Post pictures of your next or newest instrument/gear purchase(s). (2024)

Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

Uncle Boogeyman posted:

I really gotta get an HM2 already. I keep lowballing em on eBay and letting em get away.

I'd love to get an FZ-2 to gently caress with, but the going price for them is like $140 right now and gently caress that noise.
#¿Jan 15, 2017 22:34
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#¿Jun 17, 2024 22:57
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

Southern Heel posted:

Behringer SF300 is a clone of the SuperFuzz, which is what the FZ-2 is built from, I used it for a while and it certainly did what it said on the tin, but I found the plastic lovely enclosure was grating, so I sold it and got a DOD Carcosa which goes from FZ-2 to FuzzFace to Big Muff relatively easily Post pictures of your next or newest instrument/gear purchase(s). (5)

I'm always weary about picking up a non-metal pedal which is why I'm reluctant to get the behringer, so maybe the waza people do something with the FZ line since the only fuzz boss has out right now is the cmos one.

Until then the MXR variac fuzz looks interesting since I'm in the market for a fuzz.

#¿Jan 16, 2017 18:07
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The Muppets On PCP posted:

the only cancer eddie had in the 80s was valerie bertinelli

speaking of the 80's, just picked one of these up

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the distortion reminds me of the second setting on the DS-2 but the lovely 12 bit (re: loving amazing) slap back and chorus on it nails more hair bands than a 20 year old groupie with daddy issues

Gringostar f*cked around with this message at 06:25 on Sep 3, 2017

#¿Sep 3, 2017 06:18
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Gorewar posted:

I'm an adult and I bought this guitar, send help

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*sends you a metal zone*
#¿Sep 29, 2017 00:04
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so im in the market for both a non muff fuzz and a wah and the ehx co*ck fight ticks both boxes along with making my inner 8th grader grin like an idiot

anyone know of a reason why i should/shouldn't get one?

#¿Oct 10, 2017 22:32
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Wark Say posted:

Oh, is it pedal confession time already? OK, I'll bite. Even as a semi-retired recording engineer who has considerably downsized the amount of equipment he owned (went from having to rent a storage space to have every piece of musical equipment I own fit nicely in the "free room" of my studio), I've had a hard time getting rid of my pedals. I have like 60 or so "dirt boxes". The grand majority of the pedals, including the rest of the pedals I have, were bought used / non-functional. Most of them were easy fixes because one thing I learned is that most gringos are lazy as gently caress if they have money. Hell, same goes for most of my "boutique" expensive heads/combos: Like most of the "fixes" was just fixing a cable, a bias adjustment or popping in a new tube / set of tubes there.

Well, even with all that, and to make a long story short, 99% of the time I only ever use 3 pedals for dirt: A Fulltone OCD (and the "supposed" clone, the EHX East River Drive), the Xotic BB+ and an Electro-Harmonix Soul Food. And that's for the studio or when I play with my metal band. For the other band, I don't even bother and just use the "Solo" function of my amp or the sounds from a 4-Cable'd POD HD500.

ive found im the same way

i tried a mz-2 for my metal sound but i mostly just liked it for the chorus/doubling but since it sounded like rear end on the red channel of my dsl i flipped it for a ps-2

now i just use an mf boost that's always on and switch between the high boost for the green channel and low boost for the red channel since it also adds a bit of compression along with being a volume pedal

#¿Oct 27, 2017 18:54
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H13 posted:

Guitars are meant to be played in an unpredictable live environment. If you don't design your guitar to withstand some rock and roll abuse, you're doing it wrong.

Nevermind that over the past 10 years I gigged this guitar maybe 6 times and for the past 5 years or so it's done nothing but studio work.

ive never gigged my strat and probably never will

gently caress gibson

#¿Nov 4, 2017 00:44
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Dang It Bhabhi! posted:

They all use Dr. Z amps. Every single one of them.

or matchless

an ac30 if you're lucky

#¿Dec 28, 2017 22:54
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

MrSargent posted:

I bought a Boss OS-2, CH-1, and RV-6 to hook up to my Korg Minilogue Synth and TR-8 Drum Machine and am having a loving blast. The OS-2 sounds incredible on 808 Kicks/Snares and the Chorus/Reverb really helps widen out the Mini.

Now that I have severe pedalitis, I was thinking a fuzz would work really well with the Minilogue and was wondering if anyone had any feedback on using a fuzz with a synth.

muffs work best on synths, fuzz faces are great, octavias are mostly good but might not be what you're looking for

tonebender, maestro, super fuzz aren't great since they tend to cut a lot of the good parts of what a synth is putting out, but boutique versions usually do a lot of fix those issues

for a first synth fuzz you really can't go wrong with a muff though

#¿Jan 17, 2018 09:35
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

MrSargent posted:

Thanks for the feedback guys! Think I’m going to go for a muff based on the recommendations. Is there one in particular that I should grab around the $100 range? I think if there is such a thing I would want one that had decent low end presence since I think bass lines on the Mini would really benefit from it.

the russian big muff is a solid choice, op amp or bass would be other good ones, either of the cheep tc ones (honeypot is muff, rusty is fuzz face), caracosa is on the high end of your price bracket but would be good, and also look at a rat even though it's thought of more as distortion.
#¿Jan 17, 2018 19:31
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

Danyull posted:

After almost a decade of only using a multi-pedal and VSTs, I used some of my tax return to finally get my first actual pedal, an EarthQuaker Hoof.

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Is this the part where I go insane filling out an entire pedalboard?

just go really, really slow and try not to get sucked into the boutique black hole for everything and you'll be fine

cheep pedals are often times the best pedals

#¿Apr 24, 2018 23:02
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

Danyull posted:

When I set out to buy a fuzz pedal I was actually looking around for a Danelectro French Toast, which admittedly would have been considerably cheaper. I bought the Hoof at the last place I stopped at after trying it out along with a few others. I'm definitely not looking to drop that much on whatever else I might get, it was mostly just my excitement to finally have something non-digital coupled with an aversion to ordering something online without getting to hear it in person first.

look into the tc electronic $60 pedals

they're dirt cheep, built like a tank, and about 1/2 of them are really loving good for the money

#¿Apr 25, 2018 04:58
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betterinsodapop posted:

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late 90's early 00's mexican strats are loving magical and even though mine is my first and only nothing else has ever felt as comfortable playing

i will say the electronics aren't that great during that time frame but that's easily remedied if you want

#¿Jun 4, 2018 05:40
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Nov 12, 2016
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Sockington posted:

Mine has been this way since December 2015, after going through years of figuring out what I wanted. 2000 Mexican Fat Strat originally, that I’ve owned since 15.
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Post pictures of your next or newest instrument/gear purchase(s). (35)

I also started with a 1996 Mexi-Fender Strat with the black writing. I sold it for some dumb reason when I started buying different guitars before I even knew what I was buying. Post pictures of your next or newest instrument/gear purchase(s). (36)

maple fret board strat best strat (sorry not sorry betterinsodapop)

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i modded mine with an FS-1 in the neck, mini humbucker in the middle, and SDS-1 in the bridge about 5 years ago

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this on the other hand was just finished a week ago (kind of, need to secure everything) with the addition of the dm-2w which owns

want to get a dual expression pedal to work both that and the flange at the same time since they're on a loop

#¿Jun 5, 2018 04:49
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

hexwren posted:

I've been loving with my pedalboard setup of late and one of the most bastardly parts of the process has been wiring it all together (and the fact that my carbon copy suddenly stopped working after the severe stresses of being in the back of my car for about two hours (I don't get it either)) so I'm intrigued by these thin-and-flexible-looking cords connecting everything - where did they come from?

They're not exactly cheep, but every now and then they go on sale which is when I bought mine.

#¿Jun 7, 2018 15:10
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

Pokey Araya posted:

That board gives me anxiety. Most people freak out over a messy board, but what happens when you're playing live, and you have to troubleshoot on the fly? If all the cables are custom cut to go exactly from point A to point B, how do you re-route? I dunno, my poo poo is a mess, but it is kinda nice not having everything strapped down, nothing worse than having 100 people watching you try to fix a problem on your board.

It's actually an incredibly simple setup so there's not much that can go wrong aside from maybe something coming unplugged and that's easily fixed, plus I leave a good 1-2" extra bit of cable per run.

Signal path is guitar -> tuner (that mutes everything when on) -> MF drive -> Loop pedal -> L&R out to amps.

Loop 1 is the PW-3 into the BeeBuzz
Loop 2 is the DM-2W into the MF Flange
Third button on the loop pedal is an amp channel switch.

Expression pedals are right now hooked up to the two Moog pedals but I'll be getting a dual one that will control the delay/mod loop at the same time.

I'm thinking of putting a Sub N Up mini before the MF Drive but aside from that everything there gives me a massive range of sounds to play with with the only things I can't cover are songs with a whammy in them and post rock poo poo drowning in reverb, and even then the delay+flange combo can cover some of that.

Southern Heel posted:

Schoool me on my DM-2w - I adore the tone but I can never find a way for it to sit right.

The key is to put it in front of the amp and not in the effects loop while keeping everything in the 10-2 range unless you're going spacey, and even then keep the echo and intensity in that range.

For high gain solos the classic mode is fantastic with echo down to about 10, rate to 2 and intensity to 11. I add a very light flange after and it sounds incredible.

For a spacey delay that works great with cleans (and a heavy modulation after) set echo and intensity to 2 and get an expression pedal to sweep the rate to really open it up.

#¿Jun 7, 2018 23:21
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

Southern Heel posted:

Before the preamp? I'm typically using a boosted Marshall sound, is that still kosher?


In fact he'll yes.

I play through a DSL on the ultra gain channel while using an MF Boost and it's literally "that sound" you've heard on a massive amount of recordings (especially EVH) since a delay in front of the amp was the only option for the longest time.

Key to making it work is to keep the mix and repeats low and the time around 200-300ms so it only fills in the space between notes and doesn't turn everything into a loving mess.

In front of a clean/mild overdriven amp you can do pretty much whatever you want. Thats essentially what the edge has done for his entire career as there is no loop on an AC 30 and look how loving much he abuses delay.

If you really want to keep the sound of a delay between the pre and power amp I would get a second delay with a long rear end delay time and stick it there (digital shines here) but the DM-2W only maxes out at something like 300ms in classic mode which makes it perfect for a pre-amp delay.

You can also make it a pseudo reverb by turning the delay time really low and the repeats to the edge of self oscillation which is also fun.

#¿Jun 8, 2018 17:37
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Nov 12, 2016
Morbid Hound

GreatGreen posted:

Boosting your guitar into the high gain channel of an amp can work really well. Sending a boost into an amp isn’t only about getting more distortion, a lot of boosts actually happen to cut out a lot of bass from the guitar, which is a good thing for high gain because it means your sound will be a lot tighter and clearer, and less flubby than otherwise, even if the basic amount of distortion doesn’t change.

Not only does boosting into a high gain cut the bass to make things less muddy but it also adds some mild compression that further tightens up your sound.

The MF Boost is amazing for that since you have two modes of compression and with an expression pedal it doubles as a volume pedal.

e: all the MF pedals are great with that though since you can get a lot of use from them. I can get a nice chorus and a super weird phaser from the MF Flange by messing with the settings.

Gringostar f*cked around with this message at 21:17 on Jun 8, 2018

#¿Jun 8, 2018 20:46
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Nov 12, 2016
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so picked up three things with sales from the 4th

first was a motu ultralight mk4 to replace my mx-1 as my audio interface

second was a set of iLoud Micro Monitors since part of the deal i made with my wife was that i would do everything through headphones when i got back into music like 5 years ago

divorce loving owns

and last is this little thing which will complete my pedalboard who the gently caress am i kidding

#¿Jul 6, 2018 17:24
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#¿Jun 17, 2024 22:57
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maple>rosewood Post pictures of your next or newest instrument/gear purchase(s). (53)
#¿Jul 6, 2018 23:55
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Post pictures of your next  or newest instrument/gear purchase(s). (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.