How To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home (2025)

Nail clippers are one of the personal tools you must have for your nail care, as sharing them can harm your nail health. If you are the type that actively gets pedicures and manicures or one of your toenails has nail fungus, acquiring knowledge on how to sterilize nail clippers at home would fascinate you.

Generally, to sterilize your nail clipper at home, a simple DIY process, such as boiling your clipper, will help you disinfect and kill bacteria and fungi living on the clipper, as these germs can’t survive in a hot environment.

There are also other simple DIY methods you can use to sterilize your nail clippers at home. I will do justice to that in this article while answering different questions about sterilizing nail clippers.

How To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home (1)

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  • Why You Need To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home
  • 3 Ways To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home
  • What Is The Best Way To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home?
  • How To Sterilize Nail Clippers From Fungus
  • Final Words

Why You Need To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home

You might want to know why you must sterilize your nail clippers at home even when you don’t share them with anyone else. You need to disinfect your nail clippers at home to prevent nail infections.

When used, nail clippers come into contact with various microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. Sterilization helps eliminate these pathogens, reducing the risk of infections.

Also, sterilizing nail clippers is a way to ensure proper hygiene, i.e., they are clean and free from any contaminants. This is crucial to prevent the spread of germs and maintain overall health.

3 Ways To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home

Sterilizing nail clippers at home is essential to maintain good hygiene and prevent the spread of bacteria or infections. Moreover, this should be done anytime you use the nail clippers. I will be sharing three methods you can use to sterilize the clipper.

1. Sterilizing through boiling water

You can easily sterilize your nail clipper by submerging it in boiling water. To disinfect or sterilize nail clippers at home through this simple method, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Clean the nail clippers

Before sterilizing, make sure your nail clippers are clean. Remove nail residue or dirt by washing them with soap and warm water. Use a small brush or an old toothbrush to clean the crevices if needed.

Step 2: Boil water

Fill a small pot or saucepan with enough water to submerge the nail clippers fully. Place it on the stove and bring the water to a rolling boil. Boiling water is an effective method to kill most bacteria and pathogens.

Step 3: Submerge nail clippers

Once the water is boiling, carefully submerge the nail clippers in the boiling water using tongs or kitchen utensils. Make sure they are completely immersed.

Step 4: Boil for 30 minutes

Allow the nail clippers to boil in the water for at least 10 minutes and 30 minutes at most. This duration ensures that germs or bacteria on the clippers are effectively killed.

Step 5: Remove and cool

After boiling, turn off the heat and carefully remove the nail clippers from the water using the tongs. Be cautious not to burn yourself. Place them on a clean, dry towel to cool down.

Step 6: Dry and store Properly

Once the nail clippers have cooled, pat them dry with a clean, dry towel. Ensure they are dry before using them or storing them. Keep the sterilized nail clippers in a clean, dry place, preferably in a container or pouch, to keep them free from dust and contaminants.

2. Sterilizing with disinfectant

A disinfectant solution such as 70% isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a commercial disinfectant can be found at home, and they perform many functions, including disinfecting nail clippers.

While working to minimize direct contact with contaminated nail clippers, you can wear disposable gloves, although it is optional. To sterilize nail clippers with a disinfectant, follow these steps:

Step 1: Clean the nail clippers

Clean the nail clippers thoroughly to remove any visible debris, dirt, or fungal material. You can use a nail brush or an old toothbrush to clean the nooks and crannies.

Step 2: Prepare the disinfectant solution

Pour enough disinfectant solution (e.g., 70% isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a commercial disinfectant) into a small container or bowl to fully submerge the nail clippers. Ensure the disinfectant is suitable for sterilizing objects.

Step 3: Soak for 30 minutes

Place the cleaned nail clippers into the container with the disinfectant solution and allow the nail clippers to soak in the disinfectant solution for at least 30 minutes.

Step 4: Scrub if necessary

If residue or fungus is still visible on the nail clippers after soaking, gently scrub them with a nail brush or toothbrush while submerging them in disinfectant.

Step 5: Remove and air dry

Remove the nail clippers from the disinfectant solution after the soaking period. Allow them to air dry on a clean cloth or paper towel. Do not rinse them with water after removing them from the disinfectant, and store them properly when it is dry.

3. Sterilizing with autoclaves

Autoclaves are advanced methods for sterilizing equipment, including nail clippers, to ensure they are free from pathogens and contaminants. You can get a smaller autoclave and sterilize your clippers and other tools at home.

An autoclave is a machine that uses high-pressure steam to sterilize equipment. It’s a highly effective sterilization method. If you have access to an autoclave, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Clean the nail clippers

Begin cleaning the nail clippers to remove any visible debris, dirt, or fungal material. Use a brush or cloth to clean all surfaces.

Step 2: Place the nail clippers in an autoclave pouch

Insert the cleaned nail clippers into a sterilization pouch or wrap them in autoclave-approved packaging. This packaging ensures that the clippers remain sterile until they are needed.

Step 3: Load and run the autoclave cycle

Place the sterilization pouch with the nail clippers inside the autoclave chamber and any other items needing sterilization. Start the autoclave and run the appropriate sterilization cycle, typically heating the things to a high temperature under pressure for a specified period.

Step 4: Remove and cool

After completing the cycle, remove the sterilization pouch from the autoclave chamber. Allow it to cool down to room temperature.

Step 5: Store sterile clippers

Keep the nail clippers in their sterilized packaging until they are needed. Ensure that the packaging remains intact until use.

How To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home (2)

What Is The Best Way To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home?

The best way to sterilize your nail clipper at home is to submerge and soak your nail clipper in any disinfectant of your choice. However, the best disinfectant for this job is 70% isopropyl alcohol concentration.

Pour enough isopropyl alcohol into a small container or bowl to fully submerge the nail clippers. Then, place the cleaned nail clippers into the container with the isopropyl alcohol, ensuring they are fully submerged.

Allow the nail clippers to soak in the isopropyl alcohol for at least 30 minutes.

If residue or contamination is still visible on the nail clippers after soaking, gently scrub them with a nail brush or toothbrush while submerging them in the isopropyl alcohol.

After soaking, carefully remove the nail clippers from the isopropyl alcohol. Dry them with a cloth or paper towel. Do not rinse them with water after removing them from the alcohol.

How To Sterilize Nail Clippers From Fungus

Nail fungus is a common nail infection and can spread quickly from the infected toenail to other nails through your nail clippers. If you discover your clippers are infected by nail fungus, you should sterilize the clippers with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

These solutions are effective for disinfecting nail clippers and killing harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi that might be present on the surface.

Sterilizing nail clippers to remove fungus is crucial to prevent the spread of fungal infections. To effectively sterilize nail clippers that may be contaminated with fungus, follow these steps:

  • Clean the nail clippers thoroughly to remove any visible debris, dirt, or fungal material. You can use a nail brush or an old toothbrush to clean the nooks and crannies.
  • Pour enough hydrogen peroxide or 70% isopropyl alcohol into a small container to fully submerge the nail clippers.
  • Place the cleaned nail clippers into the container with the isopropyl alcohol, ensuring that they are fully submerged.
  • Allow the nail clippers to soak in the isopropyl alcohol for at least 30 minutes. This duration ensures that any fungus and germs are effectively killed.
  • After the soaking period, remove the nail clippers from the alcohol solution. Allow them to air dry entirely on a clean cloth or paper towel. Do not rinse them with water after removing them from the alcohol.

Final Words

Sterilizing nail clippers is a simple yet effective practice that promotes good hygiene, helps prevent infections, and ensures the safety and well-being of individuals who use them. It’s a necessary step in maintaining healthy nails and overall personal hygiene.

You can use a simple DIY method at home to sterilize your clippers, from boiling them to soaking them in 70% isopropyl alcohol. So, regularly clean and sterilize your nail clippers to ensure they are fungus-free and safe.

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How To Sterilize Nail Clippers At Home (2025)
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