The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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3 The Kentucky Post Saturday eb 15 1975 Penal code wording crucial Stakes high in gamble case Where in the World but OPEN NIGHTS I AND SUNDAYS I MANAGER SPECIALS iiuiuimijiuuiiii iuiwwiiBMmMTCTnMnBmroirrTiaJU'L jijiliil ri'CLi 'Ti in 'Lirxiiijn'nrmTOTJ PRICE BOOK VALUE 495 a 588 VALUE I LIMIT 1 1 GOOD THRU 21875 Russian roulette? Police 1 still probe Ruppee death REG 447 (GOOD THRU 21875 i M8405 Grape limit i GOOD THRU 21875 246 Lafayette 5 a alter budget wants to State 8280 NEWPORT UT0N1A WRIGHT VITALIS WITH 7 1 7 OUNCE REG 138 6 BLADES Zone purge slows work rom Page One a REG 147 REG 49 Stab victim arrested here rom Page One NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT REG 129 WHILE THEY LAST LIMIT 2 4 WALGREEN ft 4 WALGREEN COUPON WALGREEM coupon: VALUE 1566 a REG 609 a a a a a al aa aa aa aa a ai a a a a a a ai NEWPORT LATONIA WRIGHT ALL STORES WALGREEN couponI NEWPORT DEL! OBIT deficiencies in the current procedure for allocating state money Russell McClure deputy commissioner for inance and Administration said are not talking about the VIEW MASTER GIR PACK II la ir ii feel being a builder gives you more perspective to the job and I know first hand what the problems are" Kirby and McBee were replaced by Paul Kroger an independent builder and Herbert Booth lorence Dr Roger Augenstein Walton veteri narian resigned his position on the board in late 1973 after he moved from the Walton city limits Walton council replaced him with Byron Kent a trucker CONTAINS VIEWER PLUS SCENES Cincinnati police riday in an apparent mistake arrested one of boyfriends due to within the depart hicnt a tfomocide detective said Adding even more weight to the upcoming decision is the fact that many lawyers think the law is vague and possibly unenforceable In fact they contend it may he so vague that it's unconstitutional Murphy acknowledged he's about that That specter of Murphy declaring the law unconstitu tional is awesome The ruling would affect only Newport the limits of but it would effec tively strike down the law prohibiting gambling until the General Assembly could write another one or until a higher court would overrule Murphy There are even more implications to such an action constitution itself prohibits all gambling but pari mutuel betting on horse races The law in question from the penal code is one of several that executes the constitution If Murphy strikes down the law to satisfy require ments of the US Constitution his action will leave a void where the Kentucky constitution says there shouldn't be one guess what would be the upshot of that situation So important does Murphy consider this test case that when Turner appear last Thursday for his hearing the instead of trying the case in his absence continued the case until eb 20 we can hear his side too" If Turner show then Murphy told Det Clark him know face contempt charges as well as what's here now And be in lots of DELI CLOSES AT 8 PM LIMIT 2 LBS RANKORT (UPI): A state finance official told a legislative committee Thurs day that the Carroll adminis tration is not planning to do away with program budget ing but only wants to correct ST Mi SMOKED METT SAUSAGE Newport police by no means consider the case closed although they lean toward the sui cide or Russian roulette theory Late riday Bishop dispatched Det Capt John wamdon to interview some people whom he would not identify in connection with the case while Det Earl Roesel was trying to trace ownership of the revolver that killed Ruppee Bishop acknowledged police have picked up rumors that more is involved in the case than suicide not satisfied at all with what Bishop said trying to track everything the Roesel added getting are But Ruppce's mother Comellia with whom he Jived at her home niib Serratt who served on the commission seven years reappointed by lorence City Council late last year His reappointment came from the county ii A story in The Kentucky Post Sept 27 1973 showed that Serratt had missed 20 of 30 meetings held that year Serratt said that his absenteeism was one of the why he reappointed my job is not as taxing now and things are a little said Serratt who is department manager at Celotex Corp Cincin nati lorence City Council appointed Greene an electrician of 47 Kathryn Ave lorence to replace Serratt Last January State Rep Bill McBee who was on the Commission four years was not reappointed because the fiscal court took the position that a real estate agent can be subject tocriticism just because of his profession I feel that I was an asset to the Com mission in that I have lived here all my life co*kE OR SPRITE 1 6 OZ RETURNABLE BOTTLES 11? GOOD THRU 21875 Bellevue believe either suicide or Rus sian roulette are behind her death certainly do she said strongly in no depressed mood or nirfViinrT chr cnirl hp YalVnrl nhntlf mostly was getting some kind of job and gjl going back to school Until last summer Ruppee was enrolled in an auto class at Stowe Adult Cen ter Cincinnati but was disqualified he got sick and allowed only so many times absent" Mrs Ruppee said he planned to go The last time Mrs Ruppee saw Michael alive was 6 pm Sunday been here since riday hardly set foot out the Ruppee left Sunday evening with Wayne Bowman and another friend Bowman has since been arrested on an armed robbery charge and is being held in Erlanger jail As for Russian roulette Mrs Ruppe said think Michael had more sense than that As far as I know he was afraid of current biennial budgeting in a derogatory manner we just want to correct deficiencies beef it up improve it" McClure appeared before the Interim Appropriations and Revenue Committee to ll NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT I Sfniths I BY WILLIAM RUEHLMANN Roving Reporter I The members of the surviv ing family of Marion Lee Smith at 1605 Holman Ave Covington have been the re cipients of much kindness from neighbors well wishers hnd friends I Smith died suddenly leav ing his daughter Anna 28 and son Kenny 14 who were stricken with muscular dys trophy in infancy and his wife Martha 52 ailing with cancer A Neighbors immediately donated $75 to assist with the financial difficulties of the Smiths The union at the Kent Corp Grandview and Lafay Sts Bellevue collected $200 and the workers there Supplied an additional $95 In response to The Ken tucky eb 13 story on the Smiths the employes of edders eed Co 16tii and Russell Sts Coving ton sent $49 and Depts 25 and 70 of the United Auto Workers in Norwood con tributed $14315 gMany other interested citi zens responded Among them were: Mrs Loretta Bricklcr of 527 Sandford St Coving ton Mrs Jean Macke 3126 Madonna Ln Edgewood and Mrs Gray 6490 Sugar Tree Dr Independence Anonymous gifts continue to arrive at the Smith home hit St foWwfffa NA I Neighbors ELECTRIC HEATER NOW ONLY NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT MORTON HOUSE CHILI REAL GOOD 15 OZ CAN REG 2588 GENERAL ELECTRIC TAPE RECORDER crs The young woman gave her address as the Afina Louise Inn Residence or Women 300 Lytle Cincinnati and said the top floor of the Ccrvington Kenton County Bldg was the third jdfl she'd been in 15 She was on her way to lorida with a boy friend she said but he was arrested for not having a license some 360 miles south The man arrested in Erlanger with her Whs not taken to Covington but made bail NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT ASH TRAY GLASS CRYSTAL CUT NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT KEEBLER COOKIES BAG 1OO Supporting the police theory about the kill ing is the fact that five live 22 cal bullets were found beneath Ruppee's body The gun itself was found nearby In the chamber was only one shell casing from the 22 cal bullet lodged in skull Wayne Anthony Bowman 19 of 407 Newport was arrested early riday for the handgun holdup of Howard John son motel and police believe his companion in the stickup was Ruppee Mrs Cornelia Ruppee mother said police found a pistol with her dead son which apparently belongs to Bowman Bowman denies it He's being held on $10000 bond in Erlanger jail pending his police court trial Tuesday Ki POLAROID 108 ILM NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT PRINGLES TWIN PACK POTATO CHIPS! I was having a nicotine she told jail hom*ocide investigators refused to release uie man name noay nignt James Ambrosio 27 a factory worker at the Liebel larsheim Co a Cincinnati ray table manufacturing firm was a friend of His mother Mrs James gave The Cin cinnati Post a picture of Pam to run in the paper D' Ambrosio intermittently lives with his parents at 213 Applewood Dr Lakeside Park Cincinnati police believe Jessie Deitsch 21 whom they arrested Thursday and placed on $100000 bond is the man they want in con nection with Pam's death The man according to Johnson Bonding Co who made Pam's bail in Covington is Mike Itschner of Harrison Hall a Cincinati men's residence Itschner could not be reach ed for comment I NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT I 4 I mSTERCRAT I HEATING PAD 3906 and knew more of what was going on in cer tain areas than the others did" said McBeeHe added his profession did not effect his decisions and that he missed serving on the Commission Bob Kirby who has served on the county commission since 1966 was also not reappoint ed by the court miss being on the Commission and be lieve it is important to have qualified people on the Commission who will have the interest and said Kirby a builder and develop er BY BERT WORKUM Kentucky Post Suff Writer i are high in a gambling case before New port Police Judge James Murphy i And a lot of people in Newport and throughout Camp bell County are waiting for decision At issue is a charge of permitting gambling on the premises against Jess Turner 41 of 701 Isabella St New port operator of the Westside Club at that same address 1 Newport Police Det James Clark arrested Turner when the detective found him and some friends playing poker at the club Jan 10 Clark acknowledges the game was just a one with no one taking a cut off the top I But the law in the new penal code which outlaws per mitting gambling on the premises doesn't make any dis tinction between the friendly game at a house and a game of cut throat in the back room of the saloon down the street Nor does the law specify that the premises involved nqed apfplies 1 be premises before the law And therein lies the not only for Murphy but for anyone thirst ing for a good game of five card stud i decision in the case will determine whether gambling may be permitted anywhere for any reason in Newport And by since it will be the first case in the state since the penal code went into effect it will become a legal precedent throughout the state LIMIT 2 Ml (GOOD THRU 21 875' I (GOOD THRU 21 875i explain the Ef plans for the state budgeting ga I process and to clear up mis ra I conceptions about remarks made by Gov Julian Carroll Carroll said in a radio interview two weeks ago that he planned to change pro gram budgeting and some quarters interpreted the governor to mean he would do away with program budget ing The 1974 General Assembly adopted the new method of allocating state money at the request of former Gov Wen dell ord State funds were allocated for the current bien nium on the basis of pro grams such as eradication of measles instead of by agen cies and departments McClure said the idea of appropriating money on the basis of programs is good but an accounting system accom panying the 1974 measure pre vents the finance department from keeping a tab on what money an agency is spending want to know how much an agency has spent of the general fund money allo cated it of agency receipts and of federal McClure said need the program definitions but we also need a control he said executive department of fi nance is operating in a vacu um it has no McClure said the Dept of inance is going back to the various state agencies to give them data on dollars spent and where it came from for this fiscal year and that beginning at the first of the next fiscal year July 1 the department will go back to separate income accounts and separate allotment accounts McClure agreed with com mittee chairman Rep Joe Clarke Danville that status reports the state agencies have to submit under the budget law should be sent back if they are insufficiently prepared However McClure said any rejections should be in a posi tive vein the first time with nririirinnal miestinns or suff cestions since the agencies imit i II had no guidelines for prepar fcjLgood thru 21B75 ALmoocd thru 21 875 ing the reports OfALGIIEENjf BY BERT WORKUM Kentucky Post Staff Writer MIKE RUPPEE may have been playing Russian roulette Monday morning when the shot that ended his life was fired as he sat in the living room of 409 York St Newport got now indicates that suicide" said Newport Det Chief Clyde Bishop conclusive proof we Bishop cautioned Ruppee was barely breathing when the sharp report of the pistol shot awoke Gloria Capek 21 of the York St address as she lay asleep on the Ruppee died at 9:15 that morning NEWPORT UTONIR WRIGHT GRAPE JELLY 18 OZ REG 83 I I I I I I I I I I OLDING BED OR TABLE YOUR CHOICE LIMIT 2 GOOD THRU 21875 BLACK DECKER CORDLESSELECTRIC GRASS SHEARS NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 2 ROLL PACK LIMIT 1 PK VALUE TERRARIUM LITTLE GENIE BOTTLE SHAPED REG 549 NEWPORT UTONU WRIGHT MORTON HOUSE OVEN BAKED BEANS 16 OZ REG 43 MORTON HOUSE BAKED BEANS 16 OZ II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II GOOD THRU 21875 Ireck I sr HE3G2HW st BM gM IS ui 1 1 Bl 7 HE 1 1 uR I 98 Bria I ii iM I K'frve Ei Kd I Ml Il' Vil I IJI I i 1 1 CsaQ EH I I ta aD 1 II I I I 4 1 Vift ArfR SVSeIm I wk fen rOo I IsKr I txrS5 SL psa iBU DLl BN PM BK1 fiW 5 WflM MM Si 'wM IIH E0r Eli KI MOfe IIS i Im Bl KS3 Eiq I I EtJ na rail I IlWk Sr 1 1 I 1 Hr rsmi Ha Mi m2 i88? I I I If" rally 1 11 1 Ml S3 Ul I I 11 1 LIMIT 1 ill I wwrtiiiaiiiiiijpmiai als i I Vitalis: 1 1 ns i 1 1 1 LIMIT 1 (GOOD THRU 21875 wugreen i 1 TisMr'sa ra 1 rag km i S8 MB HI irf Ml Ml MIL la A jiaa nr yx XI fPOvZ WKS limit 1 ra ra ai i I llx 1111 "ira ji am xj IB WALGREEN I COUPON Mf wmasterHchatge I KM TWfWTSr IM iMM IM IM7 i Ye WALGREEN Ufl WALGREEN Hl coyroN WALGREEN Coupon i1 1: I 0 I.

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The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.