.”
The robot stood up from his place and stealthily swept past rooms. He had almost made it to the door until a sudden squeak came into play. Realizing that he had stepped on one of Lucky’s toys, Space sharply looked back, but everyone remained asleep.
“Yes, Wing.” Alexis giggled in her sleep. “I would love to go to the moon with you.” Space sweat-dropped.
Space reached for the door and slowly snapped it shut behind him. Using the data he scanned from Esper, Space crawled along the ceiling; not taking any chances of getting caught. He found himself it Wing’s workshop and was lucky that the hedgehog wasn’t there, but had to be careful as all the robots slept there. Playing by memory, Space crawled across the hanger and found the secret wall to the storage room. He dropped down form the ceiling and stopped in front of the hand print scanner.
“Accessing biological scans.” Space stated. Slowly, Space’s hand begins to glow and fingerprints begin to form on the ends of his metallic fingers. “Wing Ian Moran DNA accessed.”
Space placed the false hand signature on the scanner and the secret door opened. Beyond the displays of past victories, the Universe Emerald spread its glow along the walls. Knowing Wing wouldn’t leave the room defenseless; Space activated his scanners and found infer red security beams. With the acrobatic skills of Kumori, Space swept past the beams with ease and landed in front of the Universe Emerald.
“This is way too easy.” Space snigg*red.
Space used the strength he gained from Rock and Rector to lift the large emerald on his back. But a moment later, Space could see a large green pulse escaping from the crevices of the Master Emerald.
“That can’t be good.” Space commented.
“The Universe Emerald!” Tsunami yelled.
“Not now.” Blue moaned, putting his pillow over his head. “Can't it wait until morning?”
“Blue, the Universe Emerald is in danger!” Tsunami shouted seriously, throwing a pillow at his son. “SOUND THE ALARM.”
“Ok, ok.” Aquos mumbled.
Blue slowly pulled himself out of bed and dragged herself to the side wall. He slammed his fist at the button, activating the alarm system. Back in the storage room, Space set the Universe Emerald down as the alarm blared across the base.
“I knew that wasn’t good.” Space said.
“You got that right, buddy!” Rock’s voice echoed.
“Give it up, pal!” Light shouted. “There’s no way you can...”
The gizoid trailed off from his sentence when he realized that the thief was Space.
“Space, what are you doing?” Wing asked.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Space replied sarcastically. “I’m stealing the Universe Emerald.”
“But for what purpose?” Rector questioned.
“You guys are as gullible as rock head over there.” Space laughed. “You should have realized that I’m doing a favor for Apocalypse.”
“But why work for someone like him?” Wave asked.
“Because he’s about to break out all of Hell.” Space stated simply.
“Whoa, didn’t see that coming.” Strawberry commented.
“We don’t care who your employer is.” Light growled. “You are not taking the Universe Emerald as long as we’re alive!”
“Then we’ll just have to fix that.” Space said menacingly.
Irritated by Space’s laidback attitude, Rock dived in head first with his fists held high. Rock put all his power into his fist and struck at Space’s face. Unfortunately, the robot caught it with one hand, not even putting any effort into it. Rock stared in confusion, but shrugged it off and thrust his other fist with flame. Like the last one, Space put in minimal effort into grabbed the other attack, this time grabbing his wrist and twisting it around to his back. Rock span around until he hit the wall.
“Come on!” Space laughed. “Being a gizoid, you would have expected me to have copied all your powers.”
“But did you copy my ultimate technique?” Rock questioned, wincing in pain.
“What ultimate technique?” Light asked confused.
Rock smirked. A moment later, Rock sparked his fost, surrounding them in an aura of fire. Space stepped back in fright, accidentally allowing Knuckles to break free. The warrior spun around and thrust his enflamed hands forward, releasing a column of flame. Acting fast, Space accessed Chaos' data and reduced himself to a puddle of water. When Space was nowhere to be seen, Rock felt proud of himself.
“That’s what you get when you mess with Rock Ciail Moran!” Rock boasted.
“Great, another Jet.” Jasmine sighed depressingly.
Rock’s eye twitched at the comment. But before he could even make a comeback, Space suddenly appeared behind him and kicked him across the head. The sudden blow knocked Rock back to the wall and unconscious.
"That oughta teach you not to mess with Space the Great!” Space shouted.
“Ok, that name sucks.” Light commented.
“Shut Up.” Space muttered.
With Rock down, Alexis and Wing stepped up to the plate. Space leaned back as Alexis threw Lucky near his head, barely able to avoid it in time. Before Space could counteract, Wing threw down a Psychic Screw on the mech; Alexis jumped away to avoid the blast. They two stood together across the cloud of smoke, expecting anything to happen.
“Think he’s done yet?” Wing asked curiously.
“Do you really think he’s going down that easily?” Alexis replied sarcastically. “Seriously, you need to pay attention.”
“I do pay attention!” Tails yelled furiously; his eyes slowly turning red.
“Uh, hello! I’m in need of attention!”
As the cloud of smoke faded, Space was found to be unharmed by the attack. Space rushed forward with the speed of Blur, Leon, Mach and Dash. Alexis threw Lucky randomly at the robot, but Space easily ducked under the attack and kicked his foot upwards at her face. Alexis was tossed back into the air and left helpless, leaving Wing to face off against him alone.
“Out of juice, huh?” Space chuckled. He slapped Wing in the chest, throwing him to the wall. “I was kinda hoping someone like you could be a good enough match.”
“What do you think of me now?”
When Space looked back, Wing’s strange energy was surrounded him. When Space stepped backwards in fear, Wing’s instincts reacted and commanded him to attack. Space tried to analyze a way to counterattack, but Wing’s psychic energy was blocking his scanners. By the time Space could refocus, Wing had grabbed him by the neck and slammed him in to the wall. Space kicked wildly in hopes of breaking free, but it proved useless against him.
“You know, maybe this wasn’t a good idea.” Space said nervously.
“You think?” Wing growled menacingly. “Now I’m gonna...”
Unfortunately, Wing suddenly felt drained. Wing slowly released Space before falling into a state of unconsciousness.
“Well, that was fun.” Space commented embarrassingly.
“Please listen to me, Space.” Tsunami said, holding the robot by his shoulders. “If you take the Universe Emerald away, terrible things will happen. You cannot possibly hope to understand the danger of something you can’t control.”
“I can control it!” Space glared. “After I copied Hammer’s essence, I can know manipulate the powers of the Universe Emerald for my own!”
“Copying the trait can only get you so far.” Tsunami said. “If one does not posses a heart that is pure, they are doomed to the consequences of their own misdeeds.”
“I’ve had enough!” Space yelled furiously.
Space took the opportunity to punch him in the stomach. The force of the attack knocked out the wind out of him, forcing him to his knees. After Aquos had seen this, he roared furiously and shot his arms forward. Space barely caught sight of him and flipped away just in time. Space, accessing Esper’s data, clung to the wall as Blue jumped protectively over his dad.
“You heartless monster!” Blue yelled.
“Ok, now those are the kind of comments that hurt.” Space said.
“Words aren’t the only thing that hurt.”
All of a sudden, a shuriken spun around Space’s body with a wire wrapping around his body. Space looked over and saw Divince, who was also clinging to the wall, pulled at his end of the wire. The wire snapped and closed around Space’s body, preventing him from moving. As the small robot struggled, Divince produced a series of hand signs and held the wire close to where his mouth would be.
“This is trouble.” Space commented.
“I can use my opponents’ techniques for a battle, and since you’re using Esper’s. Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!!” Espio called out.
Divince breathed and blew out a torrent of flames from his ‘mouth’ down the wire. Space, using the combined strength of all the power heroes, escaped from the wire, but was unable to avoid the wave of fire. Not taking any chances, Divince drew out several kunai with pieces of paper attached to the ends. He threw them forward and watched as the exploded in the sphere of fires. Aquos and Geisy quickly grabbed their unconscious friends and dragged the outside the room as the ceiling fully collapsed in the storage room; Divince joined them a moment later.
“I think we’re going to need a new ceiling.” Geisy stated.
“At least I saved the Universe Emerald.” Divince replied seriously.
“Don’t be too sure.” Blur said warningly.
Surprisingly enough, Blur was right. Only a few minutes after the roof feel, Space emerged from the rubble with only minimal damages. His armor was scratched, his head plate was chipped, and his right eye was sparking. Other than that, he appeared fine.
“Oh, you are seriously going to pay for that.” Space said evilly. Divince started to perform another series of hand signs, but Space beat him to the punch. “Not this time! Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!!”
Space spat out a gigantic sphere of flames. Divince was frozen in shock, leaving him unprotected. Acting fast, Blue tossed his friends aside and jumped on top of Divince, surrounding the robot’s body in aquatic armor. The attack did save his life, but the force sent the duo flying backwards. Divince smacked into Blur, knocking them out, and Aquos collapsed into a puddle of water. Now it was just Geisy and Space.
“Now that I’ve won, I’ll be going now.” Space said nonchalantly.
“No way!” Geisy shouted. “You still have to get by me!”
“For what?” Space shrugged. “You’re completely useless against me.”
“That’s not true!” Geisy yelled.
“Face it; you’re a shell of your former self.” Space chuckled. “It’s your blue rat boyfriend that does all the work.”
“Don’t call him that...” Geisy muttered then yelled. “Don’t you ever call him that!”
“Oh crap!” Space exclaimed in fear.
In a rush of anger, Geisy zipped up to Space and smashed her fist across his face. The robot’s head was nearly snapped off its hinges, but managed to retain his stability. Space was thrown against the Universe Emerald, tearing his wings apart on contact. Space fell to his knees, but had no time to rest as Geisy came around again. Since the hit destroyed his wings, Space was left at a disadvantage. The small mech manage to avoid a good number of hits, but Geisy struck him with a Chaos Tornado. Once on the ground, Geisy took another swing towards the robot’s head. Space barely had time to roll away before becoming a permanent part of the floor. Space weakly pulled himself up to his feet across from a tired Geisy.
“Had...enough.” Geisy panted.
“I can’t let you win.” Space groaned. “I need the Universe Emerald.”
“I don’t understand it, Space!” Geisy cried with tears in her eyes. “We saved you from being off for eternity and this is how you repay us?”
“I must complete my mission.” Space used the psychokinetic powers that he copied from Wing and sent the Universe Emerald away to somewhere else.
Geisy looked sad and confused for a moment, torn between what to do. Space was weak and frail at the moment and was unable to move. In one swing, she could end this nightmare. But was it worth it. It took a moment before she finally came to a decision. Geisy ran over and brought her fist down over the wounded mech. The fist slammed and crashed the metal of his body apart, while his brain flew somewhere else.
The scene changes to a tall plain outside Westopolis. The black flame group was standing in the midst of the tall grass. They waited for many hours, but patience had finally paid off. A flash of green light erupted close to him and Space appeared alongside the Universe Emerald. Upon seeing their leader as a brain, a question was unavoidable.
“What happened?” Raccoon asked.
“One minute, I was sneaking my way through the base.” Space explained. “The next, I find myself fighting for my life. It took a lot of effort, but I was able to successfully capture the Universe Emerald.”
“And just in time.” The everyone looked over and Apocalypse appeared in a sphere of purple energy. “Your efforts have proved to be valuable. Now I will take the Universe Emerald.”
“We had a deal, Apocalypse.” Metal growled. “We hand over the Universe Emerald with me damaged and you give me a new body.”
“That’s true, we did have a deal.” Apocalypse nodded. “And I am of my word.”
Apocalypse held out his hand and summoned forth a sphere of purple energy like before. A moment later, the body of SCR-HD appeared and Space entered through the head, the body transformed to look just like Space’s old body.
“I must be getting back.” Apocalypse said, walking over to the Universe Emerald.
“Yeah, but your plan seems to have a flaw.” Space said sinisterly.
As Apocalypse looked back, Space suddenly loomed over him and stabbed his claw through Apocalypse’s chest. While Apocalypse was in shock, Space released a surge of electrical energy through his body. Apocalypse cried out in pain and fell limp in Space’s palm. Space raised the body of the dark lord over his head as a sign of victory.
“It would seem that you have forgotten you were dealing with.” Space laughed.
“And so have you.” Apocalypse said, suddenly shooting up. “Have you forgotten? I’m the first villain in existance!”
Apocalypse grasped Space by his arm and caused rust to grow, causing the powerful mech to fall back in pain. The evil lord walked over to the Universe Emerald and struck it shattering it into millions of pieces that left the planet’s atmosphere.
“Finally the barrier to the center of the universe is freed.” Apocalypse muttered. “For now, you have other things to worry about. In a few days, the Winter and Summer Solstice, and the Vernal and Autumn Equinox will arrive at the same and I shall become the god of the universe, replacing my brother Eclipse, and even they try to keep me away, their tactics shall be futile.”
“What!” Space yelled fearfully.
“You better start preparing. When the universe is gone, you will be part of my slaves” Apocalypse laughed.
Before Space could even stand, Apocalypse had disappeared in a flash of green light.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (190)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (191)Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:19 pm

The breeze of the setting sunset blew across the land as the day passed on Station Square’s Memorial Chao Garden, and yet on this beautiful time, evil was stirring with in the innocent walls of the Chao’s Garden. Strutting across the main path of the garden, were eight villains that had been legendary in power, but were defeated and killed. Apocalypse stood in-front of all of them and called out each of their names one by one. “Every elite evil of is here ands present:
Master Ix: leader of the Nocturnus Tribe
Emperax Groxxon: First and most powerful leader of the Grox empire
Xehanort: 2nd strongest Heartless
Xemnas: 2nd strongest Nobody
Exodus: The Ancient Ecyptian Monster
Rahu: The Immortal snake head god who causes the eclipses
Geddon: Universal conquerer of galaxies
Terror: Wife of Mephiles
“Everyone is present and accounted for. So let’s move on shall we?” Apocalypse announced, turning around and continuing moving on his path, but the curious Rahu wanted to know why.
“Um, Apocalypse, why are we at the Memorial Chao Garden? Aren’t we going to plan our revenge against the world by destroying the key?” The snake head asked. Apocalypse, turned over to his friend and spoke.
“We will have our revenge soon Rahu, we just need a little boost.” Apocalypse bent down and picked up a little chao that had been looking up at it. He then scratched it’s head, making it’s little ball turn into a heart. “These cute little creatures all have a little DNA piece of the elemental water-god, Chaos. I need to copy data to attain the power of Yggdrasil.” Apocalypse then held the chao in a way that made it impossible for it to escape his robotic grasp. The little chaos being squirmed in Apocalypse's hand, trying to get free, but it's efforts were in vain. Apocalypse then made the Chao face him and their eyes were linked and Apocalypse eyes started gleaming before the chao suddenly faonted. “Like this…” Metal said, showing them the unconscious Chao and that his body had gained some power boost. He dropped the unconscious animal and walked onto the scattering group of Chaos, ready to be “analyzed”.
Nearly sixty-three Chao fainted at the hands of the attackers, and they all lay across the entire garden and over them stood the nine evil beings.
“Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Now with the power of Chaos, we shall take over the universe. I shall crush bring down everyone and make them my eternal slaves.” Apocalypse basked in his glory for some minutes, but it was not to last, for when he opened his eyes, he saw what he hated the most. At the far edge of the Memorial Chao Garden, stood a tall marble statue of the world’s greatest hero…Blur Journey, in one of his trademark victory poses. Metal’s eyes became redder than they ever had before. The rest of the group saw this, all knowing how it felt to have a death-defying hatred against someone. But they never had reached the levels of anger that Metal had. The dark lord dash over to the statue, stopping right in front of it. The evil lord looked up at the sculpture with unlimited anger and rage. Apocalypse then shouted a deathining roar, then he struck the statue and destroyed it, shattering the effigy into millions of stony pieces. Metal panted and growled while staring at the destruction he had caused.
“I make this promise to you…Blur Journey Blazer. Once I attain my ultimate supremacy over this flimsy world…I will hunt you down mercilessly. Once I find you…I will make sure you never forget my face…or my power. First…I’ll cure those fox friends of yours of their unnatural mutations, and leave them to bleed out of their lives. Then, I will rip every muscle man's fist, and use them to mangle every inch of their bodies. Then, I will destroy that pathetic traitor Leon. Next, I’ll make that little black psychokinetic freak cringe in fear before I burn his pot-loaf head to a crisp. I’ll then make the girls see how flexible they can really be, by twisting their limbs until their spines snap in half…and finally, I’ll give Geisy the best torture and death I can imagine. I’ll make her watch every death one by one, and then I’ll make her beg for hers, cutting her with the many times that you rejected her love for you in the past, making those emotional scars open and bleed again, then I’ll smash you into oblivion...and that’s all you’ll have in your last moments of life, when I beat you and maul you to death. Then I will take your body, and show the entire universe that Apocalypse…IS THE REAL GOD!” Apocalypse finished his monologue of hate with an evil laugh. “MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Apocalypse then turned over to his army of evil elites. “Brothers, today we stand together not as defeated legendary evils of the universe. Today we will become the leaders of tomorrow, today we stand as the powerful overlords of the universe, today we stand as The End Empire!” Apocalypse announced.
“END!” The others chanted numerous times, shooting their fists in the air (For Rahu his tounge) like some kind of parade. “END, END, END, END!” The group chanted again and again, basking in the glory of what they were about to accomplish. But then something interrupted them, a large rocket flew above their heads and crashed into the Chao Garden wall, exploding it to pieces. The battalion looked behind them to see a complete army of G.U.N. operatives, who had the Nocturne technology built into everything they had. Some human, some animals, but all part of the same team, with the same objective: Eliminate the invading attackers.
“Unknown attackers, we have you surrounded. Turn around and put your limbs where I can see them. If you do not cooperate, we will open fire without hesitation. If you have not completed our orders when I reach three, we will fire. 1…” All of the guards started to take aim of their weapons towards the garden. Tanks, RPG’s, Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, and other weapons were all locked on the area, ready to be fired. “…2…” Everyone co*cked their weapons ready and aimed through the iron sights, red dot sights, and other devices used for accurate shooting. “…3! FIRE!” The commander ordered over the entire regiment. Suddenly, the entire landscape was filled with the firepower of all their machines. The shooting continued on for at least ten minutes, long enough for any living thing in that destination to be shot down and killed. Finally the firing ceased, and the gunfire was silenced. The soldiers all stared at a cloud of smoke, waiting to see what had happened inside. Finally someone made a move.
“Johnson, check out the sight, see if anyone survived.” The Commander of the battalion ordered. The soldier looked at him with a scared look on his face, but followed the man’s orders and crept forward into the smoke. The men all watched and waited for something to happen. About two minutes and nothing had happened, but then a round of gunshots were heard being fired, and sparks from the blasts flashed around the setting, causing all the other soldiers to get nervous. They all held their guns up in protection until they saw something coming up. They all closed their sights on it, but it was the shape of a human, walking towards them. “Johnson?” The commander stuttered out of the deep silence. Then the figure walked into the light, and all the men gasped at what they saw. Pvt. Johnson was still standing, but in the center of his torso, outstretched a giant scar. The dying man gasped and looked down at the army of horror-filled soldiers and spoke with his last breath.
“We're...done for.” The metallic hand retreated into the smoke and the man collapsed right where he stood…dead. Then a dark and robotically distorted laughter boomed across the entire area, making the men even more frightened. Then from out of the darkness of the smoke, the 9 warriors lunged out of the thick, gray, mist.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (202)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (203)Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:47 pm

Blur and his friends were on the top of a building, standing before Ix, his eyes giving fear to some of the team. "So your the one that controlled the Dark Brotherhood and attacked this world 19 years ago." Blur said.
"Like I would answer you! Let's see how you do against my warriors, Nocturnes attack." Ix shouted before 4 Nocturne High Praetorians appeared.
“Let’s see if our jujitsu training classes have been paying off, eh?” Geisy suggested.
“Yeah…” Blur agreed before readying himself. “Time to show them the Blur Team is no pushover”
With that, the two hedgehogs sprung at their foes. Blur managed to grab one of the Nocturnes by the tail, swing it around once and throw it into the wall, where it disappeared on contact. Geisy, meanwhile, had sent another flying into the air. Geisy used a taller building to get higher, and then leapt a little higher than the Nocturne. Rolling in the air to pick up rotational speed, he then thrust out her foot, bashing the it in the head, destroying it as well.
The two remaining Nocturnes, looked at each other, then the fired their lasers at the two who barely dodged, but were shocked to see giant craters where the blast hit.
“Geez, this isn’t good,” Blur said as he saw the Nocturnes charged at him. One fired a blast which the other one rode to get a better shot, but Blur easily jumped out of the way, before kicking it in the head. But unlike the other two, this one wasn’t even phased. Blur ran over to Geisy’s side.
“You ready to try our new technique?” Blur asked.
“You mean the Double Tornado?” Geisy said, with some concern in his voice. "I dunno.”
“What have we got to lose?” Blur asked.
“…Okay, let’s do it!” Geisy said. The two concentrated, trying to sync their life energy pulses. By now the Nocturnes had turned around and were charging toward them. Just as it was with reach, the hedgehogs were ready.
“DOUBLE TORNADO!” the two cried, and suddenly, the Nocturnes were caught in vortex of two tornados, the two were smashed around a while before they disappeared.
"So you're more powerful than I thought, I should've listened to Apocalypse when he told me that, but then again, I still get to face you." Ix said summoning his staff.
"Try it, CHAOS BATTALION!" Mach shouted summoning thousands of spears at Ix, but was a wave of his staff, the spears were all absorbed. "What?" Mach gasped.
"My kind had developed the technology to steal energy. I used it to absorb your attack." Ix explained.
"Then taste my fist!" Swift screamed before charging forward at full speed at Ix, but Ix just struck him with the staff and the next moment, Swift fell on his knees weakened.
"When I say absorb energy, I even all kinds of energy." Ix chuckled.
"Divince, explain to me again why we're here insted of helping our friends avoid oblivion?" Multis asked.
"None of us will be able to defeat Ix with the technology he has, we may have it, but he's the one who made it." Divince responed.
"Then why are we here?" Multis grumbled.
"To fight fire, with fire." Divince said as he opened a container, Multis gasped when he saw the armor of a Nocturne Decurion.
"I need you to put all of my inside parts in here, it's the only way we can stop Ix. So are you going to stand there or help me." Divince said.
Back at the fight, all of the others had suffered from the effects of the Leech staff. "What are we gonna do? He's taken all our energy for his own." wing asked.
"I don't know, I think we've, I can't believe I'm gonna say this...met our match." Blur said.
"Now to end Apocalypse's biggest thorn in the universe, so that nothing can stop him from reaching Eclipse." Ix said. "NOW PERISH, DARK ANOMALLY!" Ix shouted summoning a giant ball of energy. "It's over."
"LEECH WAVE!" Ix looked around for a moment before he saw his ball of energy gone, but he soon felt slightly weaker after. Ix turned around to see Multis and one of his own men (Or so he thought) coming at him.
"So you made my soldier hit me, no big deal, no my soldier finish hi..." Ix stopped when he saw the Nocturne Decurion fully when he saw the blue features yellow, he saw in his mind he attacked him on purpose. "Your not one of my soldiers who are you?" Ix asked.
"Your Grim Reaper." Divince said, everyone knew by the sound of the Nocturne Decurion's voice he ws Divince.
"You still won't defeat me!" Ix shouted.
"We'll see."
Ix ran forward attempting to strike Divince who flew away before swooping down and swiping the staff and snapping it in half.
"Uh oh." Ix shrieked.
"Time to finish you!" Divince charged all the energy to every part of his body surged with uncontrolable energy that formed into a phoenix. "NOCTURNES STRIKE!" The phoenix flew forward and went right through Ix.
"You may have defeated me, but the others will take you down. Long live the End empire" Ix said before he fell backwards and exploded.
"Check-Mate!" Divince said.
"So how long have you had that suit?" Wing asked.
"Well I had a feeling something like this would be important, so I asked Selihpem to go back in time and steal one of these suits, looks like I was right." Divince explained. "But like they ssay, a new body means a new name, call me Decurax from now on."
"Well that's finished, but from what Ix said there's others. 7 more to be exact since Ix was one of eight legendary elite evils. And I'm sure they're just as powerful as he is, maybe stronger." Wing said.
"Then we'd best be prepared. It's the toughest battle we've faced yet." Blur said.
Wing and the other brains of the Blur Team, except Tech, were in space in the Gummi Ship. "So why are we in space again?" Rosie asked.
"I read about the legendary eight evils, we defeated Ix, leader of the Nocturnes. So I'm pretty sure that are next targets are the Grox seeing as the 2nd elite evil is the very first leader of the empire, Groxxon." Wing explained.
"The Grox? Who are they?" Multis asked.
"The Grox are cybernetic creatures who surround the middle of the galaxy where New Elemarious is close to, the only reason we weren't attacked by them when heading to new Elemarious was because I avoided all star systems heading there." Wing said.
"We hate breathing your toxic air." Everyone turned to the moniter as some static showed before a being with cybernetic parts on his body appeared, Groxxon.
"Everyone get ready, the entire race of Grox is on that ship according to my scanners, they're well known for their violence and have earned the title of the Borgs of space."
The Grox empire started firing all of their weapons at the Gummi ship causing major damage.
"Damage readings are off the charts, we need to evacuate now." Rosie said.
The 3 ran to an escape pod and left before the ship blew up.
"What'll we do now, we have no weapons left and if we return home they'll follow us." Multis asked.
"In other words...we're doomed." Wing said, soon they say the Grox ship appear in front of them.
"Say goodbye little tu..." Groxxon said but was interrupted by the force of powerful lasers striking the ship blowing off the left wing. "What the?"
Soon the escape pod was beamed into the ship. "What going on?" Rosie asked.
"An friend is helping out." The 3 turned to see who they least expected, Tech. "You really didn't think I'd stay behind?" Tech asked. "Let's drop that and get back to taking these scuz bags out of existance."
"USE THE PLASMA ENERGY RAY!" Groxxon ordered. "Yes sir." The other Grox responded. Soon the energy of the entire ship was focused to the front of the ship as a giant laser emitted between the two arcs forming an electric wave.
"Now what do we do?" Wing asked.
"This may go against the Galatic Code, but it's the Galatic Code breakers we're talking about, FIRING PLANET BUSTEER!" Tech shouts pressing a button that fires a strange bomb before he flies his ship away.
"Is that?" Groxxon asked.
"A planet Buster? Yep." A Grox said.
"Oh dang." Groxxon said. Those were the last words ever said by the Grox empire as the ship that held all of the Grox was destroyed taking out the Grox empire with it.
"Looks like the menace to the entire galaxy has finally been vanquished." Tech said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (214)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (215)Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:03 pm

“Take a look at this world.” Xehanort said amusingly. “To the heart seeking freedom, this place will soon be a prison.” The dark demon began to laugh.
“Oh shut up!” Geisy shouted. “Leave our world alone!”
“Why bother?” Xehanort chuckled darkly. “Apocalypse is obviously stronger than you.”
“You’re lying.” Geisy growled. “We’ve stopped many times before, and we’ll do it again.”
“Haven't you learned anything yet?” Xehanort said malevolently. “He’s created every villain in existance.” Xehanort crossed his arms and glared. “All living things are born from the darkness and also die of it. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, growing, consuming all life. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness from whence it came.” Xehanort stated. “You see, darkness is the hearts purest and most potent form. Darkness is the source of all things.”
“You know,” Geisy smirked. “For a genius, you’re an idiot.”
“What?!” Xehanort roared in fury.
“Geisy, now’s not the time to tick him off.” Aura muttered frighteningly.
“I know that the heart is weak and it may even give in.” Geisy said seriously. “But I’ve learned that deep in our hearts, there is a light that will never go out.” Geisy said. “Face it, you’re wrong.”
“So you have come this far and still you understand nothing.” Xehanort said wickedly. “Every light must fade; every heart return to darkness!!”
Xehanort holds out his hands, which swiftly begins to suck up all the darkness in the atmosphere. Xehanort, his hands now glowing with a black aura, held them forward and released a wave of black arrows at our heroes.
“Incoming!!” Light yelled.
The heroes quickly dived away in different directions, but Kumori stared at the attack in wonderment.
“That’s the Chaos Spear.” Kumori stated. “How could he have learned that?”
“It’s really quite simple.” Xehanort said, suddenly appearing to clutch Kumori by the throat. “The only difference is that mine is made from pure darkness.”
Xehanort tightened his grip around the hedgehog’s neck, starting to suffocate her. Suddenly, Light charged and tackled the dark demon to the wall; Kumori could breath easy again. Light held Xehanort to the wall, but the Seeker of Darkness had other plans in store. Holding his hand to the water, Xehanort commanded the sea to strike Light and throw him to the other side of the island. Seeing her friend in danger, Kumori clutched her fists and raised them to the sky, which unleashed her Chaos Shock. Unfortunately, Xehanort jumped into the air before the attack could hit and landed on the column of water. He began to ride the wave across the sky before changing its direction down at the heroes.
“You don’t see that everyday.” Geisy commented.
As Xehanort dived closer, Geisy and Aura started to run in the opposite direction. While the dark water moved in closer to its target, Xehanort suddenly reeled his head back to avoid a green orb of energy. Xehanort looked to the trees where he found Rain firing her powers down on him. Xehanort jumped off the living wave; it continued its chase for the two heroes, and ran up the tree trunk till he reached the point where Rain stood. Once he loomed over her, he swung his hands down sharply. The attack had effectively made contact and caused Rain to fall from a large distance. She nearly slammed into the ground, but Kumori dived in suddenly and caught her in the nick of time.
“Are you ok?” Kumori panted.
“I’m fine.” Rain groaned. “But my head hurts.”
Geisy, who saw the whole thing, grabbed Aura by the hand and ran at the cliffside wall. Geisy intentionally slowed down to let the water catch up before running along the water and back flipping onto the water. Using her Chaos Tornado, Geisy redirected the wave to return back to its master. Xehanort saw this coming and swiftly jumped away before the wave could hit.
“It’s going to take a lot more that that to defeat me!” Xehanort proclaimed.
“Then how does this suit ya?!” Geisy screamed.
Geisy tightened her grip around Aura and suddenly curled into he ball form. Geisy performed a midair spin dash, but instead of attacking, Geisy uncurled and launched Aura in her place.
“BONZAI!!” Aura yelled joyously. She reached Xehanort and suddenly clung to his face. “Monkey can’t see, Monkey can’t do.” Aura joked.
“Release me, you vermin!” Xehanort demanded.
“Whatever you say.” Aura smirked.
Aura released the Seeker of Darkness from her grip and kicked off his face. While his anger was directed at Aura, he failed to notice Geisy diving at him until it was too late. The hedgehog swung around in a complete circle before nailing the final blow in Xehanort’ chest. The force of the impact sent Xehanort rocketing into the ground, forming a massive crater where he landed. Geisy landed, feeling exhausted from the attack, but otherwise was ok. The rest of the group ran to her side.
“You were amazing, Geisy.” Kumori complimented.
“Thanks.” Geisy nodded before looking to Rain. “Are you ok, Rain?”
“I’m better than ok, mate.” Rain said cheerfully. “That was an awesome fight.”
“Wow, her ego must be invincible or something.” Aura joked.
The group laughed at Aura’s remark, but the butterfly only looked confused. But the moment didn’t last long. Geisy felt a dark chill down her spine and looked back at the crater where Xehanort laid. When the dust cloud cleared, Xehanort was found standing in the center of the crater, perfectly unharmed. Slowly, the dark demon began to walk out of the crater and stopped across from the heroes.
“Isn’t there anything that can stop this guy.” Light groaned.
“No worries.” Geisy waved. “As long as we stick together, we can’t lose to this guy.”
“It’s true.” Xehanort nodded. “Together, I do not posses the strength to defeat you. Each of you presents a quality that makes it nearly impossible for me to win on my own.”
“So, does that mean you’re giving up?” Aura asked hopeful.
“Not a chance.” Xehanort laughed. “I think it’s I’ll separate you.”
Before anyone could move, Xehanort formed a whip of darkness, wrapped it around Geisy, and pulled her into the dense forest behind them. As the remaining heroes ran to help their friend, the area started to rattle once more.
“It’s the end of the world!” Rain cried.
“No it’s not.” Light said.
“Focus, people!” Kumori yelled.
As the island began to shake beyond belief, the thick forest suddenly began to split down the middle. The trees and earth were jutted upwards, revealing an arena of purple crystallized walls. When the earthquake had subsided, the heroes cautiously edged forward to the new area. When where they stood, the heroes could see Geisy lying in the center of the new area. The red hedgehog groaned loudly, slowly pushing herself back to her feet.
“Geisy, are you ok?!” Light yelled.
“I’m fine!” Geisy replied. “Just a little dizzy!”
“That’s good.” Aura sighed. “For a moment there I thought – Geisy, look out!”
At that instant, Geisy looked back, only to be smacked aside by a giant hand. While Geisy was thrusted across the arena, Light cried out for his friend and tried to jump in to help. But unfortunately, he instead smacked into an invisible wall around the arena. The others winced slightly as Light was sliding down the non-seeable wall.
“What happened?” Rain asked.
“Xehanort must have put a defense around the perimeter.” Kumori analyzed. “He doesn’t want anyone getting in the way.”
As Geisy sat back up, she found Xehanort found high above the arena. But what Geisy was expecting the least was the gigantic heartless he was attached to.
“Oh, come on! I said it before and I’ll say it again.” Geisy snigg*red. “For a genius, you are an idiot.”
“You miserable rodent!” Xehanort yelled outrageously. “You’ll soon learn that the darkness cannot be defeated!”
“Then let’s get to learning.” Geisy laughed. (I'm serious, or is Blur’s personality rubbing off on her?)
Geisy moved aside when it slammed its fist to the ground. The aftershock from the attack sent Geisy flying backwards, barely allowing her to land on her feet. Geisy was making her move to jump up Xehanort’s arm, but then soon noticed a portal of darkness below its palm. From that darkness, three Neo Shadow’s formed for battle.
“I somehow expected that.” Geisy commented.
“Keep your guard up!” Rain screamed. “They’re just trying to distract you!”
“Wow, that’s actually some good advice.” Kumori said amazed.
“Our little girl’s all grown up.” Light said.
Geisy made quick work of the Neo Shadows and ran back to her fight with Xehanort. Knowing that its prey was coming, Xehanort swung its fist down on the red hedgehog. Expecting this, Geisy flipped off the ground and landed on its wrist. Geisy took this opportunity to run up the giant’s arm and swing away at its face. Unfortunately, Xehanort’s hair her fist and tossed her back to the ground. Geisy flipped in midair and landed safely on her feet. At that same moment, Xehanort summoned a sphere of darkness in its palm and tossed it into the air. After flying up for a few moments, the sphere burst and released hundreds of dark spores, all aimed at the Geisy.
“Why don’t we ever get a break?” Geisy moaned.
Geisy summoned a Chaos Tornado and caught all the spores in the vortex. For a while, it seemed that Geisy was out of danger. But that was until Xehanort grabbed her small body and lifted her to the air. Geisy struggled to move, but Xehanort tightened its grip around her.
“Geisy!” Aura screamed.
“she’s done for.” Light whimpered.
“No, she’s not!” Rain said sternly. “She’ll find a way out of this. I know it. Vec and Esper would have.”
Despite Rain faithful words, things did not seem to be going well. Geisy could feel her insides beginning to cave in as Xehanort relentlessly began to crush her to oblivion. Geisy was slowly starting to lose consciousness and the voices of her friends began to fade.
“I never thought I’d lose to this guy.” Geisy thought. “But after all I did, it was still worth nothing.”
“That doesn’t sound very heroic, Geisy.”
“Blur!” Geisy mentally exclaimed.
“Yep, it’s me.” Blur replied. “I'm still helping the others against the other elites. But I did have Ryan to help me contact you.”
“Blur, what do I do?” Geisy asked pleadingly. “I can’t beat this guy. He way too strong for me to take on.”
“Don’t tell me you’re giving up already.” Blur said amusingly. “Come on, Geisy. I know you’re tougher than that.”
“Yeah, I am.” Geisy said confidently.
Suddenly, Geisy’s eyes glowed Red and she went Super. Geisy used her super speed and zipped around Xehanort giving the Heartless no chance to react, Geisy ran up to Xehanort’s face and used a Chaos Tornado. Geisy landed to the ground in her normal form in a finisher’s final stance, as Xehanort toppled over and vanished into the darkness.
“Awesome!” Rain cheered.
“You see, I told ya she could do it.” Light nodded confidently.
“We aren’t out of the clearing yet, there’s still more elites left, I just hope the others can beat them.” Kumori said.
In Westopolis, the entire city had been demolished by a giant creature, Geddon, and what was worst was he fused with Xemnas and now looked like Belphemon. Swift, Mach, Ryan and Rachael were at the scene fighting him, everyone but Swift had fallen.
"You can't defeat me, I am Geddon, the universal conquerer, my power clearly surpasses yours." Geddon taunted.
"Shut up you you son of a Bison! I through listining to your crap!" Swift said.
"Swift, your anger is clouding your mind, you must calm down." Ryan said.
"How can I? Thanks to Apocalypse, I spent most of my life in the darkness. I have no true emotion other than anger." Swift yelled.
Ryan had enough of this and shot a blast at Swift head. "What was that for?" Swift asked.
"Swift, this is another reason why your anger clouds you, you dwell on the worst parts of your past, you need to think of the good ones you have today." Ryan shouted.
'Aura, I've always cared for her, ever since Dash and I became one, Ryan's right, I always have been dwelling on my past, I need to start looking torwards the future, today I look torwards my future and away from my past.' Swift thought.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Swift screamed as he was enveloped by a powerful aura.
"What's..." Mach started.
"...Happening?" Rachael finished.
"I don't believe it, could it be?" Ryan said.
"CHARGE! BURST POWER!!!" Swift shouted, soon Swift turned turned Red and his eyes morphed from Green to Orange. "BURST SWIFT!"
"I don't believe it, the legends are true, there are secret powers within the elements."
"ARMAGEDDON BLAST!" Geddon shouted firing a giant beam from his blast, but when the smoke cleared, he was perfectly unharmed. "What?"
Soon Swift started slowly walking torwards Geddon, "NO, PLEASE, DON'T SHOW ME PITY!" Geddon begged.
"Pity's all I have for you GEDDON, CHAOS BURST!" Swift shouted firing a blast straight through Geddon's stomache leaving a huge gapping hole.
"You may have defeated me and Xemnas, but there's stil 3 of us left." Were the last words Geddon said before he fell over exploded twice showing Xemnas went with him. Swift sighed and reverted to normal.
"Yeah right." Swift said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (226)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (227)Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:44 pm

Selihpem, Decurax and Rapid were outside an airport fighting Selihpem's mother, Terror.
"I never thought you would become as pathetic as this. Selihpem The Dark." Terror taunted.
"The name is Selihpem The LIGHT!" Selihpem shouted irritatively.
"You still hate us don't you, your sweet sister Vella was such a sweet girl, that's why she had to die, but we never expected her to reincarnate into someone your close to." Terror said.
"WHAT?" Selihpem shouted.
"That girl you love so much, was once your own sister. So now she must be destroyed." Terror chuckled. "GAME ENDER!" Terror fired an energy wave at Rapid, who was too frozen to move, Decurax tried to get her away, but tripped and lost his chance.
"No, I WON'T LOSE HER!" Selihpem shouted as a giant energy wave exploded around him destroying his mother's attack. "CHARGE! LUNAR POWER!" Selihpem's fur turned moon white and his streaks became as dark blue as space. "LUNAR SELIHPEM!"
"Whoa!" Rapid gasped.
"Unbelievable." Decurax said.
"You think a wardrobe change will defeat me? What a joke. GAME ENDER!" Terror screamed.
Selihpem flew torwards the attack and broke it by just going through.
"What? Impossible." Terror stuttered.
"I will destroy you, then our family name will have a real meaning." Selihpem shouted.
"HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME! CRYSTAL SLICE!" Terror said extending her crystals and spinning at sonic speeds.
"FINAL LUNAR BURST!" Selihpem shouted shattering the crystal he touched and stopped her attack.
"GIVE UP!?" Selihpem asked.
"NEVER! TIME TO END THIS, DIAMOND FIST!" Terror shouted flying straight at Selihpem with her hand shaped into a giant hammer.
"You tried, but you will fail, LUNARANG!" Selihpem shouted summoning a cresent moon shaped boomerang at her, the Lunarang broke her whole hand away and soon sliced her in half.
"NO! THIS CAN'T BE, YOU MAY HAVE DESTROYED ME SON! BUT THERE ARE 2 ELITES LEFT!" Was all Terror said before she shattered into nothing.
"YEAH!" Selihpem shouted landing on the ground and returning to normal.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (238)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (239)Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:54 pm

Back at the Blur Team base, everyone had returned to heal up from the battle, (Except Flash and Delight who stayed to protect Future City.) The news of 6 elites defeated was a good sign.
"Well, at least now that 6 are gone, we can recover a bit, but I'm still shocked on my transformation." Swift said.
"I went through the same thing." Selihpem explained. But after he said that the entire base started shaking. "What the?"
"EARTHQUAKE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Rev screamed jumping behind the couch. "REV, CALM DOWN!" After 10 seconds the earthquake stopped.
"I'll go check outside." Geisy said.
Geisy opened the door and was surprised at what she found, it was a blue and red gizoid, a dark brown Kron with glowing cracks on his body, a big N'rrgal that had a starfish shaped head with a blue spot at the top, a Zoah with a head that had two horns and 2 giant shoulder gauntlets, a Voxai and 1 kind of of every Nocturne (Except for the kind Divince is. Which is the aerial type.) all unconscious in a pile.
The blue gizoid suddenly woke up and then spit out dirt. "Uh... did anyone get the # of that airplane." The gizoid looked torward Geisy and scrambled back in fear. "DON'T HURT ME! WHY DID I LAND IN FRONT OF AMY ROSE!?"
"Amy? My name's Geisy." Geisy said.
"Huh?" The gizoid looked at Geisy more closely. "Oh, guess I didn't notice the red fur and boyish clothes. Didn't want to be smashed by that giant mallet again."
"Mallet? Come to think, Blur's mother is Amy Rose." Geisy said.
"Mother? It's been that long?"
"So, who are you exactly?" Wing asked.
"Name my is Foreman Krag. Kron leader of" The Kron said, Wing asked why he was talking mixed up and he responded with. "Mind matter not we yet solved."
"I'mmm Queennn N'rrgal. Queennn offf ttthe N'rrgal." The N'rrgal said staring at the Zoah with hatred.
"I am General Raxos. Leader of the Zoah." The zoah said, staring at Queen N'rrgal with hatred.
"(Why do they always have to do that? I am Overmind Thebes, leader of the Voxai.)" The Voxai said telepathically.
"I'm Prefect Scylla." The red gizoid said.
"I'm Charyb, his twin. And those guys don't have names, they follow by their rank." Charyb said pointing to the Nocturnes.
"Okay, now that that's done, how'd you end up in front of our base anyways?" Light asked.
The two gizoids stared at Light with shock. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Light asked.
"Light?" The two asked.
"You know him?" Geisy asked.
"Know him? He's are older brother." Charyb said. Light fell over after hearing this. "What's with him?" Scyla asked.
"He lost his memory after Alexis hit him in the head with Lucky." Mach said.
"Uh...hey wait, it's coming back to me." Light said. Everyone except the newcomers stared at him. "It happened when I fell over. I'm one of the gizoids that Ix made, he named me Perfect , and the only one that surpassed Emerl, also known as gizoid #1, but unlike the others, I had no bad intentions and Ix banished me from Nocturne. Then this funnel opened up and sucked me into your world I was walking around until Lucky hit me on the head."
"Well, we were minding our own business when this funnel sucked us up to. Next thing we knew, we were here." Scylla explained.
"Now that we have that sorted out, what did you mean about Amy when you mistook me for her." Geisy asked.
"Charyb and Scylla were part of the Nocturne clan battle long ago, Charyb faced Sonic, Tails, Amy and Omega in a battle, he had the advantage until Knuckles drained the water from my lair after he knocked out Scylla, and I got finished by Amy's mallet, I was sure they would have been destroyed after, but I'm also the smartest gizoid and managed to repair them, it was after that Ix banished me before he died due to me not figting, but he did not know I secretly changed their programming to give them what allowed me to be kind, a free will." Light explained.
"No wonder our heads have been lighter. Though it's only been a month since that incident, so I don't know how Sonic and friends had children." Scylla said.
"My father told me that Nestor said time passes differently in the Twilight cage. My estimate is time here is 213.33333333333333333333333333333 times faster being those 19 years compared to a month." Multis said.
"(19 years! It's been that long?)" Thebes said.
"Unfortunitaly yes." Multis said.
"So is it okay if we stay here? We have no way to return home and if time is slower there, they may not realize we've been gone to long" Raxos asked.
"We welcome anyone in out team, as long as they're not evil and plan to take over the world like Apocalypse." Flash said.
"Apocccalllypssse?" Queen N'rrgal asked.
"The worst nightmare come alive, Apocalypse is the universe's first villain, god of darkness, and brother to the god of light, he's trying to destroy the universe, and when he succeeds, only the evil who stuck with him will live, and the spirits of the good will be forced into eternal slavery. We've been trying to stop him for an entire year, but he's had more than one life and has survived 5 battles, he's at his peak of power right now, and we're already tired from 6 of the 8 elite evils." Leon explained.
"(That means you've faced Ix.)" Thebes exclaimed.
"Uh huh, my son Decurax had to take Nocturne Decurion armor and make it his new body just to defeat him." Multis explained.
"Though we need to recover before Rahu and Exodius strike." Delight said. Soon the heard the sound of giant footsteps outside. Everyone ran out to see Exodius and Rahu. "I think I jinxed it."
"Don't worry, me and Selihpem will handle this." Swift said as they became Burst Swift and Lunar Selihpem.
'You fell for it.' Rahu thought.
"PRISM PRISON!" Exodus shouted as a crystal cage trapped Selihpem and Leon.
"Now you'll get it, Pyro Sphere!" Scylla shouted.
"Aqua Sphere!" Charyb shouted.
Rahu lashed out his tounge and swiped the attacks away. "That was pathetic, I don't even think that hot head Flash did an ounce better, just like when he fought Shadow Stream." Rahu taunted.
"I may not underestimate myself anymore, but I am tired, of other people...UNDER ESTIMATING ME!" Flash screamed as an aura of fire surrounded him.
"And you pick on Flash, you pick on me to!" Delight said as an rainbow aura surrounded her.
"What?" Rahu said.
"CHARGE! FIRE POWER!" Flash shoute as his fire streaks became living flames and he turned Orange. "I AM FIRE FLASH!" Flash shouted.
"CHARGE! RAINBOW POWER!" Delight shouted as her fur became Rainbow. "AND I'M RAINBOW DELIGHT!" Delight yelled.
"Changing colors won't make you better fighters." Exodius said.
"POISON FANG!" Rahu screamed charging at Flash.
"RED FIRE, ORANGE FIRE, YELLOW FIRE, GREEN FIRE, BLUE FIRE, PURPLE FIRE! COMBINE INTO, PROMINENCE DANCE!" Flash shouted as his signature attack's six color versions surrouned Rahu and burned through him at all sides turning him into living swiss cheese.
"EXTINCTION WAVE!" Exodius shouted sending a wave at Delight.
"RAINBOW JOY!" Delight shouted as beams in every color in existance struck through the attack and shot through at Exodius' heart.
"BUT YOU'LL NEVER STOP APOCALYPSE!" Exodius finished. The two fell over and exploded into nothing.
"Well now that all of the elite evils are gone, that's less work for everyone." Mystic said.
"This isn't a time for resting, we still have the only one stronger than them." Lightrion said.
"But now we have more power than ever." Ashura said.
"So it's okay that we're here?" Charyb asked.
"Of course, Flash had his doubts when he was young about our family, but it worked out." Blur said.
"Then we'll be part of your team from now on." Scylla said.
"Blur and his friends are more powerful than I thought, and now their team has grown even more. I guess, it's time for phase semi-final of Project: Yggdrasil." Apocalypse said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (250)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (251)Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:32 pm

In the middle of Holy Summit, The Blur team materialized from Chaos Control right onto the grassy plains, right near the ruins. This was the spot where the last time Chaotix Jr were here, Esper died taking a shot that would have killed Rain and Glee. But when they arrived at their destination…
When they looked around, their jaws dropped. In various spots, there were signs of a battle, with scorched earth, ripped up ground, and to add to that, the remains of Esper’s horn that fell off during the battle. “Is this?” Blur asked Glee. “Yes, this is where Esper died.”
“Get back!” Shadow’s voice rang out.
The group turned their attention to their right, and sure enough, Shadow came running into view, and it looked like he was shooting at something.
“Dad!” Geisy exclaimed. “What’s going on? What happened?”
“And what’s with the destruction around?” Rector added.
Shadow looked behind him. “The GUN SWAT’s got a BIG Problem here…”
Glee narrowed his eyes. “It’s Leecher isn’t it…? But he couldn’t have had help… Esper managed to kill Octopain before he died.”
Glee shook his head. “He doesn’t have help… he got out on his own…he got a hold of an artificial emerald…” He said with dread. “He then ate it as if it was fruit, and then he…changed…”
“Changed?” Glee asked.
“He changed into what?” Blur demanded.
Shadow gulped. “Let's just say…he's not a leech anymore.”
Everyone looked over Shadow, over the hill which he came from, only to have their blood run cold…
Rising over the hill, something began to emerge. It resembled a giant Centipede.
Glee’s eyes widened. “Is that Leecher?” Shadow nodded.
“Looks like we got a fight on our hands…” Blur said.
Glee spread out an arm in front of everyone. “No… This is my fight… You guys got mixed up in all of this… It’s my fault that Esper was killed, so it’s my duty to stop him.” He glared at the demonic form of Leecher.
“I need to do one last thing…” He suddenly clutched a artificial emerald to his chest, concentrating all his power into it. Glee’s body began to crackle with energy. “Now, we’re on equal power lengths… Only I haven’t become a savage monster like you.” He stood in a fighting stance, his eyes narrowed and teeth clenched, as he made a “come towards me” motion towards Leecher. “Come and get me.”
Leecher let out a primal scream, before lunging bestially at Glee, claws drawn, at the speed of a bullet, knocking into Glee, and taking him for a ride.
Glee however, grabbed, the claws, and threw Leecher off of him, allowing him to come to a stop. He vanished from sight, only to reappear seconds later using his Super Sting on Leecher, sending him into the sky.
Leecher was not about to go down easily, and suddenly let loose a cannon of chaos energy from his gaping mouth, at such a speed, Glee was blown away, sent flying from the site of impact. But he didn’t end there as he once more tackled him, and gave out a “Chaos Shock,” which electrocuted Glee, pumping him with 40,000 volts of chaos energy, causing his fur to sizzle heavily, as he released him.
Glee stumbled backwards, disoriented from the shock. He stumbled around the battle field for a moment, before the weight of a mighty beast threw itself upon him, crushing him as if he were marshmallow. He could feel the claws dig into his arms as Leecher pinned him into the ground, and felt the blood trickle down. He knew Leecher was trying to overpower and intimidate him, but he refused to succumb. Glee’s whole body erupted with chaos energy, creating a force field of sorts, which engulfed Leecher, pumping his body full of energy, before forcing him off. He then leapt off the ground, and stuck down Leecher with his stingers.
Leecher hit the ground, like a bomb, causing a small crater. But he remained conscious, on his front, and sent a spray of needles towards Glee, who found himself with an armful of needles, as they shot right into his arms, drawing more blood from his already bleeding limbs.
Glee snarled to himself. Already he was injured on the limbs, and yet, with all the hits he landed, all Leecher seemed to have was singed skin. He watched as Leecher seemed to stand up with no trouble. He quickly dodged to the side as another barrage of needles came at him. He landed on the ground as Leecher began to stalk towards his direction. ‘Isn’t there ANYWAY for me to damage him?’ He asked himself. Before he could think of a strategy, Leecher lunged at him, and swung his massive claws at him, raking his chest, splattering his blood on the grass, and making him stumble backwards. He had no time to react, as Leecher opened his mouth and breathed out a beam of chaos energy at him, which slammed into his chest, throwing him across the field like a baseball. He skidded across the ground, tearing up grass, dirt, and gravel, cutting through his skin. He lay on the ground, already feeling the power waning. “How could I be getting weak so fast?” He demanded of himself. Then he looked up, to see Leecher towering over him, with a sad*stic smile.
Leecher leered down, smiling at her foe. “Pitiful Glee… Don’t you see? I can’t feel pain, I can’t suffer damage, and it’s more like you’re hitting me with snowballs!” He then struck Glee in the stomach, hard, causing him to cough up blood.
Glee felt sick to his stomach, and now, he felt like hew was growing weaker. Almost as if his very energy was being sucked out of him. ‘No…he’s sucking out my power…’ He thought as he felt his power fading, and noticed Leecher’s aura getting brighter and stronger. Apparently, Leecher had the upper hand all along, and now, Glee’s only fate was death…
“LEECH WAVE!” Suddenly Leecher was pushed backwards by 4 feet.
Glee, witnessing the event, knew Decurax stole Leecher’s energy, but that wasn’t enough to take him down. But he cut his thought short when he realized that was how to beat him. Glee used whatever strength he had left leaving his artificial emerald. “Decurax, use your Nocturne Strike on the emerald.”
“So…” Leecher began. “Are you ready to succumb to my power yet?”
Decurax then fired the excess energy at the emerald Glee left behind as Leecher picked it up.
Leecher raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What on Earth are you doing? Are you trying to put on a light show?” Leecher asked in bewilderment, as the emerald grew brighter and sparks flew all around.
Glee looked at Leecher right in the eye, and then gave a co*cky smile. “Oh there will be a light show… In fact…you’re gonna be the fuel for it!”
Leecher’s eyes widened. “NO! WAIT! DON’T!”
The emerald exploded causing an explosion around Leecher, everyone watched as Leecher vanished completely from existence.
"So Leecher failed to complete the task as well, I guess the next player will need to step up."

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (262)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (263)Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:37 pm

“Oh, hello guys. It is good to see you.” The announcer said happily.
“Nice to see you too.” Blur said. “We’re ready to fight.”
“Perfect. We’ll get started right away.” The announcer said.
Blur and the others were about to enter the arena when Geisy felt something poking at him. He looked to see Geisy.
“I wanna fight.” Geisy said.
“Ditto.” Aura said.
“Hey, announcer, can Aura and Geisy fight too?” Blur asked.
“Hmm. I don’t know. They seem too frail to fight in this sort of competition.” The announcer said.
Big mistake, the next thing he knew the announcer was tied like a pretzel.
“Ok, listen to me, everyone.” The announcer drew everyone’s attention. “Before we begin, I would like to go over the rules. You lose by falling out of the ring, knocked out for ten seconds, or give up. Now we will draw numbers to see who fights who.”
After drawing numbers, The announcer placed the contestants names on a board that showed who was fighting who. The standings were the following: Wing vs. Mach, Geisy vs. Rock, Swift vs. Aura, and Blur vs. Decurax.
“Aww man, I got Aura in the first round.” Swift whined.
“We’ll have the ambulance waiting for her.” Wing joked.
“Let the first round of the Fighting Cup begin!” The announcer shouted.
--Wing vs. Mach--
Wing and Mach were the first to enter the arena.
“Go easy on me.” Mach said.
“Can’t make any promises.” Wing smiled.
“Let the first round begin!” The announcer shouted.
In a flash, Mach jumped off the ground and nailed a direct kick to Wing’s side. The blow sent Wing flying out of the ring, but before he could touch the ground, Wing used his psychic powers to lift himself into the air.
‘Whoa. Mach’s better then I thought.’ Wing thought. Better keep my guard up.”
“Wing, behind you!” Geisy shouted.
Startled, Wing turned around and found Mach floating in midair in his super form.
“Isn’t that unfair?” Wing asked.
“Not in this stadium.” Mach smirked.
Before Wing had a chance to react, Mach delivered four spinning kicks to Wing’s chest and then kicked him in the chin to send him sky rocketing. While Wing was flying high, Mach appeared out of nowhere above him and delivered a Chaos Battalion to his back. Mach pushed Wing down until he suddenly stopped and watched as Wing fell out of the ring.
“With Wing out of the ring, Mach is the winner!” The announcer announced.
--Geisy vs. Rock--
Geisy took her place in the arena opposite Rock. Geisy sweat dropped as Rock was posing for the audience.
“Yeah, prepare to be beat by Rocker!” Rock boasted.
‘Rock can’t be serious.’ Geisy thought.
“Let the match begin!” The announcer said.
“Stretch Punch!” Rock shouted.
Rock came charging at Geisy and reeled his fist back. When he was in range, Rock threw the punch, but ultimately missed as Geisy stepped aside. Next, Geisy held her foot out and tripped Rock. Rock curled into a ball and rolled right out the arena.
“That was embarrassing.” Geisy said.
“And the winner by ring out is Geisy!” The announcer announced.
The crowd was stunned for a moment. The silence was then replaced by a loud roar of cheers as the audience praised their new fighter.
--Swift vs. Aura--
Now it was Swift and Aura’s turn to step into the arena. After the last time, Swift learned not to underestimate his opponent.
“Don’t think I’m gonna take it easy on you.” Swift said.
“You wouldn’t hit your girlfriend would you!” Aura exclaimed.
“Come again?” Swift asked confusingly.
Let the match begin!” The announcer shouted.
Swift charged forward and pulled his fists over his head to bring them down on Aura. Fortunately enough, Aura slid between his legs. Swift turned around and attempted another swing, but Aura then suddenly disappeared.
“Hey, where’d she go?” Swift asked.
Swift then felt something on his shoulders and looked up to see Aura. Swift tried to make a grab for her, but was stopped when Aura started tickling Swift’s stomach.
“Hahahaha!” Swift laughed insanely. “Make it stop! Make it stop!”
Swift fell to the ground while Aura continued her relentless tickle attack. Swift was busting a gut, rolling back and forth, until finally.
“All right!” Swift laughed. “I give up!”
“Swift has forfeited!” The announcer announced. “Which means Aura is the winner.
“What a weird strategy, but it works.” Wing said as he watched from the audience.
--Blur vs. Decurax--
“Let the match begin!” The announcer shouted.
Instantly, Decurax bounced off the ground and delivered a solid blow to Blur’s face. But even after a brutal hit, Blur didn’t even flinch. Seeing this, Decurax bounced back and jumped forward again to throw a ballistic barrage of punches and kicks. But even after all that, Blur didn’t even budge. Finally, Blur made his move and slammed his fist into Decurax’s gut. Decurax instantly collapsed on the arena floor. The crowd was stunned in silence at the outcome.
“Guess you’re still not used to that body yet.” Blur said.
“Okay.” The announcer said nervously. “The winner by knockout is Blur. We’ll be back for more after a slight intermission.”
Later, Geisy and the gang met up in the entrance hall.
“All right. Me and Aura are in the semifinals!” Geisy cheered and danced with Aura.
“Not bad. But don’t forget, Mach and Blur are still in this, too.” Wing warned.
--Mach vs. Geisy--
Geisy and Mach stood on opposite ends of the arena to prepare for the fight. Realizing not to underestimate Mach, Geisy took precaution.
“Let the semifinals begin!” The announcer shouted.
Geisy rushed forward and swung her fist, but missed when Mach jumped into the air and went Super. Mach floated for a moment before diving down to deliver a striking kick. Fortunately, Geisy easily dodged it with her speed and reacted with a blow to Mach’s side. Mach was only lucky enough to jump back and avoid it, which left him wide open. Geisy was prepared to attack when suddenly, her body stopped moving.
“What’s going on?” Geisy asked.
“It’s my Chaos Freeze.” Mach said. “They are small threads made of pure energy. In a moment, all the energy in your body will be drained from you.”
Geisy struggled to break free from but the more she struggled, the tighter the threads became. Geisy could slowly feel herself become weaker every moment. Geisy thought she was doomed until he remembered something Blur once taught her about one of her attacks. Geisy took a deep breathe and held it, which was very difficult since the threads were so tight. Soon enough, Geisy’s head became completely red.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Mach asked.
Mach’s question was answered when Geisy breathed again and shot out a large fireball from her mouth, the Chaos Nova. Mach was caught by surprise and had no time to react. Mach was hit directly by the fireball and knocked out of the arena. With Mach’s defeat, the threads were destroyed and Geisy could breath easy again.
“Geisy is the winner!” The announcer shouted.
“Wow, that was good.” Swift said.
“What do you expect?” Wing smirked.
--Aura vs. Blur--
Aura stood nervously at the other end of the arena as she faced her opponent, Blur.
“Let the match begin!” The announcer shouted.
The moment she was giving word, Aura rushed recklessly towards Blur. Blur did not concern himself with her. As Aura came closer, Blur suddenly put his hand out. No one knows what happened, but by the time Aura was only two feet away, she was thrown clear across the arena and out of the ring by Blur’s Chaos Tornado.
“I...don’t know what happened, but it looks like Blur is the winner!” The announcer shouted.
“What just happened?” Swift asked in shock.
“For once, even I don’t know.” Wing said in awe.
--Geisy vs. Blur--
“And now, the match you have all been waiting for!” The announcer announced. “The two remaining fighters go head to head in one final battle. Who will win? Well we’re about to find out. Will it be our 3 time champion Blur, or his girlfriend Geisy.”
Geisy and Blur stood firmly across from each other with stern looks on their faces. The noise of the crowd disappeared from the fighters as the only thing that they were focused on was each other.
“From this point on, I will no longer hold back.” Blur said.
“Same here.” Geisy said.
“Let the final match begin!” The announcer shouted.
Blur started by going Super. The energy from Blur was surging through the arena and nearly struck Geisy down.
“Now, let the games really begin!” Blur said.
Geisy had no time to react when Blur showed off his increased speed and punched Geisy in the face. Geisy was headed for out of the ring, but stopped herself by punching the arena. Geisy’s head was throbbing. Blur went on the offensive again and swung his fist down on Geisy. Lucky enough, Geisy ran away just in time to avoid the blow. Geisy used her speed to run behind Blur and strike him in the back.
“Ahh!” Blur screamed in pain.
Blur elbowed Geisy in the face to knock her off.
Blur held out his hand and gathered a large amount of green energy in the form of a sphere. “CHAOS TORNADO!”
The green sphere burst open and created a giant tornado of energy wave directly in Geisy’s way, but Geisy stood firm. The wind blew not only on Geisy, but the wall of the coliseum. Everyone stood in shock at what Blur had just done. When the smoke cleared, half of the arena was missing along with Geisy.
“She’s lost.” Swift said.
“And that is that.” Blur said. “And with that, the winner is...”
Blur and the crowd looked up and found Geisy in the air and headed Straight for Blur.
“How did she?” Blur said in disbelief.
Geisy curled into a small ball and threw herself at Blur’s back. Before Blur could realize what happened, Geisy struck him knocking him out of the arena. The crowd rested in silence before bursting out in wild cheers.
“And that’s it, the match is over!” The announcer announced. The winner of the Fighting Cup and new champion is Geisy!”
“Congratulations Geisy, didn’t think anyone would ever defeat me.” Blur said.
“Well I learned from the best.” Geisy smirked.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (273)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (274)Subject: Final Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (275)Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:17 pm

The scene was opened at the tropical paradise of Angel Island. Using some highly advanced Nocturne technology, Decurax and the Nocturne managed to mimic the Master Emerald to allow the restored Angel Island to float again. This was all done in preparation for a big day: the welcoming of the new team members! All the heroes and their friends were invited: Big the Cat, the G.U.N. Commander, Princess Annalise, and even Lump the Cat. Rector was making sure all the arrangements were set.
“No, not there!” Rector yelled. “There’s where they will be standing!”
“I’ve never seen you act this way before, Rector.” Ebon stated humorously.
“I consider Blur my greatest rival in a metaphorical way.” Rector said. “I want to make sure that everything goes as he planned.”
“You’ve certainly changed.” Howl said solemnly. “Ever since you got a girlfriend.”
“I promised not to make the same mistakes again with my sister’s relationship.” Rector muttered.
Rector sighed and went back to the arrangements. Ebon shook his head discerningly and walked off to his seat. Rector was telling Lump to move for he was sitting on the Commander when Rain suddenly ran up next to him.
“Hey, Rector, you won’t believe who’s here.” Rain said happily.
“Huh?” Rector asked confused. “Who is it?”
Marine pointed in one direction and Rector followed her movement. As Rector turned, he suddenly found himself embraced by a blur of ocean blue. When the blur pushed away, he found it to be none other than Cancer the Crab. It’s been a while since the two had ever come in contact with each other. Last they heard from him, Cancer was lost at the North Pole.
“Cancer, I can’t believe you’re here.” Rector smiled.
“Well, I couldn’t miss a big day like this.” Cancer grinned. “I just hope you managed to save me and my friend some spots.”
“Well, we didn’t think you would make it.” Rector stated, looking through his clipboard. “I might be able to get Glee to arrange more seats for you and your friend. By the way, where is he?”
“Hello, Rector.” A calm voice said.
Rector’s eyes shot wide at the familiar sound and shot around to find Gemini. The multiplying hedgehog had been missing for several weeks, last heard from in India. Cancer found him near the borders of China and decided to bring him along for the ride, but Gemini had his doubts. The hedgehog smiled nervously, but Rector stared at him with angry eyes. Rain shivered; she had never seen Rector this angry before.
“What are you doing here?” Rector asked venomously.
“Cancer invited me.” Gemini stated. “I thought that maybe...”
“Just sit, Gemini.” Rector said coldly.
“I don’t get it, Rector!” Gemini exclaimed. “Kika manages to trust me! Why can’t you?!”
“Because I'll never forget what you did.” Rector glared.
“My friends and comrades!” Decurax preached. “We have come together for a most joyous of days! To honor our new members!”
“I think I might have a few reasons why it’s a bad idea.”
All of a sudden, a hoard of black arrows swooped down from the alter. Acting fast, Decurax jumped out and swatted the arrows away with his blades. The heroes jumped out of their seat to join their friends; the non-fighters and Big ran for shelter. As they looked up to the alter, they found the Black Flame gang seated at the top of the alter with a fragment of Apocalypse’s black emerald.
“You guys again!” Rock roared. “You picked a really bad time to tick me off!”
“Aw, quit your whining, co*ckatoo.” Dustbunny said coolly; a vein appeared on Rock forehead. “We’re not gonna be here for much longer.”
“What are you doing here in the first place?” Jasmine questioned.
“We made a little deal with Apocalypse.” Space smirked.
“I didn’t think Apocalypse would keep his end of the bargain.” Raccoon growled.
“What do you guys want from us?” Glee glared.
“Oh nothing.” Shadow Stream snigg*red. “Just decided to bring a little hell to this ceremony.”
“In more ways than one.” Skyphon laughed. “Space, activate the program that allows the Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice at the same time, now!”
Shadow Stream gathered an enormous amount of black chaos into his hands and formed his own version of the Chaos Lance. The Heroes dived away to avoid the shot and jumped back into the fight. Gemini was ready to join in, but a shadowed hand emerged out of nowhere and dragged him off into the forest. Cancer saw this and decided to chase after his friend. As the rest of the heroes charged up the alter, Shadow Stream, Raccoon, and Space sat around the Master Emerald in meditative stances.
“This technique shall take a while.” Space informed. “Provide us the time we need to complete it.”
“You got it, boss.” Dustbunny grinned.
“And be careful.” Space requested.
Dustbunny nodded and joined at Skyphon’s side as the two jumped from the top of the alter. Skyphon started shooting at every heroes he could hit with poison. Being the perfect marksman that he was, Poison was able to trap most of the heroes. The exception was Ebon, Divince, Aquos, and Jac. Ebon pulled out his new sword he received from Master Blade to block the poison, but then witnesses firsthand the abilities of his new weapon. As Howl swung his sword, the blade suddenly became a whip of light and snapped at Skyphon’s mouth.
“Now that was cool.” Jac commented.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever!” Nack cackled, pulling out a rocket launcher from his mouth. “Let’s see how you like this!”
Skyphon pulls the trigger and releases on of the rockets stored inside. Scylla took the front and fired a Pyro Sphere. The attacks exploded in the air, providing a thick cover of smoke for the heroes. Unfortunately, Skyphon had thermal senses and located some of the heroes.
“Where’s the red guy?” Nack questioned.
All of a sudden, Scylla jumped out from the smoke. He sliced the rocket launcher in half, giving a chance for The Nocturne High Praetorian, who was behind him, to attack. With Skyphon down, the heroes made a run for the three meditating villains. Unfortunately, Space saw this and released a pulse of dark energy from his body, tossing the heroes down the step of the alter.
“I asked this before and I’ll ask again.” Shadow Stream said. “Why do we have that snake with us?”
“He’s poisonous.” Space answered.
Back on the ground, Dustbunny was fending off her own problems. The traitorous ninja was faced with most of the Nocturnes. Since their last battle, Rain took fighting lessons from Rector and was putting up a fair fight.
“That’s it, Rain!” Rector cheered. “Just remember to keep your guard up!”
“Gotcha.” Rain saluted; Shira kicked her in the head. “Ow!!”
“I would suggest that you stay out of this.” Dustbunny glared.
All of a sudden, Rain flew around the bunny and tossed one of Rave’s blinding liquid’s in her eyes. Dustbunny cried out in pain as the liquid began to burn her eyes and temporarily blind her. Dustbunny tried wiping away the liquid, but shortly felt a stinging sensation at her backside. Dustbunny jumped nearly thirty feet into the air before she came to a crash landing on the ground. She glared daggers at Glee, who was laughing himself to tears from the spot where she once stood. Apparently, he used his stinger to stab at her butt.
“That never gets old!” Glee laughed.
“You filthy insect!” Dustbunny roared furiously. “That’s the last time you’ll be doing that again.”
“Oh, I don’t think we have to worry about that.” Rock said confidently.
Dustbunny raised her brow until Tech pointed to her feet. She looked down and found herself in a field of golden rings that Tech had secretly set up. She looked back and watched as Tech pulled out the trigger for the explosives; she glared at him.
“I hate you.” Dustbunny said bluntly.
Tech pushed the trigger and unleashed a swarm of explosions around Dustbunny. The strong blast sent Dustbunny to the top of the alter where she landed next to the meditative villains, unconscious.
“It’s time, my friends.” Apocalypse stated.
The heroes were picking themselves up from their battles when they noticed the deathly colored night sky above.
“What’s that all about?” Charyb asked.
“I don’t know, but it can’t be any good.” Wing said seriously.
“Look, I think something’s coming.” Alexis pointed.
She was right in a way. As the heroes stared into the red skies, a small tear began to form. Soon, more tears began to form over the skies of Angel Island. But it wasn’t just the island, but over the entire world. Just then, hundreds of figures from every shape and size began to drop from the tears. The heroes could not believe what they were witnessing. Every enemy and monster they had ever defeated was coming back from the dead. The subjects ranged from the Badnicks to the Black Arms to Shadow’s prototype, the Biolizard. Even a few familiar faces dropped in front of our heroes.
“Did you miss us?” Ix snigg*red
“Is everyone all right?” Blur asked.
“Everyone’s fine, but we still have a problem.” Geisy said.
“They’re using the Black Emerald fragment to bring back the dead.” Ryan analyzed. “As long as they supply the fragment with dark chaos, the rift will remain open we will never be able to defeat our adversaries.”
“Then we’ll just have to stop the flow.” Decurax nodded. “All we need to do is get break the shard.”
“That may be a problem.” A new voice echoed.
The heroes searched the area for the source of the voice, but found nothing. Suddenly, the heroes were forced to the ground by a heavy force. It overpowered many of them.
“It’s gravity.” Geisy grunted. “Blur, did you bring one of the arks?”
“No.” Blur strained. “Not even my Ark is this powerful.”
“Then where is it coming from?” Swift asked.
“Allow us to answer that.” Another voice echoed.
The heroes used whatever strength they had to move their heads and look up to the stone columns around the alter. As they stood up, the heroes looked up the column to see who the villains were bowing to. Each and every eye opened wide in shock as their greatest fear had become reality.
“Looks like someone forgot to invite me to the party.” Apocalypse grinned.
“Aw, crud.” Blur said.
“That’s Apocalypse, you 2 look exactly alike!” Charyb panicked.
“My brain hurts.” Scylla moaned.
“IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!” Glee screamed.
“It’s not over yet, we’re going to fight back, I’ll keep any prevent any more villains getting to the ground level, you take out the fragment.” Ryan ordered. Ryan flew into the sky and put up a barrier that trapped the villains still falling from the sky.
“Ryan’s right, it’s time we finally stop Apocalypse once and for all.” Blur said. The heroes all charged forward ready to fight.
“Flash, Delight, Selih.” Blur said.
“Right. CHARGE!” They all shouted as they became Fire Flash, Lunar Selih, and Rainbow Delight.
“PROMINENCE DANCE!” Flash shouted as his flames scorched most of the villains away.
“RAINBOW JOY!” Delight yelled as the colorful beams struck down and the villains.
“LUNARANG!” Selih said throwing his crescent shaped boomerang at the villains.
“Ready for the tag team?” Scylla asked.
“You know it.” Charyb said.
"Get ready." Light said.
“TRI SPHERE!” The gizoid family shouted as their sphere attacks generated electricity in between and took the Nocturnes out, and then the Nocturnes of the Blur Team went on the offensive and took down Ix.
“Take them out!” Groxxon shouted.
“Time to call out Nexus.” Mach said.
“Never thought we’d need him again.”
“Fu-sion-HA!” They shouted as Nexus appeared in their place.
“Oh snap!” Groxxon shouted.
“NEXUS PURGE!” Nexus shouted.
A rain of energy struck down on Groxxon and the Grox taking them all out.
“Why do I always think things go according to plan without my help?” Apocalypse asked himself.
“Because you’re a total idiot.” Blur said.
“Then bring it filthy rat…” Apocalypse trailed off noticing Geisy. “…rats.”
Blur and Geisy only responded with the eye pulling tongue out technique. Blur trailed off when he saw Geisy do it. “I seriously swear you’ve become me.” Blur said.
“Time for the double team.” Geisy said.
“DOUBLE TORNADO!” They both shouted. Apocalypse’s non-existant jaw dropped before he was struck by the attack through the chest.
“It’s over Apocalypse.” Divince said breaking the fragment. “You’re plan has been ruined.”
“No it hasn’t, the was only my semi-final phase to weaken you, now the final phase of Project: Yggdrasil can commence.” Apocalypse said before he healed his wound and disappeared. Soon after so long, the sun shined on the planet once again.
“He's going for Eclipse.” Blur said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (286)Subject: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (287)Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:34 pm

"And then he says, DUDE THAT'S CRAZY! But I never even said anything so I called an ambulance." Rave said. "I'd hate to be that guy." Ebon replied. "Though things have been getting stranger and stranger lately, Delight releasing her anger, Swift really being Swift, and Blur's other twin brother, Dash and Emily disappearing, and then Swift and Aura getting together, plus having the author with us and new team members that aren't even from this world and Divince getting a whole new body. It's like the world is going upside down." "I don't know how that's weird. The only thing I think is weird is that whenever Flash sneezes, fire comes out of his nose." Rave chuckled. Soon the area turned darker. "What the?" Ebon stuttered, he turned to see Blur; the only difference was that he was pitch black and had blood red eyes. "Did Blur get some new weird form?" Rave asked, his answer was given when the Shadow Blur punched him across the field. "I'll take that as a no." "Pathetic." S.Blur said. "Oh yeah?" Ebon asked.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA" Wing heard this voice screaming out in his mind. 'That sound' Wing thought. Geisy turned to see Blur hearing for something too. "Uh...are you guys okay?" Geisy asked. "Something's wrong, I think I heard Eclipse's voice." Blur said. "Then you heard it too?" Wing asked, Blur nodded. "Hear what?" Geisy asked utterly confused. "We said Eclipse's voice." Wing screamed. "Leave her alone Wing." Blur said.
"Who are you?" Ebon asked. "> : )" "Hey answer me!" Ebon shouted in rage. Rave and Ebon started attacking, but against the real Blur or a copy, they had no chance. Ebon used his Tri attack, but Shadow Blur threw it back at him. Rave threw his paralysis potion at him, but Shadow Blur knocked it back causing it to splash on Rave and paralyze him. Ebon got his recovery potion and unparalyzed Rave. Ebon then used his 13 swords attack, but Shadow Blur blocked them all. "NO WAY!" They both shouted. Soon Rave got his explosion potion and Ebon came up on the other side, but Shadow Blur saw this coming and jumped out of the way causing the 2 to collide with each other. "Weaklings, you couldn't hit a barn." Shadow Blur said.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA" "Did you hear that?" Delight asked. "I did, what's going on?" Alexis asked. "Something tells me we're about to get a visit." Jasmine said. Soon the shadow version of Geisy appeared. "Is that Geisy?" Alexis asked. They got their answer when they were shot by a Shadowed Chaos Tornado. "I'll take that as a no." Jasmine shouted. "Delight, go and warn Blur." Alexis ordered. "Right!" Delight shouted running off.
"I can't believe how things have gone lately." Mystic said. Running around future City. Soon he stopped when he ran into Rector and Kika. "What's going on?" Mystic looked forward to see the shadow version of Wing. "No one impersonates my friends without my permission, you Blunder Bus." Rector growled. "What does Blunder Bus mean?" Mystic asked. "Big & Clumsy." Kika answered. "I'll fight this thing. BIG BANG BLACK CHAOS CANNON!" Mystic screamed. Shadow Wing used his psychic powers to counter them all. "HOW DID I FORGET THAT!?" Mystic asked himself.
"And she didn't notice until after it put it back in the..." Rev was speaking until a explosion surrounded the place. "What the?" Flash stuttered. Soon they saw black metal everywhere. "Is this Mystic's doing?" Flash asked. They soon saw Shadow Mystic crash out of the ground; soon they were struck by his Power Metal attack. "Or a copy, that's close." Flash said.
Back with Rave and Ebon, Shadow Blur was kicking their butts to next Year. "He's too strong for us." Ebon said. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Rave cried. Shadow Blur prepared for one more attack until something hit him. He turned back to see Blur, Geisy and Wing. "Nice try Morph." Geisy said. "You could at least get the color right." Blur said. "Morph? Who's this Morph you're talking about?" S.Blur asked. "Geisy!" Delight shouted. Geisy turned to see Super Delight from behind. "Holy! There's a Shadow version of Blur too! Geisy I need you to come with me, there's a shadow version of you attacking your cousins." "Then what are these things?" Blur asked. "This double has your voice." Wing stated. "Of course, Morph can't match a person's voice." Blur said. *RING RING* Blur pulled out his arm phone to see a message. "Wing, there's a shadow version of you with Mystic, go after that one, and then tell Mystic to go help Flash and Rev who are facing a Shadow version of him." Blur said. "Right." Wing replied flying off. Rave and Ebon ran off as well while Delight and Geisy went the other way. "Who are you?" Blur asked. But the next thing he heard shocked him. "It's been a while, my loathsome copy." "No way. Metal?" "That's right, I have returned, reduced into flesh." Metal chuckled.
"YOU"RE SURE ABOUT THIS?" Tech asked. "Unfortunately yes." Wave said. "Out of everything we've seen so far, this takes the cake." Jet added. "If it's as bad as we think, we need to fix it as soon as possible." Storm finished. "Guys, we have a problem." Multis said.
Back with Mystic, Rector and Kika, Mystic had just received a small scratch from one of Shadow Wing's strange attacks, but the weird thing was it burned like a fire. "This thing could burn me just with a scratch." Mystic stated. "PSYCHIC SCREW!" The Shadow Wing turned before he got struck by Wing. "Got ya." Wing smirked. "You know anything about this Wing?" Mystic asked. "There's one of Blur, Geisy, and yourself Mystic, you better go take that one before Flash and Rev are killed." Wing stated. "Right." Mystic said before he jumped off. "You want our help?" Kika asked. "Once I need it." Wing said.
Back with Alexis and Jasmine, the Shadow Geisy was obliterating them. "SOMEONE HELP!!!" Jasmine screamed. Soon they saw Geisy firing her Chaos Tornado. "Sorry it took so long." Geisy said. "What are these things?" Delight asked. "Maybe they could be some new kind of morphing heartless." Geisy stated. Soon the 2 Geisy's were engaged in combat.
"Aqua Screen!" Rev shouted blocking one of Shadow Mystic's attacks. "Man, this thing is just as strong as the real Mystic." Flash said. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Rev said. Soon Shadow Mystic was blasted by a cannon. "Divince + Decurax = Viral." Decurax said as he appeared with his newwest body and name. Shadow Mystic fired a Big Bang Black Chaos Cannon attack at Viral who blocked it with his shield.
"I've fought villains tougher than you Metal, what makes you think you can beat me now?" Blur asked. "This." Metal said before a black flame grew around him. "What the?" Blur stuttered. "Your trying to fool me aren't you? WELL I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT!" Blur shouted. Blur shouted going into his Super form. 'I knew I forgot about something.' Metal thought.
Back with Wing and Shadow Wing, Wing had the advantage. "PSYCHIC SLAM!" Wing shouted. He smashed Shadow Wing into the ground until a cloud of dust carried him away. "What?" Rector started. "Just?" Kika added. "HAPPENED!?" Wing finished.
"Flash, stay in front of Rev while we fight, he looks a little sick." Viral shouted before the 3 went on the offensive. Soon Shadow Mystic started running forcing them to go after, they started to notice the shade was following them. "This shade must be some sort of boundary line for this thing."
Back with Geisy the fight was still going, Geisy managed to do some major damage on her shadow self, but it wouldn't go down without a fight. "Does this thing even stop?" Alexis asked. "I have no idea." Jasmine replied. Soon the Shadow Geisy prepared for a attack. Delight and Geisy got ready for it. But before Shadow Geisy could attack, some strong winds blew her away. "What the?" Geisy said. "" Delight said without a clue.
Somewhere in the forest Rock was fighting himself and Rev. "Great, I have to fight 2 of them." Rock sneered. Soon one was knocked back, Rock turned to see Furion. "Thanks." Rock said. "We'll talk later; right now we need to take these guys down."
Mystic was with Flash and the others fighting Shadow Mystic, the 4 had him cornered, though for some reason he disappeared and a long trail of burnt rubber was left. "THAT STUFF SMELLS LIKE VOMET!" Flash said, before he saw Rev puking. "Never mind."
Rock used his stretch punch against Shadow Rock, while Furion shot energy blast at Shadow Rev, the 2 then planned to finish them off, but before they could Shadow Rev was brought into the sky and Shadow Rock went underground. "WHAT THE!?" Rock asked before he also got pulled underground. "Rock?" Furion panicked.
Back with Blur and Metal, Blur and Metal clashed at each other evenly with the same attacks. "Oh great." Blur sneered. "That's right I now have all your powers! CHAOS WIND!" Metal shouted, but Blur easily dodged it. "Not all of them. CHAOS TORNADO!" Blur shouted. Metal was caught completely off guard. When it ended Metal was still standing, extremely injured, but alive. He soon shot a Poseidon wave and made his escape. Though Blur chased after him. Eventually the shade disappeared indicating that Metal was far away. Though he was soon stopped by a winged snake. "Skyphon! OH COME ON!" Blur shouted.
Flash, Rev, Multis and Mystic were running to find out where the clone had gone, though soon a cloud of dust formed together. "Hello boys." Dustbunny said. "Not this bunny agai...Ah...Ah...AH CHUUU!" Flare sneezed causing fire to come out of his noise causing Dustbunny to run to avoid being alight. "I'm leaving." Dustbunny said. "Nice timing Flash." Mystic said. "Thank you." Flash said.
Back with Blur, Skyphon was placing poison all over the place. "I love this." Skyphon said. "That idiot never focuses. I better stop his games." Soon Raccoon came and used his wind powers to remove the poison. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Skyphon yelled. "You must follow the mission's rules." Raccoon stated. Soon Raccoon and Skyphon were shot by black balls. "Mystic's the name, butt kicking’s the game." Mystic said, causing everyone in the world to sweat drop and fall over at the same time. "Come on you 2 let's go." Dustbunny said in her smoke form as she carried the other 2 away.
Metal was limping in the forest. "Looks like he actually managed to hurt me." Metal said. "Looks like you will need some assistance..." Metal looked up to see Space. "...From a gizoid." Space finished. "So how can you help me?" Metal asked. "How about I get you in an even level with Blur?" Space asked.
"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Wing screamed as he had a giant headache. "Uh...Wing?" Blur asked. "I know the source of this problem... it''s...Eclipse himself!" Wing said as the headache passed. Everyone went into a shocked state. "I knew it. Apocalypse is targeting his brother, if there's anyone he'll gain enormous power from, it's him." Blur asked. "That means he must have sent these shadow clones to distract us."
A whole day had passed since Wing's Headache gave away the mastermind of everything, the creator of the universe, Yggdrasil. Hundreds of shadow clones had been appearing and the Blur Team always could finish them, but they always disappeared before their destruction. Soon they managed to corner Shadow versions of the 7 powers. "There's nowhere to run." Swift said. Soon a giant tower popped out of the forest, and on top was another Shadow Blur, only this one wasn't Metal.
"He's here." Metal said. "It seems he found our Shadow clone vault. You better be careful." Space said. "If it will allow me to become stronger, I will do it." Metal said before crashing through the base's ceiling. "I just fixed that!" Space whined.
"This is agent Tails, Knuckles & Shadow reporting in." Tails said. "We have a new plan; we have to head to the lair of Yggdrasil." "Okay, Miles out." Tails said.
"TAKE THIS! CHAOS BURST!" But suddenly, tentacles came on them and they were all absorbed. Everyone looked up to see Metal. Soon Metal went to the top of the tower to face the real Shadow Blur. Thanks to the power of the 7 powers group, Metal absorbed him, then he put thousands of tentacles into the tower, it slowly started sinking back into the ground and once it hit the floor. Metal transformed. When the transformation ended, they saw a black furred version of Blur with inverted colored clothing. "That defied the law of physics." Wing said. "This power is amazing, from now on I won't be Metal, but I will be Luxrb! THE TRUE BLUR!" "We'll see about that." Blur shouted charging after him. "CHAOS TORNADO!" Luxrb shouted using his new signature attack on Blur knocking him back. "Since I have absorbed your Shadow clone, we're on even terms, I could easily destroy you here, but the Black Flame needs me." Luxrb said before running off.
"This is Sonic, leader of GUN SWAT force. I've been captured and need assistance and hurry up if I'm not rescued, we'll all be in dang..." Shadow read the message out loud. "We better hurry. It looks like he needs us." Knuckles said.

Last edited by Gale #1 fan on Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:14 am; edited 1 time in total

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (297)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (298)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (299)Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:10 am

Blur was running to the Blur Team base, when he arrived, Swift, Aura, and Tech were already there. "You made it Blur." Net Surfer said. "I heard the news; Rock's been kidnapped and brainwashed. Let's get through this area and go save him and stop Apocalypse."
"I wonder why we had to stay behind." Flash asked. "Blur's pretty strong on his own, but while he takes Eclipse, we need to protect this area." Kumori explained. Though while everyone was talking the Black flame gang sneaked through the tower's hole.
In the hole, the black flame gang, Luxrb and the captive Sonic and Rock were falling into the lair of Eclipse. "If we can gain trust of Eclipse when he destroys the universe, we'll still live." Space said. "I like your idea." Luxrb replied. 'To bad it won't succeed'
Back on the surface, everyone was being invaded by giant heartless, nobodies and Unbirths. "THEY'RE GINORMOUS!" Rev said. "Calm down, we can take them." Rector said before he took out one with his knockout fist. "The bigger they are, the faster they get destroyed." Wing said. Delight used her magic paintbrush and splattered her paralysis paint on them. Multis fired his Giga Cannon and took a whole field of them, but that was barely any. Alexis and Lucky were showing them the true meaning of teamwork as Lucky looked like a boomerang pinball. The nocturnes, Charyb, Scylla, Light, Thebes, Krag, Ruga and Raxos were major help in this fight. Flash used his Prominence Dance and burned an area causing the creatures in there to be trapped. Though they were out numbered, they wouldn't give up.
Back with the others. The GUN SWAT were fighting the shadow versions of themselves. But were being over powered. But soon they were enveloped in psychic energy and crushed into nothing, soon Silver appeared. "Alright Silver!" Tails shouted. "We're lucky you came." Shadow said. "Come on, we've gotta save Sonic." Silver said.
Back with the others, the heartless swarm just kept growing. Though Rector got an idea at one moment and pushed a giant boulder down from the mountain. Soon everyone saw the boulder coming their way and left to avoid being crushed. The boulder managed take out all the creatures. "BOOYAH!" Rector screamed. "Calm down Rector." Mach said. "I don't think we're done yet." Kumori said pointing at the swarm ahead of them. (A train whistle and car horn sound suddenly come out of nowhere from the other's shock.)
"This is BEYOND ridiculous! We're completely lost." Skyphon said. "Well SORRY, it's not my fault we entered the LONG way!" Space yelled. "It amazes me your group hasn't broken up yet." Luxrb said. "I don't know why, but we need to hurry." Space said. "You're too much of a worry wart." Luxrb said. "That's a nice tip, especially since I've called my team here." Sonic said. "I don't think so, Rock attack." Space shouted. "Sorry, but you've been duped." Blur said. Everyone turned around to see Blur. "Wha?" Skyphon said. "I broke Rock free a while ago and you never cared to check. You’re finished." Blur said. "Now I can stop acting." Sonic said breaking out of Shadow Stream's grasp then destroying him with a Sonic Wind. "SHADOW STREAM!" Raccoon shouted. "That's the least of your worries." Silver said showing up with the rest of GUN SWAT. "Come on dad; let's catch up with the others." Blur said before running off. "Luxrb help!" Space shouted. "No. Those who are weak deserve to die." Luxrb shouted disappearing.
"This is the final part of the maze, I just need to get past this security system." Tech said. Then a giant creature appeared. "Only this thing will be in our way. Allow me. BURST VACCINE!" Swift shouted. "Hacking system now." Tech said. Soon the door opened. "Let's go." Slime said. They soon were in a giant room and at the middle, was Eclipse covered in black flames with the black emerald stuck on his forehead. "Finally, it almost pains me to see him like this." Tech said. "Try to keep it together, your not done yet." Rock said. "So what are you gonna do?" Aura asked. "Before we can do anything we need to douse the flame around him, then use their Vaccines and finish of the virus in him." Tech explained, he tried to get close, but then Swift shouted. "GET BACK!" Eclipse fired a Chaos Screech. "He's going out of control." Aura said. "Of course, the time we took to get here has allowed the infection to get even worse. Tech, do you have a Blur program and the fusion program?" Swift asked. "Yes, but why." Net Surfer asked. "For someone this strong we'll need Leur." Swift said. "Alright. Activating fusion program." Net Surfer yelled. Soon Leur appeared. "You gonna sit there all day?" Leur asked. Eclipse answered pulling out his Celestial sword.
"Stupid GUN SWAT! They ruined everything." Space said. "We better make a new plan." "Well, well, well. Look who's here." Multis said. "NO!" Space yelled. "You sure you don't wanna talk this out? I'd feel bad that I have to hurt a girl." Flash taunted. "Get lost." Dustbunny said turning into dust and covering Flash. But Flash used his flames and burnt Dustbunny into a crisp. "DUSTBUNNY!" Space shouted. Raccoon tried to wip up a storm, but Rector squeezed the life out of him before he could. "RACCOON!" Space shouted. Skyphon attempted to poison them all, but Ebon cut through him before he could. "SKYPHON! Why did I ever wake up in the first place?" Space yelled. "Then how about I put you to sleep...for good." Multis said before firing his Giga Cannon. "I WAS LYING!" Space shouted in a girly scream before running off. "Heh, heh, heh. Your tip off was right Luxrb." Multis said. "Don't think this means we're on the same side." Luxrb sneered disappearing.
"Do you feel it yet son?" Sonic asked. "I do, it's getting stronger with every step we take. We're almost there." Blur replied. Soon they made it to the gate with the guard beast. "A little gate keeper eh. Should we ask him to open the door?" Sonic asked. "No need I've got a key, CHAOS VACCINE!" Blur shouted firing his vaccine at the beast.
"I wonder what the guys are doing." Geisy said. "I'm sure they're fine." Wing said. "I wouldn't say that for anyone." Everyone looked to see Luxrb right by them. "Luxrb!" Rev shouted. "Where's Blur?" Geisy asked. "And where's my brother?" Wing asked. "Now, now they're fine, but I should let you know that right now those 2 are facing Eclipse to remove Apocalypse from him, if they fail to stop it...the whole universe will experience its might and explode, and the outcome will be more than a few battle ashes." Luxrb explained. "That will be a big pleasure for you to see, won't it?" Mach asked. "Hold you're breath, I said the whole universe, not everywhere except where I'm standing, if Apocalypse succeeds, I'll be included in the cassaulties." Luxrb said. "You’re rooting for them too?" Jet asked. "Just have some faith for the 2, but if you wanna help..." Luxrb said opening a portal. "Then go in here." "How can we trust you?" Geisy asked. "You can't, you have to trust yourselves." Luxrb chuckled. "You're second in command Geisy, it's your call." Viral said. "We're going." Geisy said.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (309)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (310)Subject: Final Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (311)Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:37 am

Eclipse was tougher than Leur expected, Eclipse had an unlimited arsenal of attacks. And his Celestial sword was also a problem. "Are you even getting anywhere?" Rock asked. "I'm sure there'll be a opening. I've just gotta time it right" Leur answered. Soon Leur managed to find an opening and he struck Apocalypse's Black Chaos Emerald trapped on his head. But Eclipse sliced Leur down the middle forcing him back into Swift. "AURA, NOW!" Swift screamed. "AURA VACCINE!" "BURST VACCINE!" The 2 shouted, destroying the black emerald on Eclipse's head. "You did it." Net Surfer said. "Alright now I'll cleanse his mind. It will take a while for him to recover, but it's all I can do at this point." Tech tried to touch his head where the black emerald was before Eclipse shouted. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Eclipse created an explosion of energy and the emerald grew back. "It's coming back; the whole area will be engulfed." Aura said. "But why? The Vaccine should've worked." Rock asked. "Why didn't I see it before, Apocalypse may be a virus and a heartleess, but he's also a god. His power is too great for any Vaccine to cure now because he can't die." Swift said. "If this keeps up, the whole universe will be infected in minutes." Aura said. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" Tech said.
--------------New Elemarious--------------
"What's going on?" Giga said. "The fire's everywhere, nothing can put it out" Prey said. "What happening?" Zap asked. "We can't even evacuate. Head for shelter." Mantix ordered. "It's to late, there's not a place without this fire." Lash said.
"Apocalypse is at full power, I knew it." Neon said. "But this energy belongs to Eclipse." "Let me at him, I'll kill the guy." Scourge said. "He can't die, it's would be like commiting suicide to face him now."
"We have nothing left. We lost." Swift said. "What?" Tech asked. "We tried and we failed Tech. It's over." Rock said. "Everyone!" Everyone turned to see Sonic and Blur. "Dad." Swift asked. "Tech. Connect to Eclipse's mind." Sonic ordered. "Why, what good will that do?" Tech asked. "Blur's our last chance, only the key can stop Apocalypse now." Sonic said. "Let's hope that." Blur said. "Oh great...he's negative." Swift muttered. "Everyone stand back." Tech said. A wire attached to Eclipse's head from Net Surfer's hand. Soon the real Eclipse appeared in a hologram. "Look at you." Blur said. "Go away; I'm not listening to you Blur." Eclipse said. "Even for a god, you must be in a lot of pain." Blur said. "SHUT UP, STOP TALKING TO ME!" Eclipse yelled. "The voice of your brother, it's corrupting your mind like the fire that's corrupting you." Blur said. "He keeps telling me I'm useless. And that I should destroy everything to prove I'm not. I can't help but do what he says or the pain I have grows. All I've done is caused the world I created pain because of my own. I CAN'T EVEN CONTROL MYSELF ANYMORE!" Eclipse shouted. "You’re more important then you think Eclipse. If you didn't exist, no one would either, not even Apocalypse. I wouldn't even be here right now talking to you. And how could I talk to you if you were useless?" Blur explained. "What else is there for me? I'm not even a real person." Eclipse said. "I say when you have millions of people who look up to you for allowing them to live, that counts as a real person in my book, but if you keep listening to this virus that you can't see, only then will you truely be helpless. You can hold this entire universe on your shoulders I know you’re strong enough to get through this." Blur explained. "How do you know this? Who are you Blur?" Eclipse asked. "I'm just one of the things that came from the universe you created, I'm just...a hero." Blur said.” APOCALYPSE! GET OUT OF ME!" Eclipse shouted as he forced the black emerald out of his head. 'NO!' Apocalypse screamed in his mind. "I don't believe it." Rock said. "He actually stopped the universe's destruction." Swift said. "I"M NOT DONE YET!" Apocalypse shouted. The black emerald rose into the air and shattered into millions of pieces. Soon Apocalypse had reappeared with a massive amount of energy cackling around him. "What the?" Tech said. "He's absorbed so much power; he can continue the universal destruction on his own." Eclipse explained. "That's why we plan to stop you." "Even you’re not strong enough to stop me now brother." Apocalypse smirked. "That's why Blur's the one that has beat you." Eclipse said. "LIGHT SPEED DASH!" Blur shouted. As he sped towards Apocalypse, but Apocalypse soon grabbed him and started to choke him. "GAME OVER BLUR! MY POWER IIS TO GREAT!" Apocalypse chuckled. 'No...I failed, I've let everyone down, all friends I'm sorry, Apocalypse has just become to strong.' Blur thought. "PSYCHIC SCREW!" "PHOENIX FURY!" "CHAOS TORNADO!" "CHAOS LANCER!" "CHAOS SHOCK!" "CHAO TORNADO!" "SCREW KICK!" "CHAOS BURST!" "PROMINENCE DANCE!" "GIGA CANNON!" "NOCTURNES STRIKE!" "TSUNAMI GEYSER!" "JUNOIR GEYSER!" "LAVA STRIKE!" "THUNDER CLAP!" "WINDY GUST!" "BOULDER BANG!" "SUN STRIKE!" "MOON MASH!" "CHILL WAVE!" "BLACK CHAOS DRAGON!" "AQUA SPHERE!" "PYRO SPHERE!" "LIGHT SPHERE!" "(PSYCHIC WAVE!)" "BOULER BASH!" "POWER CANNON!" "ENERGY SUCK!" "STASIS GRENADE!" "LEECH BLADE!" "HELLFIRE!" "EXCALIBUR STRIKE!" "CHAOS SCREECH!" "DOUBLE KNOCKOUT!" "EXPLOSION POTION!" "LUNARANG!" "RAINBOW JOY!" "OCEAN PRESSURE!" "AURA BEAM!" "BRICK BREAK!" "MAGICAL GIG!" "EARTHQUAKE!" "NEXUS PURGE!" "NEXUS CRESCENT!" "ELECTRIC BALL!" "GRENADE ASSAULT!" "CAT'S EYE!" "SUPER STING!" "MAGIC BLAST!" "JUDGEMENT!" "GIGA IMPACT" "UNDERWORLD CURSE!" "TRIPLE KICK!" "BURN BABY BURN!" "MAGNET CHARGE!" "SPLITTING SPIRIT SWORD!" "BOMBS AWAY!" "DARK CRUSH!" "SHOOTING STAR!" "SONIC WIND!" "TAIL TORNADO!" "HEAT VOLCANO STRIKE!" "CHAOS OBLITERATE!" "TELEKINESIS CRUSH!" "TIME BREAK!" "HAVE SOME RINGS!" "I AM NOT FAT!" "DESTINY DESTROYER!" "WHITE CHAOS BLAST!" "SPEAR WIND!" Apocalypse screamed as he was hit with a fury of attacks. Blur looked and saw every one of his friends and allies. "Guys." Blur stuttered. "We've stuck with you in every battle, and we're going to stick with you here." Wing said. "We can't just let you die like that." Rock smirked. "Like you say Blur, nothing's impossible if you just try." Geisy said. "SO YOU ALL WANT TO DIE TOGETHER!" Apocalypse said. "Your time is here Apocalypse, I will destroy all that has tainted you." Soon Blur's eyes turned blue and his fur turned white. "PREPARE TO FIGHT HERO BLUR! Get ready Apocalypse, your evil days are over." Blur shouted. Apocalypse fired every single one of his attacks at once, Blur didn't move and took the hit of every one; Apocalypse smirked, but gasped when he saw Blur still standing. "That isn't enough." "So I've got a challenge." Apocalypse said. "Well you'll still lose, so I think I should give you my final explaination before you die. You see..." "In a way you are my brother, but in a way you also aren't. The truth is me and him both created the universe. BUt soon a virus was born in and in enslaved you. THe virus was named Apocalypse." Yggdrasil said. "So you haven't forgoten about how I took over you're twin brother Journey." Apocalypse stated. Evetyone gasped at this. "Pretty intresting on how one god brought me here." 'NO! YOU WON'T USE ME FOR THIS ANYMORE!' "What?" Apocalypse shouted as he saw a hand of energy came out of his stomache. "Impossible! Journey's breaking free from my grasp!" Apocalypse shouted as his left hand turned into his dragon hand. Soon Journey broke free from Apocalypse and Apocalypse returned to his dragon body. "You mind if I have my body back?" Journey asked. "Take it, I won't need it to stop him." Blur said as he dispatched his hero form and gave it to Journey restoring his body which was Blur's Hero form. "It's time you pay for the destruction you've caused. EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE! I NEED YOUR STRENGTH! GIVE IT TO ME SO I CAN DESTROY APOCALYPSE ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Blur shouted.
All around the universe, people we're sending all their energy to Blur, knowing together they'd have to fight and destroy Apocalypse for good. From New Elemarious, to the Underworld, to anywhere you could think of. In Blitz's time, he and the Blur Team 2 were on the edge of their seats watching the battle. "COME ON DAD! YOU CAN BEAT HIM!" Blitz yelled.
All the energy entered Blur's fist causing it to glow in a bright light. "Swift, Aura. The vaccines." Blur yelled. Swift and Aura threw their vaccines to Blur as he brought his own out and put all 3 into his fist. "What do you think you'll accomplish? Your dream of being the world's greatest hero?" Apocalypse taunted. "That's not my dream at all Apocalypse, in fact you’re not even 90% close. My dream is to be one simple thing...myself, and all I need to do to be that is what I always have been, a defender for all peace and harmony. NOW IT'S TIME FOR YOUR END APOCALYPSE!" Blur shouted as the light of his hand grew brighter. "TRINITY LIMIT!" The light from Blur's hand split into trillions of beams. Soon each one of them passed right through Apocalypse. Apocalypse screamed in pain so loud that no one did not hear it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGH!!! WHY? WHY? WHY DID I LOSE TO A FILTHY WIMPY RAT LIKE YOU? I HAD MORE POWER THAN ANYONE ALIVE! I AM AN INDESTRUCTIBLE FORCE OF NATURE! WHY?" Apocalypse screamed and asked. "Because there are 3 things I had that you didn't...Unity, the power of your friends; Duty, the Courage to do what you must; and Destiny, the Hope that will drive you torwards your goal." Blur said. Those were the last words Apocalypse ever heard as he became nothing. Soon a Heartless, Nobody and Unbirth symbol appeared and they all dissignigrated. Soon every heartless, Nobody and Unbirth had been destroyed, while all the Heartfull, Somebodies and Rebirths returned into who they once were. "So this is why Apocalypse was so evil. He was the first Unbirth, Heartless and Nobody. In other words, he was living darkness." Swift explained. "He lusted for the ultimate control, not caring for anyone or anything in his way." Journey continued. "Having no choice on this as fate chose for him." Eclipse added. "But in the end, all of this caused his own demise." Blur finished. "No matter how deep darkness is, there's always a light to prevail through it, and from what I've seen today, you hold the brightest one of all." Eclipse explained.

Gale #1 fan
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Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (321)
Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (322)Subject: Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Series Sonic Chronicles: The Series - Page 11 (323)Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:22 pm

Legend of the Blur Team: The Blur team is a group of teenagers bent on protecting the planet, they've beaten enemies from the malevolent Egghog to the heartless virus Apocalypse and learned about the existance of god named Eclipse with his twin who had been used as Apocalypse puppet for all those millenia, Journey; but little do thhey known of the challenge that awaits them next.
"Are you sure about this?" Wing asked.
"Absolutely, this is the only Dark emerald left. So the thieves have to come here to get it. When they do - we'll be ready." Rock explained.
"Why not just take the emerald and hide it?" Wing asked.
"This way we can tell Blur who it is." Rock said.
"Oh, of course." Wing sighed.
Suddenly black creatures rose from the ground.
"That was quick." Rock said.
"Shh..." Wing said.
The creatures went for the emerald and then Wing sprung the trap.
"Told'ja it would work." Rock said.
"Uh Rock." Wing said as the creatures went back into the ground and came back up outside the trap.
"Only a heartless can do that, and it looks just like Blur." Wing said.
"So they're Hlurs hey, allow me. FIRE PUNCH!" Rock shouted taking out the 'Hlurs.' "Weaklings, but how can there be Blur shaped heartless when Apocalypse is gone?"
"Maybe someone recreated them." Rock turned around to see an Orange hedgehog that looked just like him, only he had a scar on his eye. "I am Steel, you will be KO'd by me."
"I don't get KO'd" Rock said.
"Oh, then maybe you'll expect...BUNGEE PUNCH!" Steel shouted knocking out Rock.
"We retrieved the Dark emerald Steel."
"Good job Hlur 001. Bring Rock with us, he could be some use to Luxrb." Steel said.
'Uh oh, This is the worst time that Blur could get sick, I need to get Geisy, and quickly!' Wing thought as he ran away.
Geisy was running around in Green Hill zone minding her own business when her communicater went off.
"This is Geisy, come in." Geisy said.
"I'll head back to base as soon as possible." Geisy said.
Geisy starts running back torwards the base when a armadillo charges at her and misses barely.
"Wing, the animals are attacking me, what's going on?" Geisy asked.
"I'm scanning some kind of signal, but it's to blurry for me to fully hear. Well I guess you'll need something to lure off the animals, I get Scylla over there immediately." Wing said.
Unknown to Geisy, Steel was on the cliff above her with some kind of giant block with a fire symbol on it, soon he threw it done.
"What the?" Geisy stuttered.
"I think a Hlur or that Steel guy is trying to block your path." Wing said.
"I can't go around, under, over or through this, I'm trapped." Geisy sighed.
"The block has a fire symbol, it might fall if it's struck with a fire attack, lucky Scylla's just showed up." Wing said.
Suddenly on the other side of the block Scylla showed up and fired a Pyro sphere at the block shattering it.
"Hey Geisy, nice to see ya." Scylla greeted.
"Not right now Scylla, We've gotta get back to the base." Geisy said.
"Huh?" Geisy asked.
"Blur's personality has been rubbing off on you, but Scylla's right, being faster then most of us, you and Blur have the tendacy to rush things. That and things have gotten screwy being since we defeated Apocalypse for good a year ago, no other evils have really showed their faces which has thrown us off a little." Wing explained.
"Oh, sorry." Geisy said. "Well we need to save Rock soon, so we have to hurry anyways."
"Good point there." Scylla said.
The 2 ran off torwards Future City to get back to base when suddenly. "Hold it." The 2 looked up to see a Hlur, the name was given away as he looked like a heartless, but he also looked like Blur.
"If you want to get any further you'll have to beat me, Hlur 003." Hlur 003 said.
"Any advice about this creature Wing?" Geisy asked.
"Rock was able to beat these guys easily, it was Steel he lost to." Wing explained.
"Shut up and fight." Scylla said.
"Hi yah!" Hlur 003 shouted jumping at Geisy, but he fell into the ocean after Geisy tripped him.
"You haven't heard the last of..." Hlur 003 said before a shark started to chase him.
"Well that was a lame obstacle." Geisy joked.
"I'm sure even a germ could pass him." Scylla said.
"You can joke around when you get back here." Wing said.
"Sorry, we're coming." Geisy said.
"Okay Wing, we're here, so can you explain the situation?" Geisy asked.
"Well about a week ago one of the Dark Emeralds disappeared. Rock thought we could capture them by using the last Dark Emerald as bait, but then Steel overpowered him." Wing explained. "And from what I heard, he works for Luxrb and so do the Hlur."
"Do you think?" Geisy asked.
"One of the Metallix Gang members? I think he is." Wing said.
"Well why don't we infrom the commander about this?" Scylla asked.
"We're on our way." Wing said.
They 3 go outside where they see Charyb.
"Hey guys, I see you're all ready, let's head for GUN headquaters." Charyb said.
"We expected something like this when Luxrb showed up, we just didn't know how long it would take." The commander said.
"And it was at the worst time. When Blur just happened to get sick." Charyb said.
"And the others are everywhere else, you'll have to find them if you want more help. But right now, I think you should head to Egghog's old bases, I think this could also be Nega's doing." The commander said.

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